This was the letter that was handed to Caesar:
I have received your note. I must have time to think, and time perhaps to get hold of the gold. Don't harm a hair of the boy's head. If so, I will hunt you to death.
P.S.--Meet me tomorrow morning at the rocky gorge at the foot of Black Mountain. Ten o'clock.
Caesar took the letter, and bent his steps in the direction of the place where he had tethered his horse. He did not observe that he was followed by two men, who carefully kept him in sight, without attracting attention to themselves.
When Caesar reached the place where he had tethered the horse, he was grievously disappointed at not finding him. One of the miners in roaming about had come upon the animal, and knowing him to be Jefferson Pettigrew's property, untied him and rode him back to Oreville.
The dwarf threw up his hands in dismay.
"The horse is gone!" he said in his deep bass voice, "and now I must walk back, ten long miles, and get a flogging at the end for losing time. It's hard luck," he groaned.
The loss was fortunate for Fred and Otto who would otherwise have found it hard to keep up with the dwarf.
Caesar breathed a deep sigh, and then started on his wearisome journey.
Had the ground been even it would have troubled him less, but there was a steep upward grade, and his short legs were soon weary. Not so with his pursuers, both of whom were long limbed and athletic.
We will go back now to the cave and the captors of Rodney.
They waited long and impatiently for the return of their messenger.
Having no knowledge of the loss of the horse, they could not understand what detained Caesar.
"Do you think the rascal has played us false?" said Roderick.
"He would be afraid to."
"This man Pettigrew might try to bribe him. It would be cheaper than to pay five thousand dollars.""He wouldn't dare. He knows what would happen to him," said John grimly.
"Then why should he be so long?"
"That I can't tell."
"Suppose we go out to meet him. I begin to feel anxious lest we have trusted him too far.""I am with you!"The two outlaws took the path which led to Oreville, and walked two miles before they discovered Caesar coming towards them at a slow and melancholy gait.
"There he is, and on foot! What does it mean?""He will tell us.""Here now, you black imp! where is the horse?" demanded Roderick.
"I done lost him, massa."
"Lost him? You'll get a flogging for this, unless you bring good news. Did you see Jefferson Pettigrew?""Yes, massa.""Did he give you any money?"
"No; he gave me this letter."
Roderick snatched it from his hand, and showed it to John.
"It seems satisfactory," he said. "Now how did you lose the horse?"Caesar told him.
"You didn't fasten him tight."
"Beg your pardon, massa, but I took good care of that.""Well, he's gone; was probably stolen. That is unfortunate;however you may not have been to blame."Luckily for Caesar the letter which he brought was considered satisfactory, and this palliated his fault in losing the horse.
The country was so uneven that the two outlaws did not observe that they were followed, until they came to the entrance of the cave.
Then, before opening the door, John looked round and caught sight of Fred and Otto eying them from a little distance.