

``Harry,'' said the professor after breakfast the next morning, ``I find we must get some more bills printed.

You may go around to the office of the Centreville Gazette and ask them how soon they can print me a hundred large bills and a thousand small ones.''

``All right, sir. Suppose they can't have them done by the time we are ready to start?''

``They can send them to me by express to the next place.''

``Very well, sir.''

Harry was rather glad to do this errand. He had never been into a printing office;but he had a great curiosity to do so ever since he had read the ``Life of Benjamin Franklin.'' If there was any one in whose steps he thought he should like to follow it was Franklin, and Franklin was a printer.

He had no difficulty in finding the office. It was in the second story of a building just at the junction of two roads near the center of the town. He ascended a staircase and saw on the door, at the head of the stairs:


He opened the door and entered. He saw a large room, containing a press at one end, while two young men, with paper caps on their heads, were standing in their shirt sleeves at upright cases, setting type. On one side there was a very small office partitioned off. Within, a man was seen seated at a desk, with a pile of exchange papers on the floor, writing busily. This was Mr.

Jotham Anderson, publisher and editor of the Gazette , and foreman of the printing office.


want to get some printing done,'' said Harry.

``For yourself?''


for Professor Henderson.''

``I've done jobs for him before. What does he want?''

Our hero explained.

``Very well; we will do it.''

``Can you have it done before two o'clock?''

``Impossible. I am just bringing out my paper. It is published to-morrow.''

``When can you have the job finished?''

``To-morrow noon.''


suppose that will do. We perform to-morrow at Berlin, and they can be sent over to the hotel there.''

``You say `we,' '' commented the editor, slightly smiling. ``Are you and Professor Henderson business partners?''

``Not exactly,'' answered Harry, amused, ``I take tickets and assist him generally.''

``How do you like the business?''

``Very well; but I should like your business better.''

``What makes you think so?''


have been reading the `Life of Benjamin Franklin.' He was a printer.''

``That's true; but I'm sorry to say Franklins are scarce in our printing offices. I never met one yet.''


shouldn't expect to turn out a Franklin; but I think one couldn't help being improved by following the business.''

``What did you do before; or was that your first situation?''

``I was pegger in a shoeshop.''

``Didn't you like that?''

``Well enough; but I don't think I should like to be a shoemaker all my life. It doesn't give any chance to learn.''

``Then you like learning?''


`Live and Learn' -- that is my motto.''

``It is a very good one. Do you ever mean to be a printer?''

``If I

get a chance.''

``You may come into my office on the first of April, if you like. One of my men will leave me by the first of May. If you are a smart boy and really wish to learn the business, you can break in so as to be useful in four weeks.''


should like that,'' said Harry; ``but,'' he added, with hesitation, ``I am poor, and could not afford to work for nothing while I was learning.''

``I'll tell you what I'll do, then,'' said the editor ``I'll give you your board for the first month, on condition that you'll work for six months afterward for two dollars a week and board. That's a fair offer. I wouldn't make it if I didn't feel assured that you were smart, and would in time be valuable to me.''

Harry stopped to consider.

``I'll come,'' said he, at length; ``that is, if my father does not object.''

``Quite right. I should not like to have you act contrary to his wishes. I suppose, for the present, you will remain with Professor Henderson.''

``Yes, sir.''

``Very well. Let me hear from you when you have communicated with your father.''

``Yes, sir.''

Harry left the office plunged in thought. It came upon him with surprise, that he had engaged himself to learn a new business, and that the one which he had longed to follow ever since he had become acquainted with Franklin's life.

When he returned to the hotel he told the professor what he had done.

``I am glad you are not going at once,'' said his employer, ``for I should be sorry to lose you. I generally give up traveling for the season about the first of April, so that I shall then be ready to release you. I commend your choice of a trade. Many of our best editors have been practical printers in their youth.''


should like to be an editor, but I don't know enough.''

``Not at present, but you can qualify yourself to become one -- that is, if you devote your spare time to reading and studying.''


mean to do that.''

``Then you will have a fair chance of becoming what you desire. To a certain extent, a boy, or young man, holds the future in his own hands.''

Harry wrote to his father at once in regard to the plan which he had in view.

``If you desire to be a printer, Harry, I shall not object,'' replied his father.

``I do not suppose it will ever make you rich. If you determine to win success you probably will. If you should leave your present place before the first of April, we shall be very glad to have you come home, if only for a day or two.

We all miss you very much -- your mother, particularly. Tom doesn't say much about it, but I know he will be as glad to see you as the rest of us.''

Harry read this letter with great pleasure, partly because it brought him permission to do as he desired, and partly because it was gratifying to him to feel that he was missed at home.

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