

``Are you going to the examination to-day, mother?'' asked Harry, at breakfast.


should like to go,'' said Mrs. Walton, ``but Idon't see how I can. To-day's my bakin'



think Harry'll get the prize,'' said Tom, a boy of ten. He also attended the school, but was not as promising as his oldest brother.

``What prize?'' asked Mrs. Walton, looking up with interest.

``The master offered a prize to the scholar that was most faithful to his studies.''

``What is the prize?''



``When will it be given?''

``Toward the close of the afternoon.''

``Maybe I can get time to come in then; I'll try.''


wish you would come, mother,'' said Harry, earnestly. ``Only don't be disappointed if I don't get it. I've been trying, but there are some other good scholars.

``You're the best, Harry,'' said Tom.


don't know about that. I shan't count my chickens before they are hatched. Only if I am to get the prize I should like to have mother there.''


know you're a good scholar, and have improved your time,'' said Mrs. Walton.

``I wish your father was rich enough to send you to college.''


should like that very much,'' said Harry, his eyes sparkling at merely the suggestion.

Just then Mr. Walton came in from the barn.

``How do you like the new cow, father?'' asked Harry.

``She isn't equal to our old one. She doesn't give as much milk within two quarts, if this morning's milking is a fair sample.''

``You paid enough for her,'' said Mrs. Walton.


paid too much for her,'' answered her husband, ``but it was the best I could do.''

``Forty-three dollars is a great deal of money to pay for a cow.''

``Not for some cows. Some are worth more; but this one isn't.''

``What do you think she is really worth?''

``Thirty-three dollars is the most I would give if I had the cash to pay.''


think it's mean in Squire Green to take such advantage of you,'' said Harry.

``You mustn't say so, Harry, for it won't do for me to get the squire's ill will. Iam owing him money. I've agreed to pay for the cow in six months.''

``Can you do it?''


don't see how; but the money's on interest, and maybe the squire'll let it stay. I forgot to say, though, that last evening when I went to get the cow he made me agree to forfeit ten dollars if I was not ready with the money and interest in six months.''

``It will be better for you to pay and have done with it.''

``Of course. I shall try to do that.''

Meantime Harry was busy thinking. ``Wouldn't it be possible for me to earn money enough to pay for the cow in six months? I wish I could do it and relieve father.''

Harry knew that if he should hire out to a farmer for six months the utmost he could expect would be a dollar a week, and it was not certain he could earn that. Besides, he would probably be worth as much to his father as any one, and his labor in neither case provided money enough to pay for the cow. Obviously that would not answer. He must think of some other way, but at present none seemed open. He sensibly deferred thinking till after the examination.

``Are you going to the school examination, father?'' asked our hero.


can't spare time, Harry. I should like to go, for I want to know how far you have progressed.

`Live and learn,' my boy. That's a good motto, though Squire Green thinks that `Live and earn' is better. ``No,'' said Mr. Walton; ``I am afraid I can't spare time to come to the examination. Are you going, mother?''


shall try to go in the last of the afternoon,'' said Mrs. Walton.

``If you will come, mother,'' said Harry, ``we'll all help you afterward, so you won't lose anything by it.''


think I will contrive to come.''

The examination took place in the afternoon.

In the afternoon there was quite a fair attendance of parents and friends of the scholars, though some did not come in till late, like Mrs. Walton. Harry eclipsed himself. His ambition had been stirred by the offer of a prize, and he was resolved to deserve it. His recitations were prompt and correct, and his answers were given with confidence. He had selected an extract from Webster -- the reply to Hayne -- and this was the showpiece of the afternoon. The rest of the declamation was crude enough, but Harry's impressed even the most ignorant of his listeners as superior for a boy of his age. When he uttered his last sentence and made a parting bow there was subdued applause, and it brought a flush of gratification to the cheek of our young hero.

``This is the last exercise,'' said the teacher, ``except one. At the commencement of the term I offered a prize to the scholar that would do the best from that time till the close of the school. I will now award the prize. Harry Walton, come forward.''

Harry rose from his seat and advanced to where the teacher was standing.

``Harry,'' said Mr. Burbank, ``I have no hesitation in giving you the prize.

You have excelled all the other scholars, and it is fairly yours. The book is not of much value, but I think you will find it interesting and instructive. It is the life of the great American philosopher and statesman, Benjamin Franklin.

I hope you will read and profit by it, and try, like him, to make your life a credit to yourself and a blessing to mankind.''

``Thank you, sir,'' said Harry, bowing low. ``I will try to do so.''

Harry received the congratulations of his classmates and others with modest satisfaction, but he was most pleased by the evident pride and pleasure which his mother exhibited, when she, too, was congratulated on his success. His worldly prospects were very uncertain, but he had achieved the success for which he had been laboring, and he was happy.

  • Dora Thorne

    Dora Thorne

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