

"Come now, you're above that sort of prejudice, aren't you?"The doctor spoke in the tone of one who coaxes a spoiled child. "Iknow how devoted you are--but Mrs. Ramy can be much better cared for there than here. You really haven't time to look after her and attend to your business as well. There'll be no expense, you understand--"Ann Eliza made no answer. "You think my sister's going to be sick a good while, then?" she asked.

"Well, yes--possibly."

"You think she's very sick?"

"Well, yes. She's very sick."

His face had grown still graver; he sat there as though he had never known what it was to hurry.

Ann Eliza continued to separate the pearl and horn buttons.

Suddenly she lifted her eyes and looked at him. "Is she going to die?"The doctor laid a kindly hand on hers. "We never say that, Miss Bunner. Human skill works wonders--and at the hospital Mrs.

Ramy would have every chance."

"What is it? What's she dying of?"

The doctor hesitated, seeking to substitute a popular phrase for the scientific terminology which rose to his lips.

"I want to know," Ann Eliza persisted.

"Yes, of course; I understand. Well, your sister has had a hard time lately, and there is a complication of causes, resulting in consumption--rapid consumption. At the hospital--""I'll keep her here," said Ann Eliza quietly.

After the doctor had gone she went on for some time sorting the buttons; then she slipped the tray into its place on a shelf behind the counter and went into the back room. She found Evelina propped upright against the pillows, a flush of agitation on her cheeks. Ann Eliza pulled up the shawl which had slipped from her sister's shoulders.

"How long you've been! What's he been saying?""Oh, he went long ago--he on'y stopped to give me a prescription. I was sorting out that tray of buttons. Miss Mellins's girl got them all mixed up."She felt Evelina's eyes upon her.

"He must have said something: what was it?"

"Why, he said you'd have to be careful--and stay in bed--and take this new medicine he's given you.""Did he say I was going to get well?"

"Why, Evelina!"

"What's the use, Ann Eliza? You can't deceive me. I've just been up to look at myself in the glass; and I saw plenty of 'em in the hospital that looked like me. They didn't get well, and Iain't going to." Her head dropped back. "It don't much matter--I'm about tired. On'y there's one thing--Ann Eliza--"The elder sister drew near to the bed.

"There's one thing I ain't told you. I didn't want to tell you yet because I was afraid you might be sorry--but if he says I'm going to die I've got to say it." She stopped to cough, and to Ann Eliza it now seemed as though every cough struck a minute from the hours remaining to her.

"Don't talk now--you're tired."

"I'll be tireder to-morrow, I guess. And I want you should know. Sit down close to me--there."Ann Eliza sat down in silence, stroking her shrunken hand.

"I'm a Roman Catholic, Ann Eliza."

"Evelina--oh, Evelina Bunner! A Roman Catholic--YOU?

Oh, Evelina, did HE make you?"

Evelina shook her head. "I guess he didn't have no religion;he never spoke of it. But you see Mrs. Hochmuller was a Catholic, and so when I was sick she got the doctor to send me to a Roman Catholic hospital, and the sisters was so good to me there--and the priest used to come and talk to me; and the things he said kep' me from going crazy. He seemed to make everything easier.""Oh, sister, how could you?" Ann Eliza wailed. She knew little of the Catholic religion except that "Papists" believed in it--in itself a sufficient indictment. Her spiritual rebellion had not freed her from the formal part of her religious belief, and apostasy had always seemed to her one of the sins from which the pure in mind avert their thoughts.

"And then when the baby was born," Evelina continued, "he christened it right away, so it could go to heaven; and after that, you see, I had to be a Catholic.""I don't see--"

"Don't I have to be where the baby is? I couldn't ever ha'

gone there if I hadn't been made a Catholic. Don't you understand that?"Ann Eliza sat speechless, drawing her hand away. Once more she found herself shut out of Evelina's heart, an exile from her closest affections.

"I've got to go where the baby is," Evelina feverishly insisted.

Ann Eliza could think of nothing to say; she could only feel that Evelina was dying, and dying as a stranger in her arms. Ramy and the day-old baby had parted her forever from her sister.

Evelina began again. "If I get worse I want you to send for a priest. Miss Mellins'll know where to send--she's got an aunt that's a Catholic. Promise me faithful you will.""I promise," said Ann Eliza.

After that they spoke no more of the matter; but Ann Eliza now understood that the little black bag about her sister's neck, which she had innocently taken for a memento of Ramy, was some kind of sacrilegious amulet, and her fingers shrank from its contact when she bathed and dressed Evelina. It seemed to her the diabolical instrument of their estrangement.

  • 坐禅三昧法门经


  • 黄箓五老悼亡仪


  • 华严法界玄镜


  • 南疆绎史


  • The Mystery of Orcival

    The Mystery of Orcival

  • 铁齿铜牙纪晓岚之飞天状


  • 凤兮凤兮


  • 烟锁相思殇红尘


  • 修真无限浪


    苏小白普通的名字普通的人生普通的经历,可惜天有不测风云就在某一天他遇上一个整天逼着我搞事情的系统之后他的人生就变得奇怪了,系统教我搞事情、教我修真搞事情·······所以别人修真需要炼体练气,他居只需要搞事情就好。‘感觉自己药丸,我的人生还有救吗?’‘少年不要放弃你还有救’苏小白‘你又是谁’ 就这样修真界第一浪出现了。
  • 心态对了,事就成了


  • 飞燕外传


  • 诱爱


  • 录外经等目录


  • 仙溪志


  • 血色谜情


    《血色谜情》由奥斯汀·弗里曼编著。《血色谜情》讲述了:保险箱里的巨额钻石离奇失踪,除了一张印有清晰血指纹的自纸,毫无线索。 而犯罪的证据全部指向保险箱主人的侄子诺柏·霍比。看似铁证如山的案件却被医师桑戴克看出了破绽,他发现失窃现场留下的指纹有一条S型的空白,这或许会是案件的转折点和突破口,于是他和搭档里维斯深入霍比家族进一步取证,正当案情渐渐明朗,真相即将浮出水面时,一双从浓雾中伸出来的手将他推向了疾驰的马车。