night, is the highest, greatest, strongest, and noblest part of human nature. And so it is. Fearfully and wonderfully made as is the whole of human nature, that fear and that wonder surpass themselves in the spaciousness and the copiousness of the human heart. For what is it that the human heart has not space for, and to spare? After the whole world is received home into a human heart, there is room, and, indeed, hunger, for another world, and after that for still another. The sun is--I forget how many times bigger than our whole world, and yet we can open our heart and take down the sun into it, and shut him out again and restore him to his immeasurable distances in the heavens, and all in the twinkling of an eye. As for instance. As I wrote these lines I read a report of a lecture by Sir Robert Ball in which that distinguished astronomer discoursed on recent solar discoveries. A globe of coal, Sir Robert said, as big as our earth, and all set ablaze at the same moment, would not give out so much heat to the worlds around as the sun gives out in a thousandth part of a second.
作为一个花痴女突然有一天看美男不流口水了是什么原因?找到真爱了?改头换面了?还是……苏青青怒吼一声“老娘是审美疲劳了!” 大龄剩女一朝翻身,左手美男册右手作弊器,穿梭于各个界面~【排雷】1、架空!纯架空!2!什么界面都有,不局限于只是现代古代(包括魔法修仙甚至末日都有可能)3、天马行空,只有你想不到没有写不到的(看到任何场面都不要惊讶!!!!)4、本书不同于女频中的其他快穿流(更像是无限流)介意的慎入会思考才能赢:人生不加框
从容地面对生活。就是不钻牛角尖。为何不坦然些呢?生活不总是期而不至,而又不期而至的吗?三毛曾经说过“成长是一种蜕变,失去了旧的,必然因此又来了新的,这就是公平!” 从容地面对生活,就是要从疑惑中解脱。只要是自己所选择的,那就是好的,只要是自己努力过的,那就是不悔的。 从容地面对生活,就是要向远处眺望,但不是好高骛远,而是脚踏实地地向前上。泰戈尔曾说过:“只管走过去,不必逗留着采花保存,因为一路上的花朵仍然会继续开放。”生活中必须有梦。即使那梦是多么的遥个可及,可是只要人生有梦,就会如雨后甘霖,香甜沁心。