night, is the highest, greatest, strongest, and noblest part of human nature. And so it is. Fearfully and wonderfully made as is the whole of human nature, that fear and that wonder surpass themselves in the spaciousness and the copiousness of the human heart. For what is it that the human heart has not space for, and to spare? After the whole world is received home into a human heart, there is room, and, indeed, hunger, for another world, and after that for still another. The sun is--I forget how many times bigger than our whole world, and yet we can open our heart and take down the sun into it, and shut him out again and restore him to his immeasurable distances in the heavens, and all in the twinkling of an eye. As for instance. As I wrote these lines I read a report of a lecture by Sir Robert Ball in which that distinguished astronomer discoursed on recent solar discoveries. A globe of coal, Sir Robert said, as big as our earth, and all set ablaze at the same moment, would not give out so much heat to the worlds around as the sun gives out in a thousandth part of a second.
上一世,黑红影后沈南音被渣男贱女所害,活活烧死在大教堂。这一世,她浴火重生,犹如凤凰涅槃,势要手撕白莲,脚踩渣男,继续红的光芒万丈。然而,重回影后道路技能升级满格,中途打小人护挚友,一路收获众多喜爱,却突然蹦出了个护妻狂魔——禁欲系总裁。某天,影后大人拿着手机听心仪CV大神的配音,一脸娇羞的赞叹道,“江大神的娇喘真动听。”一旁工作的某人抬起头,心下了然。当晚,影后大人被狠狠碾压。第二天一早,被吃干抹净的某影后,“跟自己吃什么飞醋。”(ps:感兴趣的小伙伴可加群660339034)The Case of the Registered Letter