

Figure to yourself all the contradictions, all the inconsistencies possible, and you may meet with them in the government, the courts of justice, the churches, and the public spectacles of this odd nation.""Is it true", said Candide, "that the people of Paris are always laughing?""Yes", replied the abbe, "but it is with anger in their hearts; they express all their complaints by loud bursts of laughter, and commit the most detestable crimes with a smile on their faces.""Who was that great overgrown beast", said Candide, "who spoke so ill to me of the piece with which I was so much affected, and of the players who gave me so much pleasure?""A very good-for-nothing sort of a man I assure you", answered the abbe, "one who gets his livelihood by abusing every new book and play that is written or performed; he dislikes much to see anyone meet with success, like eunuchs, who detest everyone that possesses those powers they are deprived of; he is one of those vipers in literature who nourish themselves with their own venom; a pamphlet-monger.""A pamphlet-manger!" said Candide, "what is that?""Why, a pamphlet-manger", replied the abbe, "is a writer of pamphlets-a fool."Candide, Martin, and the abbe of Perigord argued thus on the staircase, while they stood to see the people go out of the playhouse.

"Though I am very anxious to see Miss Cunegonde again", said Candide, "yet I have a great inclination to sup with Miss Clairon, for I am really much taken with her."The abbe was not a person to show his face at this lady's house, which was frequented by none but the best company.

"She is engaged this evening", said he, "but I will do myself the honor to introduce you to a lady of quality of my acquaintance, at whose house you will see as much of the manners of Paris as if you had lived here for forty years."Candide, who was naturally curious, suffered himself to be conducted to this lady's house, which was in the suburbs of Saint-Honore.

The company was engaged at basser; twelve melancholy punters held each in his hand a small pack of cards, the corners of which were doubled down, and were so many registers of their ill fortune. A profound silence reigned throughout the assembly, a pallid dread had taken possession of the countenances of the punters, and restless inquietude stretched every muscle of the face of him who kept the bank; and the lady of the house, who was seated next to him, observed with lynx's eyes every play made, and noted those who tallied, and made them undouble their cards with a severe exactness, though mixed with a politeness, which she thought necessary not to frighten away her customers. This lady assumed the title of Marchioness of Parolignac. Her daughter, a girl of about fifteen years of age, was one of the punters, and took care to give her mamma a hint, by signs, when any one of the players attempted to repair the rigor of their ill fortune by a little innocent deception.

The company were thus occupied when Candide, Martin, and the abbe made their entrance; not a creature rose to salute them, or indeed took the least notice of them, being wholly intent upon the business at hand.

"Ah!" said Candide, "My Lady Baroness of Thunder-ten-tronckh would have behaved more civilly."However, the abbe whispered in the ear of the Marchioness, who half raising herself from her seat, honored Candide with a gracious smile, and gave Martin a nod of her head, with an air of inexpressible dignity. She then ordered a seat for Candide, and desired him to make one of their party at play; he did so, and in a few deals lost near a thousand pieces; after which they supped very elegantly, and everyone was surprised at seeing Candide lose so much money without appearing to be the least disturbed at it. The servants in waiting said to each other, "This is certainly some English lord."The supper was like most others of its kind in Paris. At first everyone was silent; then followed a few confused murmurs, and afterwards several insipid jokes passed and repassed, with false reports, false reasonings, a little politics, and a great deal of scandal. The conversation then turned upon the new productions in literature.

"Pray", said the abbe, "good folks, have you seen the romance written by a certain Gauchat, Doctor of Divinity?""Yes", answered one of the company, "but I had not patience to go through it. The town is pestered with a swarm of impertinent productions, but this of Dr. Gauchat's outdoes them all. In short, I was so cursedly tired of reading this vile stuff that I even resolved to come here, and make a party at basset.""But what say you to the archdeacon T-'s miscellaneous collection", said the abbe.

"Oh my God!" cried the Marchioness of Parolignac, "never mention the tedious creature! Only think what pains he is at to tell one things that all the world knows; and how he labors an argument that is hardly worth the slightest consideration! how absurdly he makes use of other people's wit!

how miserably he mangles what he has pilfered from them!

  • 受菩萨戒法


  • 献帝春秋


  • 易外别传


  • 华严经纶贯


  • 寂光豁禅师语录


  • 失落迷城


  • 殿下盛宠令:甜心乖乖,亲一口


  • 影响中国人的十大汉字:让


  • 阡陌未染


  • 太上瑶台益算宝籍延年忏


  • 小城大爱


    Tessa Jacobson是南方小城里一名颇有抱负的作家,最近正心碎如粉:她的男朋友甩了她,带着乐队和一名漂亮的女歌手去了纳什维尔。三周后的一个周末,Tessa在餐馆等位的时候遇到了好莱坞明星Nate Wilder,并立即被他吸引。尽管仍处于心碎阶段,Tessa还是感觉到了爱情的火花,俩人开始了秘密约会。Tessa爱上了Nate,一切都似乎很完美,直到一次沟通上的误会使她突然提出了分手。又过了一段时间,Tessa的前男友回来了,请求Tessa跟他一起去纳什维尔,这样他们就能复合。
  • 后来


  • 乡情(吕伟达散文选)


  • 冷酷总裁薄情妻


  • 冰山酷爱:魔女饲养法

