

"Yes," he replied, gravely, "I judged that was it. And you told him you couldn't, I suppose. Well, dearie, that's a question nobody ought to answer but the one. She's the only one that knows what that answer should be, and, when other folks interfere and try to influence, it generally means trouble. I'm kind of disappointed;I'll own up to that. I think Jim is a fine, honest, able young man, and he'd make a good husband, I'm sure. And, so far as his business, or profession, or whatever you call it, goes, he's doin'

pretty well and sartin to do better. Of course, 'twa'n't that that kept you from--""Uncle Elisha! Am _I_ so rich that I should--""There! there, my girl! I know 'twa'n't that, of course. I was only thinkin' out loud, that's all--tryin' to find reasons. You didn't care for him enough, I suppose. Caroline, you don't care for anybody else, do you? You don't still care for that other feller, that--""Uncle!" she sprang up, hurt and indignant. "How can you?" she cried. "How could you ask that? What must you think of me?""Please, Caroline," he protested; "please don't. I beg your pardon. I was a fool! I knew better. Don't go. Tell me the real reason. Sit down again and let's talk this out. Do sit down!

that's it. Now tell me; was it that you couldn't care for Jim enough?"She hesitated.

"Was it?" he repeated.

"I--I like Mr. Pearson very much. I respect and admire him.""But you don't love him. I see. Well," sadly, "there's another one of my dreams gone to smash. However, you did just right, dearie. Feelin' that way, you couldn't marry him, of course."He would have risen now, and she detained him.

"That was not the reason," she said, in a low tone.

"Hey?" he bent toward her. "What?" he cried. "That wa'n't the reason, you say? You do care for him?"She was silent.

"Do you?" he repeated, gently. "And yet you sent him away. Why?"She faltered, tried to speak, and then turned away. He put his arm about her and stroked her hair.

"Don't you cry, dearie," he begged. "I won't bother you any more.

You can tell me some other time--if you want to. Or you needn't tell me at all. It's all right; only don't cry. 'Cause if you do," with sudden determination, "I shall cry, too; and, bein' as Iain't used to the exercise, I may raise such a row that Annie'll send for the constable. You wouldn't want that to happen, I know."This unexpected announcement had the desired effect; Caroline laughed hysterically and freed herself from his arm.

"I mustn't be so silly," she said. "I had made up my mind to tell you everything, and I shall. My not caring for Mr. Pearson was not my reason for refusing him. The reasons were two--you and Steve.""Me and Steve? What in the world have we got to do with it?""Everything. He would marry me, poor as I am; and perhaps I--perhaps I should say yes if things were different. Oh, there is no use my deceiving you, or trying to deceive myself! I know I should say yes, and be very, very happy. But I can't! and I won't!


"But why? And where, for mercy's sake, do Steve and I come in?""Uncle Elisha, I suppose you think I have been perfectly satisfied to let you take care of me and of my brother, and give us a home and all that we needed and more. No doubt you thought me selfish enough to be contented with that and go on as I am--as we are--living on your bounty. You had reason to think so. But I have not been contented with that, nor has Steve. He and I have made our plans, and we shall carry them out. He will leave college in two years and go to work in earnest. Before that time I shall be ready to teach. I have been studying with just that idea in view.""Good land! Why, no, you ain't! You've been studyin' to help me and Annie run this house.""That was only part of it--the smallest part. I haven't told you before, Uncle, but one of the Domestic Science teachers at the University is a girl I used to know slightly. She is going to be married next year, and, if all goes well, I may be appointed to her position when she leaves. I have a conditional promise already.

  • 屾峰宪禅师语录


  • 李铁君文钞


  • 黄帝阴符经集注


  • 龙洲词


  • 燕山外史


  • 锦绣云归
  • 启迪青少年卓越人生的智慧故事


  • 龙瀛剑诀


  • 凌天武神


  • 杂剧艺术上(生命百科)


  • 仙帝李白


  • 凤洲杂编


  • 万俟宸的蕴娇妻


  • 花都开好了


  • 巅峰女boss:异界狼女王妃

