

Graves nodded, rather impatiently, and continued. "'Of sound mind, memory and understanding, do make, publish and declare this to be my last will and testament, in manner following, that is to say:--"'First:--I direct my executor hereinafter named to pay my just debts and funeral expenses as soon as maybe convenient after my decease.'""Did he owe much, think likely?" asked Captain Elisha.

"Apparently not. Very little beyond the usual bills of a household.""Yes, yes. Grocer and butcher and baker and suchlike. Well, Iguess they won't have to put in a keeper. Heave ahead.""'Second:--I give, devise and bequeath all my estate, both real and personal, to my brother, Elisha Warren, if he survive--'"The captain gasped. "To me?" he cried, in utter amazement. "He leaves it to ME? 'Bije leaves--say, Mr. Graves, there's some mistake here somewhere, sure! And besides, you said--""Just a minute, Captain Warren, if you please. If you'll be patient and not interrupt, I'll try to make the whole matter plain.""Well, if you can do THAT, you'll have King Solomon and all his wisdom beat a mile, that's all I've got to say. Go on.""'To my brother, Elisha Warren, if he survive me, IN TRUST, nevertheless, for the following purpose, to wit:--"'To invest the same and to use the income thereof for the education and maintenance of my two children, Caroline Edgecombe Warren--'""Edgecombe? Named for some of his wife's folks, I presume likely.

Excuse me for puttin' my oar in again. Go on.""'And Stephen Cole Warren--'"

"THAT'S his wife, sartin. She was a Cole. I swan, I beg your pardon.""'Until the elder, Caroline Edgecombe Warren, shall have reached her twenty-first birthday, when one-half of the principal of said estate, together with one-half of the accumulated interest, shall be given to her, and the trust continued for the education and maintenance of my son, Stephen Cole Warren, until he shall have reached his twenty-first birthday, when I direct that the remainder be given to him.

"'Third:--I appoint as testamentary guardian of my said children my said brother, Elisha Warren.

"'Fourth:--I appoint as sole executor of this, my last will and testament, my said brother, Elisha Warren.

"'Fifth:--Imposing implicit trust and confidence in Elisha Warren, my brother, I direct that he be not required to give bond for the performance of any of the affairs or trusts to which he has been herein appointed.'

"The remainder," concluded Graves, refolding the will, "is purely formal. It is dated May 15th, three years ago. Your brother, Captain Warren, evidently realized, although no one else seems to have done so, the precarious state of his health, and prepared, as every careful person should, for the great emergency."The attorney removed his eyeglasses and rubbed them with his handkerchief. Captain Elisha sat silent, staring at the fire.

After an interval, Graves spoke again.

"Of course, Captain," he went on, "my errand is now plain. I come to acquaint you with your brother's last wishes and to ascertain whether or not you are willing to accept the trust and responsibility he has laid upon you. As you doubtless know, the state provides a legal rate of reimbursement for such services as yours will--or may--be. Ahem!""May be? You mean I ain't got to do this thing unless I want to?""Certainly. You have the right to renounce the various appointments, in which case another executor, trustee, and guardian will be appointed. I realize, and I'm sure that your brother's children will realize, your hesitance in assuming such a responsibility over persons whom you have never even met.""Yes, I guess we'll all realize it; you needn't worry about that.

Look here, do the children know I'm elected?""Yes. Of course, the will has been read to them.""Hum! I s'pose likely they was overcome with joy, wa'n't they?"Graves bit his lip. Remembering the comments of Miss Caroline and her brother when they learned of their uncle's appointment, he had difficulty in repressing a smile.

"Well," he replied, slowly, "of course, one could scarcely expect them to rejoice. They have never seen you. In fact, I doubt if either of them knew their father had a brother, living.""Y-e-e-s. That part don't surprise me. But the rest of it does.

By the miracles of the prophets! the rest of it does! That 'Bije--'Bije--should leave his children and their money to ME to take care of is passin' human belief, as our old minister used to say-- . . .

Humph! I s'pose likely, Mr. Graves, you'd like to have me say yes or no to the thing while you're here, hey?"Graves nodded. "It would be well to do so," he said. "The settlement of the estate must be taken in hand as soon as possible.

The law so directs."

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    The Way of All Flesh

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