

'Bin's fer ez Noo York once in a boat. I've no use for railroads. No more hez Dan. Salt water's good enough fer the Troops. I've been 'most everywhere-in the nat'ral way, o' course.""I can give him all the salt water he's likely to need-till he's a skipper.""Haow's that? I thought you wuz a kinder railroad king. Harve told me so when-I was mistook in my jedgments.""We're all apt to be mistaken. I fancied perhaps you might know Iown a line of tea-clippers~an Francisco to Yokohama-six of 'em-iron-built, about seventeen hundred and eighty tons apiece.

"Blame that boy! He never told. I'd ha' listened to that, instid o' his truck abaout railroads an' ponycarriages.""He dldn't know."

"'Little thing like that slipped his mind, I guess.""No, I only capt-took hold of the 'Blue M.' freighters -Morgan and McQuade's old lin~this summer." Disko collapsed where he sat, beside the stove.

"Great Caesar Almighty! I mistrust I've been fooled from one end to the other. Why, Phil Airheart he went from this very town six year back-no, seven-an' he's mate on the San Jose-- now-twenty-six days was her time out. His sister she's livin' here yet, an' she reads his letters to my woman. An' you own the 'Blue M.' freighters?"Cheyne nodded.

"If I'd known that I'd ha' jerked the We're Here back to port all standin', on the word.""Perhaps that wouldn't have been so good for Harvey.""If I'd only known! If he'd only said about the cussed Line, I'd ha'

understood! I'll never stand on my own jedgments again-never.

They're well-found packets. Phil Airheart he says so.""I'm glad to have a recommend from that quarter. Airheart's skipper of the San Jose now. What I was getting at is to know whether you'd lend me Dan for a year or two, and we'll see if we can't make a mate of him. Would you trust him to Airheart?""It's a resk taking a raw boy--"

"I know a man who did more for me."

"That's diff'runt. Look at here naow, I ain't recommendin' Dan special because he's my own flesh an' blood. I know Bank ways ain't clipper ways, but he hain't much to learn. Steer he can-no boy better, if I say it-an' the rest's in our blood an' get; but I could wish he warn't so cussed weak on navigation.""Airheart will attend to that. He'll ship as boy for a voyage or two, and then we can put him in the way of doing better. Suppose you take him in hand this winter, and I'll send for him early in the spring. I know the Pacific's a long ways off "Pshaw! We Troops, livin' an' dead, are all around the earth an' the seas thereof.""But I want you to understand-and I mean this-any time you think you'd like to see him, tell me, and I'll attend to the transportation.

'Twon't cost you a cent."

"If you'll walk a piece with me, we'll go to my house an' talk this to my woman. I've bin so crazy mistook in all my jedgments, it don't seem to me this was like to be real."They went blue-trimmed of nasturtiums over to Troop's eighteen-hundred-dollar, white house, with a retired dory full in the front yard and a shuttered parlour which was a museum of oversea plunder. There sat a large woman, silent and grave, with the dim eyes of those who look long to sea for the return of their beloved. Cheyne addressed himself to her, and she gave consent wearily.

"We lose one hundred a year from Gloucester only, Mr. Cheyne,"she said-"one hundred boys an' men; and I've come so's to hate the sea as if 'twuz alive an' listenin'. God never made it fer humans to anchor on. These packets o' yours they go straight out, I take it'

and straight home again?"

"As straight as the winds let 'em, and I give a bonus for record passages. Tea don't improve by being at sea.""When he wuz little he used to play at keeping store, an' I had hopes he might follow that up. But soon's he could paddle a dory Iknew that were goin' to be denied me."

"They're square-riggers, Mother; iron-built an' well found.

Remember what Phil's sister reads you when she gits his letters.""I've never known as Phil told lies, but he's too venturesome (like most of 'em that use the sea). If Dan sees fit, Mr. Cheyne, he can go-fer all o' me.""She jest despises the ocean," Disko explained, "an' I-I dunno haow to act polite, I guess, er I'd thank you better.""My father-my own eldest brother-two nephews-an' my second sister's man," she said, dropping her head on her hand. "Would you care fer any one that took all those?"Cheyne was relieved when Dan turned up and accepted with more delight than he was able to put into words. Indeed, the offer meant a plain and sure road to all desirable things; but Dan thought most of commanding watch on broad decks, and looking into far-away harbours.

Mrs. Cheyne had spoken privately to the unaccountable Manuel in the matter of Harvey's rescue. He seemed to have no desire for money. Pressed hard, he said that he would take five dollars, because he wanted to buy something for a girl. Otherwise-"How shall I take money when I make so easy my eats and smokes? You will giva some if I like or no? Eh, wha-at?. Then you shall giva me money, but not that way. You shall giva all you can think." He introduced her to a snuffy Portuguese priest with a list of semi-destitute widows as long as his cassock. As a strict Unitarian, Mrs. Cheyne could not sympathize with the creed, but she ended by respecting the brown, voluble little man.

Manuel, faithful son of the Church, appropriated all the blessings showered on her for her charity. "That letta me out," said he. "Ihave now ver' good absolutions for six months"; and he strolled forth to get a handkerchief for the girl of the hour and to break the hearts of all the others.

Salters went West for a season with Penn, and left no address behind. He had a dread that these mlllionary people, with wasteful private cars, might take undue interest in his companion. It was better to visit inland relatives till the coast was clear. "Never you be adopted by rich folk, Penn," he said in the cars, "or I'll take 'n'

break this checker-board over your head. Ef you forgif your name agin-which is Pratt-you remember you belong with Salters Troop, an' set down right where you are till I come fer you. Don't go taggin' araound after them whose eyes bung out with fatness, accordin' to Scripcher."

  • 本草新编


  • 三宜盂禅师语录


  • 郡务稍简因得整比旧


  • 卓峰珏禅师语录


  • 修真太极混元图


  • 幼科切要


  • 粉川


  • 宇智波佐助的重生之旅


  • 重生之我是齐天大圣


  • 灵韵新生


  • 大唐御医


  • 企业操盘手


  • 都市错爱


  • 沧之物语


  • 重生之凤鸾回巢

