CHIRURGEONLYin a manner becoming a surgeon CHOPINa high shoe or clog CHRISTENDOMthe state of being a Christian CHRISTOMclothed with a chrisom, the white garment which used to be put on newly-baptized children CHUCKchicken, a term of endearment CHUFFa coarse blunt clown CINQUE PACEa kind of dance CIPHERto decipher CIRCUMSTANCEan argument CITALrecital CITEto incite CITTERNa guitar CLACK-DISHa beggar's dish CLAP I' THE CLOUTto shoot an arrow into the bull's eye of the target CLAWto flatter CLEPEto call CLIFFclef, the key in music CLINGto starve CLINQUANTglittering CLIPto embrace, enclose CLOUTthe mark in the middle of a target COASTto advance COBLOAFa big loaf COCKa cockboat COCKa euphemism for God COCK-AND-PIEan oath COCKLEtares or darnel COCKNEYa cook COCK-SHUT-TIMEthe twilight, when cocks and hens go to roost COGto cheat, dissemble COGNIZANCEbadge, token COIGNprojecting corner stone COILtumult, turmoil COLLECTIONdrawing a conclusion COLLIEDblackened. Othello;COLOURpretence COLOURABLEspecious COLTto defraud, befool CO-MARTa joint bargain COMBINATEbetrothed COMBINEto bind COMMODITYinterest, profit COMMONTYused ludicrously for comedy COMPACTcompacted, composed COMPARATIVEdrawing comparisons COMPARATIVErival COMPAREcomparison COMPASSIONATEmoving comparison COMPETITORone who seeks the same thing, an associate in any object COMPLEMENTaccomplishment COMPLEXIONpassion COMPOSEto agree COMPOSTIONcomposition COMPTIBLEtractable CONto learn by heart To acknowledge CONCEITconception, opinion, fancy CONCUPYconcubine CONDITIONtemper, quality CONDOLEMENTgrief CONDUCTescort CONFECTto make up into sweetmeats CONFOUNDto consume, destroy Coriolanus;CONJECTconjecture CONSIGNto sign a common bond, to confederate CONSORTcompany CONSORTto accompany CONSTANCYconsistency CONSTANTsettled, determined CONSTANTLYfirmly CONSTERto construe CONTEMPTIBLEcontemptuous CONTINENTthat which contains anything That which is contained CONTINUATEuninterrupted CONTRACTIONthe marriage contract CONTRARYto oppose CONTRIVEto conspire to wear away CONTROLto confute CONVENTto convene, summon to be convenient CONVERTto change CONVERTITEa convert CONVEYto manage To filch CONVEYANCEtheft, fraud CONVICTconvicted CONVICTEDoverpowered, vanquished A doubtful word CONVINCEto conquer, subdue CONVIVEto feast together CONVOYescort CONY-CATCHto cheat CONY-CATCHINGpoaching, pilfering COOLING CARDused metaphorically for an insurmountable obstacle COPATAIN HATa high-crowned hat COPEto reward, to give in return COPYtheme CORAGIOcourage!
CORAMan ignorant mistake for Quorum CORANTOlively dance CORINTHa cant term for a brothel CORINTHIANa wencher CORKYdry like cork CORNUTOa cuckold COROLLARYa surplus CORPORALcorporeal, bodily CORPORALOF THE FIELDan aide-de-camp CORRIVALrival COSTARDthe head COSTER-MONGERpeddling, mercenary COTEa cottage COTEto quote, instance COTEto come alongside, overtake COT-QUEANan effeminate man, molly-coddle COUCHINGScrouchings COUNT CONFECTa nobleman composed of affectation COUNTENANCEfair shew COUNTERFEITportrait A piece of base coin COUNTERPOINTa counterpane COUNTERVAILto counterpoise, outweigh COUNTRYbelonging to one's country COUNTYcount, earl COUPLEMENTunion COURT HOLY-WATERflattery COVENTa convent COVERto lay the table for dinner COWISHcowardly COWL-STAFFthe staff on which a vessel is supported between two men COX MY PASSIONan oath, a euphemism for 'God's Passion.'
COYto stroke, fondle to condescend with difficulty COYSTRILa kestrel, a cowardly kind of hawk COZENto cheat COZENAGEcheating COZENERa cheater COZIERa tailor CRACKto boast CRACKa loud noise, clap A forward boy CRACKERboaster CRACK-HEMPa gallows-bird CRANKa winding passage CRANKINGwinding CRANTSgarlands. A doubtful word CRAREa ship of burden CRAVENa dunghill cock CREATEformed, compounded CREDENTcreditable Credible Credulous CREDITreport CRESCIVEincreasing CRESTLESSnot entitled to bear arms, lowborn CRISPcurled, winding CROSSa piece of money, so called because the coin was formerly stamped with a cross CROW-KEEPERone who scares crows CROWNERa coroner CROWNETa coronet CRYthe yelping of hounds A pack of hounds A company, use contemptuously CRY AIMto encourage CUEthe last words of an actor's speech, which is the signal for the next actor to begin CUISSESpieces of armour to cover the thighs CULLIONa base fellow CUNNINGskill CUNNINGskilful CURBto bend, truckle CURRENTSoccurrences CURSTCURSTNESSshrewishness CURTAILa cur CURTALa docked horse CURTAL-AXEa cutlass CUSTALORUMa ludicrous mistake for Custos Rotulorum CUSTARD-COFFINthe crust of a custard-pudding CUSTOMERa common woman CUTa cheat 'To draw cuts' is to draw lots CYPRESSa kind of crape DAFFto befool To put off; this seems to be a corruption of 'doff.'