

“But—why should we be fortified any more than we are already fortified? We won’t need what we’ve got. Surely, the General won’t let—”

“Our present fortifications are only a mile from town,” said Captain Randall shortly. “And that’s too close for comfort—or safety. These new ones are going to be farther away. You see, another retreat may bring our men into Atlanta.”

Immediately he regretted his last remark, as her eyes widened with fear.

“But, of course there won’t be another retreat,” he added hastily. “The lines around Kennesaw Mountain are impregnable. The batteries are planted all up the mountain sides and they command the roads, and the Yankees can’t possibly get by.”

But Scarlett saw him drop his eyes before the lazy, penetrating look Rhett gave him, and she was frightened. She remembered Rhett’s remark: “When the Yankees push him out of the mountains and onto the flatter land, he’ll be butchered.”

“Oh, Captain, do you think—”

“Why, of course not! Don’t fret your mind one minute. Old Joe just believes in taking precautions. That’s the only reason we’re digging more entrenchments. ... But I must be going now. It’s been pleasant, talking to you. ... Say good-by to your mistress, boys, and let’s get going.”

“Good-by, boys. Now, if you get sick or hurt or in trouble, let me know. I live right down Peachtree Street, down there in almost the last house at the end of town. Wait a minute—” She fumbled in her reticule. “Oh, dear, I haven’t a cent. Rhett, give me a few shinplasters. Here, Big Sam, buy some tobacco for yourself and the boys. And be good and do what Captain Randall tells you.”

The straggling line re-formed, the dust arose again in a red cloud as they moved off and Big Sam started up the singing again.

“Go do-ow, Mos-es! Waaa-ay, do-own, in Eeejup laa-an!

An’ te-el O-le Faa-ro-o

Ter let mah—peee-pul go!”

“Rhett, Captain Randall was lying to me, just like all the men do—trying to keep the truth from us women for fear well faint. Or was he lying? Oh, Rhett, if there’s no danger, why are they digging these new breastworks? Is the army so short of men they’ve got to use darkies?”

Rhett clucked to the mare.

“The army is damned short of men. Why else would the Home Guard be called out? And as for the entrenchments, well, fortifications are supposed to be of some value in case of a siege. The General is preparing to make his final stand here.”

“A siege! Oh, turn the horse around. I’m going home, back home to Tara, right away.”

“What ails you?”

“A siege! Name of God, a siege! I’ve heard about sieges! Pa was in one or maybe it was his Pa, and Pa told me—”

“What siege?”

“The siege at Drogheda when Cromwell had the Irish, and they didn’t have anything to eat and Pa said they starved and died in the streets and finally they ate all the cats and rats and even things like cockroaches. And he said they ate each other too, before they surrendered, though I never did know whether to believe that or not. And when Cromwell took the town all the women were— A siege! Mother of God!”

“You are the most barbarously ignorant young person I ever saw. Drogheda was in sixteen hundred and something and Mr. O’Hara couldn’t possibly have been alive then. Besides, Sherman isn’t Cromwell.”

“No, but he’s worse! They say—”

“And as for the exotic viands the Irish ate at the siege—personally I’d as soon eat a nice juicy rat as some of the victuals they’ve been serving me recently at the hotel. I think I shall have to go back to Richmond. They have good food there, if you have the money to pay for it.” His eyes mocked the fear in her face.

Annoyed that she had shown her trepidation, she cried: “I don’t see why you’ve stayed here this long! All you think about is being comfortable and eating and—and things like that.”

“I know no more pleasant way to pass the time than in eating and er—things like that,” he said. “And as for why I stay here—well, I’ve read a good deal about sieges, beleaguered cities and the like, but I’ve never seen one. So I think I’ll stay here and watch. I won’t get hurt because I’m a noncombatant and besides I want the experience. Never pass up new experiences, Scarlett. They enrich the mind.”

“My mind’s rich enough.”

“Perhaps you know best about that, but I should say— But that would be ungallant. And perhaps, I’m staying here to rescue you when the siege does come. I’ve never rescued a maiden in distress. That would be a new experience, too.”

She knew he was teasing her but she sensed a seriousness behind his words. She tossed her head.

“I won’t need you to rescue me. I can take care of myself, thank you.”

“Don’t say that, Scarlett! Think of it, if you like, but never, never say it to a man. That’s the trouble with Yankee girls. They’d be most charming if they weren’t always telling you that they can take care of themselves, thank you. Generally they are telling the truth, God help them. And so men let them take care of themselves.”

“How you do run on,” she said coldly, for there was no insult worse than being likened to a Yankee girl. “I believe you’re lying about a siege. You know the Yankees will never get to Atlanta.”

“I’ll bet you they will be here within the month. I’ll bet you a box of bonbons against—” His dark eyes wandered to her lips. “Against a kiss.”

For a last brief moment, fear of a Yankee invasion clutched her heart but at the word “kiss,” she forgot about it. This was familiar ground and far more interesting than military operations. With difficulty she restrained a smile of glee. Since the day when he gave her the green bonnet, Rhett had made no advances which could in any way be construed as those of a lover. He could never be inveigled into personal conversations, try though she might, but now with no angling on her part, he was talking about kissing.

“I don’t care for such personal conversation,” she said coolly and managed a frown. “Besides, I’d just as soon kiss a pig.”

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