

Here, to his great amazement, he was stopped by Joe's suddenly working round him with every demonstration of a fell pugilistic purpose.

`Which I meantersay,' cried Joe, `that if you come into my place bull-baiting and badgering me, come out! Which I meantersay as sech if you're a man, come on! Which I meantersay that what I say, I meantersay and stand or fall by!'

I drew Joe away, and he immediately became placable; merely stating to me, in an obliging manner and as a polite expostulatory notice to any one whom it might happen to concern, that he were not a going to be bull-baited and badgered in his own place. Mr Jaggers had risen when Joe demonstrated, and had backed near the door. Without evincing any inclination to come in again, he there delivered his valedictory remarks. They were these:

`Well, Mr Pip, I think the sooner you leave here - as you are to be a gentleman - the better. Let it stand for this day week, and you shall receive my printed address in the meantime. You can take a hackney-coach at the stage-coach office in London, and come straight to me. Understand, that I express no opinion, one way or other, on the trust I undertake.

I am paid for undertaking it, and I do so. Now, understand that, finally.

Understand that!'

He was throwing his finger at both of us, and I think would have gone on, but for his seeming to think Joe dangerous, and going off.

Something came into my head which induced me to run after him, as he was going down to the Jolly Bargemen where he had left a hired carriage.

`I beg your pardon, Mr Jaggers.'

`Halloa!' said he, facing round, `what's the matter?'

`I wish to be quite right, Mr Jaggers, and to keep to your directions;so I thought I had better ask. Would there be any objection to my taking leave of any one I know, about here, before I go away?'

`No,' said he, looking as if he hardly understood me.

`I don't mean in the village only, but up-town?'

`No,' said he. `No objection.'

I thanked him and ran home again, and there I found that Joe had already locked the front door and vacated the state parlour, and was seated by the kitchen fire with a hand on each knee, gazing intently at the burning coals. I too sat down before the fire and gazed at the coals, and nothing was said for a long time.

My sister was in her cushioned chair in her corner, and Biddy sat at her needlework before the fire, and Joe sat next Biddy, and I sat next Joe in the corner opposite my sister. The more I looked into the glowing coals, the more incapable I became of looking at Joe; the longer the silence lasted, the more unable I felt to speak.

At length I got out, `Joe, have you told Biddy?'

`No, Pip,' returned Joe, still looking at the fire, and holding his knees tight, as if he had private information that they intended to make off somewhere, `which I left it to yourself, Pip.'

`I would rather you told, Joe.'

`Pip's a gentleman of fortun' then,' said Joe, `and God bless him in it!'

Biddy dropped her work, and looked at me. Joe held his knees and looked at me. I looked at both of them. After a pause, they both heartily congratulated me; but there was a certain touch of sadness in their congratulations, that I rather resented.

I took it upon myself to impress Biddy (and through Biddy, Joe) with the grave obligation I considered my friends under, to know nothing and say nothing about the maker of my fortune. It would all come out in good time, I observed, and in the meanwhile nothing was to be said, save that I had come into great expectations from a mysterious patron. Biddy nodded her head thoughtfully at the fire as she took up her work again, and said she would be very particular; and Joe, still detaining his knees, said, `Ay, ay, I'll be ekervally partickler, Pip;' and then they congratulated me again, and went on to express so much wonder at the notion of my being a gentleman, that I didn't half like it.

Infinite pains were then taken by Biddy to convey to my sister some idea of what had happened. To the best of my belief, those efforts entirely failed. She laughed and nodded her head a great many times, and even repeated after Biddy, the words `Pip' and `Property.' But I doubt if they had more meaning in them than an election cry, and I cannot suggest a darker picture of her state of mind.

  • 全球次元末日


  • 我们生于70年代


  • 会理财,才幸福


    长投学堂首本漫画理财书! 用漫画的形式讲述了刚刚结婚的小两口湄湄和熊熊怎么和钱打交道、如何处理小日子中和财务有关的方方面面的问题,又是如何理财投资的。轻松幽默有趣,绝对适合单身但是向往二人世界的你、准备走进婚姻的你们、还有已经走进婚姻的理财小白们哦!
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