

The things which excited other men--politics, sport, and the price of crystals--were outside of his thoughts; and when men had done with them for a season, when like the tempest they had "blown their fill" in office and club-room and house and wanted a change, it was a relief to turn to Mr. Abel and get him to discourse of his world--the world of nature and of the spirit.

It was, all felt, a good thing to have a Mr. Abel in Georgetown.

That it was indeed good for me I quickly discovered. I had certainly not expected to meet in such a place with any person to share my tastes--that love of poetry which has been the chief passion and delight of my life; but such a one I had found in Mr.

Abel. It surprised me that he, suckled on the literature of Spain, and a reader of only ten or twelve years of English literature, possessed a knowledge of our modern poetry as intimate as my own, and a love of it equally great. This feeling brought us together and made us two--the nervous olive-skinned Hispano-American of the tropics and the phlegmatic blue-eyed Saxon of the cold north--one in spirit and more than brothers.

Many were the daylight hours we spent together and "tired the sun with talking"; many, past counting, the precious evenings in that restful house of his where I was an almost daily guest. I had not looked for such happiness; nor, he often said, had he. Aresult of this intimacy was that the vague idea concerning his hidden past, that some unusual experience had profoundly affected him and perhaps changed the whole course of his life, did not diminish, but, on the contrary, became accentuated, and was often in my mind. The change in him was almost painful to witness whenever our wandering talk touched on the subject of the aborigines, and of the knowledge he had acquired of their character and languages when living or travelling among them; all that made his conversation most engaging--the lively, curious mind, the wit, the gaiety of spirit tinged with a tender melancholy--appeared to fade out of it; even the expression of his face would change, becoming hard and set, and he would deal you out facts in a dry mechanical way as if reading them in a book. It grieved me to note this, but I dropped no hint of such a feeling, and would never have spoken about it but for a quarrel which came at last to make the one brief solitary break in that close friendship of years. I got into a bad state of health, and Abel was not only much concerned about it, but annoyed, as if Ihad not treated him well by being ill, and he would even say that I could get well if I wished to. I did not take this seriously, but one morning, when calling to see me at the office, he attacked me in a way that made me downright angry with him. He told me that indolence and the use of stimulants was the cause of my bad health. He spoke in a mocking way, with a presence of not quite meaning it, but the feeling could not be wholly disguised.

Stung by his reproaches, I blurted out that he had no right to talk to me, even in fun, in such a way. Yes, he said, getting serious, he had the best right--that of our friendship. He would be no true friend if he kept his peace about such a matter.

Then, in my haste, I retorted that to me the friendship between us did not seem so perfect and complete as it did to him. One condition of friendship is that the partners in it should be known to each other. He had had my whole life and mind open to him, to read it as in a book. HIS life was a closed and clasped volume to me.

His face darkened, and after a few moments' silent reflection he got up and left me with a cold good-bye, and without that hand-grasp which had been customary between us.

After his departure I had the feeling that a great loss, a great calamity, had befallen me, but I was still smarting at his too candid criticism, all the more because in my heart I acknowledged its truth. And that night, lying awake, I repented of the cruel retort I had made, and resolved to ask his forgiveness and leave it to him to determine the question of our future relations. But he was beforehand with me, and with the morning came a letter begging my forgiveness and asking me to go that evening to dine with him.

We were alone, and during dinner and afterwards, when we sat smoking and sipping black coffee in the veranda, we were unusually quiet, even to gravity, which caused the two white-clad servants that waited on us--the brown-faced subtle-eyed old Hindu butler and an almost blue-black young Guiana Negro--to direct many furtive glances at their master's face. They were accustomed to see him in a more genial mood when he had a friend to dine. To me the change in his manner was not surprising: from the moment of seeing him I had divined that he had determined to open the shut and clasped volume of which I had spoken--that the time had now come for him to speak.

  • The Inn of Tranquility and Others

    The Inn of Tranquility and Others

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    The Lost House

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    红粟的女强宠宝新文《嗜血娘亲腹黑儿》*************一缕幽魂在异世醒转,但与生俱来的强势和霸气不改!女主展梓泠,来到这个女尊的世界,历蟠龙之劫,渊龙飞天!——她重建自己的霸业,驰骋商场、战场、朝堂……——她潇洒江湖!——她桃花朵朵开!一个可怜的小孤儿,被同样还是小孩子的梓泠救下,从此,小白兔宝宝的眼里只有她,为了她,他努力自强自立,终于成为她商场上的得力助手……一个绝世的妖冶神秘的美男,却是为她而生,为她而活,那极致美丽的外表下,却是一个未沾世事人情的至纯至净灵魂………………女主应这个世界之劫而生,肩负着让这个世界平安渡劫的使命!各色美男被女主吸引,女主最终会选择哪个?或者哪几个?敬请关注——红粟的温馨女尊文《凤舞天骄》!女尊文,女主强大,冷情却不绝情!冷面而不冷心!粟粟的邮箱[email protected]*****************************偶挖的新坑,《妖男倾城》《毒手圣医》亲们来给捧个场撒!有票的捧个票场,无票的捧个人场,留下您的脚印啊!*******************************亲亲给我建了一个Q群,号码:81071090,喜欢凤舞的亲亲进来聊聊。(敲门砖,文里的任意人名。)********************糖果儿《血宠男夫》《孕妇也疯狂》《盗草娇娃》《冷情美王爷》《女王的花样美男》趴趴《驯夫有术》恋恋《穿越之将军皇后》《颜殇》<p>幽月如烟百变俏伊人》<p>《恶魔公主戏总裁》《娇傲江湖》********************亲亲龙崎雪儿给《凤舞》制作了视频哦!?pstyle=1欢迎亲亲去踩哦!同时真挚的感谢龙崎雪儿对《凤舞》的支持!红粟制作了一个简易的动感影集,亲亲可以来踩踩http://m.wkkk.net/425415091?ptlang=2052
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