

GRETTIR SAILS FOR NORWAY AND KILLS THORBJORN SLOWCOACHEarly in the spring, before the meeting of the Thing, there arrived a ship from Norway. There was much news to tell, above all of the change of government. Olaf the son of Harald was now king, having driven away jarl Sveinn from the country in the spring which followed the battle of Nesjar. Many noteworthy things were told of King Olaf. Men said that he took into favour all men who were skilled in any way and made them his followers.

This pleased many of the younger men in Iceland and made them all want to leave home. When Grettir heard of it he longed to go too, deeming that he merited the king's favour quite as much as any of the others. A ship came up to Gasar in Eyjafjord; Grettir engaged a passage in her and prepared to go abroad. He had not much outfit as yet.

Asmund was now becoming very infirm and scarcely left his bed.

He and Asdis had a young son named Illugi, a youth of much promise. Atli had taken over all the management of the farm and the goods, and things went much better, for he was both obliging and provident.

Grettir embarked on his ship. Thorbjorn Slowcoach had arranged to travel in the same vessel without knowing that Grettir would be in her. Some of his friends tried to dissuade him from travelling in Grettir's company, but he insisted upon going. He was rather a long time over his preparations and did not get to Gasar before the ship was ready to sail. Before he left home Asmund Longhair was taken ill and was quite confined to his bed.

Thorbjorn Slowcoach arrived on the beach late in the day, when the men were going on board and were washing their hands outside near their booths. When he rode up to the rows of booths they greeted him and asked what news there was.

"I have nothing to tell," he said, "except that the valorous Asmund at Bjarg is now dead."Some of them said that a worthy bondi had left the world and asked how it happened.

"A poor lot befell his Valour," he replied. "He was suffocated by the smoke from the hearth, like a dog. There is no great loss in him, for he was in his dotage.""You talk strangely about such a man as he was," they said.

"Grettir would not be much pleased if he heard you.""I can endure Grettir's wrath," he said. "He must bear his axe higher than he did at Hrutafjardarhals if he wishes to frighten me."Grettir heard every word that Thorbjorn said, but took no notice as long as he was speaking. When he had finished Grettir said:

"I prophesy, Slowcoach, that you will not die of the smoke from the hearth, and yet perhaps you will not die of old age either.

It is strange conduct to say shameful things of innocent men."Thorbjorn said: "I have nothing to unsay. I never thought you would fire up like this on the day when we got you out of the hands of the men of Mel who were belabouring you like an ox's head."Then Grettir spoke a verse:

"Too long is the tongue of the spanner of bows.

Full often he suffers the vengeance due.

Slowcoach! I tell thee that many a man has paid for less shameful speech with his life."Thorbjorn said his life was neither more nor less in danger than it was before.

"My prophecies are not generally long-lived," said Grettir, "nor shall this one be. Defend yourself if you will; you never will have better occasion for it than now."Grettir then struck at him. He tried to parry the blow with his arm, but it struck him above the wrist and glanced off on to his neck so that his head flew off. The sailors declared it was a splendid stroke, and that such were the men for the king. No one would grieve, they said, because a man so quarrelsome and scurrilous as Thorbjorn had been killed.

Soon after this they got under way and towards the end of the summer reached the south coast of Norway, about Hordland, where they learned that King Olaf was in the North at Thrandheim.

Grettir took a passage thither with some traders intending to seek audience of the king.

  • 警世通言


  • 陪润州薛司空丹徒桂


  • 明伦汇编人事典十三岁部


  • 壬午功臣爵赏录


  • 神鼎云外泽禅师语录


  • 苍天在上


  • 《本草纲目》中的百病食疗方


  • 废柴律师擒神记


  • 塑造孩子勤奋坚强的励志故事(青少年心灵成长直通车)


    本书从成长中可能遇到的 问题出发,内容涵盖了勤奋、坚强、自信、乐观等诸多与孩子健康成长密 切相关的方面,人选的故事通俗易懂,道理清晰明了,版式活泼多样,容 易激发孩子强烈的阅读兴趣,能够起到极好的教育和熏陶作用,对于提高 孩子的文化素养、拓展孩子的知识面大有帮助。好习惯成就好未来,孩子 从小养成良好的习惯,成就大事业将不再是遥不可及的梦想。命需要鼓舞,心灵需要滋润。《青少年心灵成长直 通车》图书的故事极具启蒙意义,可以启迪孩子的心灵,开发孩子的潜能 ,塑造孩子健康的人格,为孩子健康茁壮成长创造必要的条件。愿孩子们 拥有一次快乐的阅读之旅。本书由韩震担任主编。
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