

"I don't know yet. But it is the most valuable find ever made in the Canary Islands, and it's yours, you unappreciative beggar;at least what there is left of it. Oh, man, man, you've smashed up the beginning, and you've smashed up the end of some history that is probably priceless. It's my own fault. I ought to have known better than set an untrained man to do important exploring work.""I should say it's your fault if anything's gone wrong. You said there was no such thing as writing known to these ancient Canarios, and I took your word for it. For anything I knew the stuff might have been something to eat.""It isn't Guanche work at all," said he testily. "You ought to have known that from the talc. Great heavens, man, have you no eyes? Haven't you seen the general formation of the island? Don't you know there's no talc here?""I'm no geologist. Is this imported literature then?""Of course. It's Egyptian: that's obvious at a glance. Though how it's got here I can't tell yet. It isn't stuff you can read off like a newspaper. The character's a variant on any of those that have been discovered so far. And as for this waxy stuff spread over the talc, it's unique. It's some sort of a mineral, Ithink: perhaps asphalt. It doesn't scratch up like animal wax.

I'll analyse that later. Why they once invented it, and then let such a splendid notion drop out of use, is just a marvel. I could stay gloating over this all day.""Well," I said, "if it's all the same for you, I'd rather gloat over a meal. It's a good ten miles hard going to the fonda, and I'm as hungry as a hawk already. Look here, do you know it is four o'clock already? It takes longer than you think climbing down to each of these caves, and then getting up again for the next."Coppinger spread his coat on the ground, and wrapped the lump of sheets with tender care, but would not allow it to be tied with a rope for fear of breaking more of the edges. He insisted on carrying it himself too, and did so for the larger part of the way to Santa Brigida, and it was only when he was within an ace of dropping himself with sheer tiredness that he condescended to let me take my turn. He was tolerably ungracious about it too. "Isuppose you may as well carry the stuff," he snapped, "seeing that after all it's your own."Personally, when we got to the fonda, I had as good a dinner as was procurable, and a bottle of that old Canary wine, and turned into bed after a final pipe. Coppinger dined also, but I have reason to believe he did not sleep much. At any rate I found him still poring over the find next morning, and looking very heavy-eyed, but brimming with enthusiasm.

"Do you know," he said, "that you've blundered upon the most valuable historical manuscript that the modern world has ever yet seen? Of course, with your clumsy way of getting it out, you've done an infinity of damage. For instance, those top sheets you shelled away and spoiled, contained probably an absolutely unique account of the ancient civilisation of Yucatan.""Where's that, anyway?""In the middle of the Gulf of Mexico. It's all ruins to-day, but once it was a very prosperous colony of the Atlanteans.""Never heard of them. Oh yes, I have though. They were the people Herodotus wrote about, didn't he? But I thought they were mythical.""They were very real, and so was Atlantis, the continent where they lived, which lay just north of the Canaries here.""What's that crocodile sort of thing with wings drawn in the margin?""Some sort of beast that lived in those bygone days. The pages are full of them. That's a cave-tiger. And that's some sort of colossal bat. Thank goodness he had the sense to illustrate fully, the man who wrote this, or we should never have been able to reconstruct the tale, or at any rate we could not have understood half of it. Whole species have died out since this was written, just as a whole continent has been swept away and three civilisations quenched. The worst of it is, it was written by a highly-educated man who somewhat naturally writes a very bad fist.

  • 佛说人本欲生经


  • 太上飞步五星经


  • The Outlet

    The Outlet

  • 独醉亭集


  • The Queen of Hearts

    The Queen of Hearts

  • 一梦千年帝轮回


  • 两个世界


  • 一泪成劫


  • 鬼王宠妻:王妃要爬墙


  • 阴阳鬼契


  • 泪与笑(纪伯伦全集)


  • 惹火王妃


  • 你是我未婚妻


  • 怀紫阁隐者


  • 我家皇妃就是那么菜


    咸鱼突然翻身,翻进了宫。什么?什么婚约,什么帝王......我不要待在这里!男人都是大猪蹄子...拖她上战场打仗,下河沟玩泥巴,去山上抓鸡,去山下吃豆腐脑...你可是帝王啊!千万不要跟我纠缠不清,不就是政治联姻吗?我嫁!我嫁!...嫁了之后呢?他一下子对她百般讨好,乖的不像话。你要吃鸡我帮你抓,你要豆腐脑我给你做,但前提是你要给我做桂花羹...... 赠之以白芍,雪夜探红梅....... “若你愿做我一个人的妃子...” 月夜,二人长相厮守,她心无旁骛。 “杀戮是无止境的,只有我能保你安好...” 上战场前,他将她搂之于怀,也许是最后的告诫。 “何为柔肠百转?何为牵肠挂肚?” 阴雨绵绵,他当着别的妃子的面,怒问虞沁。 …… 江绾到后来才明白,她爱他。傻子!他把人给了自己,她为他做一辈子的桂花羹。 不知过了多久,她才知道所有的前因后果。 她不惜为了他再上战场,犯错后,却又不惜将自己送上断头台。 即便犯下再大的错,也不会让你离开。 江绾对他,又爱,又恨。 爱他的撕心裂肺,恨他的痛彻心扉。 下雪了。“绾儿,再给我做一碗桂花羹吧。” 只为爱的女人笑,只为爱的女人敞开怀抱。