

Worse than all, the blood, anxious to get as far as possible from the ice, mounted to the puffy, good-natured cheeks, and made the roots of his thin yellow hair glow into a fiery red.

This kind of work is apt to summon vertigo, of whom good Hans Anderson writes--the same who hurls daring young hunters from the mountains or spins them from the sharpest heights of the glaciers or catches them as they tread the stepping-stones of the mountain torrent.

Vertigo came, unseen, to Jacob. After tormenting him awhile, with one touch sending a chill from head to foot, with the next scorching every vein with fever, she made the canal rock and tremble beneath him, the white sails bow and spin as they passed, then cast him heavily upon the ice.

"Halloo!" cried Van Mounen. "There goes Poot!"Ben sprang hastily forward.

"Jacob! Jacob, are you hurt?"

Peter and Carl were lifting him. The face was white enough now.

It seemed like a dead face--even the good-natured look was gone.

A crowd collected. Peter unbuttoned the poor boy's jacket, loosened his red tippet, and blew between the parted lips.

"Stand off, good people!" he cried. "Give him air!""Lay him down," called out a woman from the crowd.

"Stand him upon his feet," shouted another.

"Give him wine," growled a stout fellow who was driving a loaded sled.

"Yes! yes, give him wine!" echoed everybody.

Ludwig and Lambert shouted in concert, "Wine! Wine! Who has wine?"A sleepy-headed Dutchman began to fumble mysteriously under the heaviest of blue jackets, saying as he did so, "Not so much noise, young masters, not so much noise! The boy was a fool to faint like a girl.""Wine, quick!" cried Peter, who, with Ben's help, was rubbing Jacob from head to foot.

Ludwig stretched forth his hand imploringly toward the Dutchman, who, with an air of great importance, was still fumbling beneath the jacket.

"DO hurry! He will die! Has anyone else any wine?""He IS dead!" said an awful voice from among the bystanders.

This startled the Dutchman.

"Have a care!" he said, reluctantly drawing forth a small blue flask. "This is schnapps. A little is enough."A little WAS enough. The paleness gave way to a faint flush.

Jacob opened his eyes, and, half bewildered, half ashamed, feebly tried to free himself from those who were supporting him.

There was no alternative, now, for our party but to have their exhausted comrade carried, in some way, to Leyden. As for expecting him to skate anymore that day, the thing was impossible. In truth, by this time each boy began to entertain secret yearnings toward iceboats, and to avow a Spartan resolve not to desert Jacob. Fortunately a gentle, steady breeze was setting southward. If some accommodating schipper would but come along, matters would not be quite so bad after all.

Peter hailed the first sail that appeared. The men in the stern would not even look at him. Three drays on runners came along, but they were already loaded to the utmost. Then an iceboat, a beautiful, tempting little one, whizzed past like an arrow. The boys had just time to stare eagerly at it when it was gone. In despair, they resolved to prop up Jacob with their strong arms, as well as they could, and take him to the nearest village.

At that moment a very shabby iceboat came in sight. With but little hope of success Peter hailed at it, at the same time taking off his hat and flourishing it in the air.

The sail was lowered, then came the scraping sound of the brake, and a pleasant voice called from the deck, "What now?""Will you take us on?" cried Peter, hurrying with his companions as fast as he could, for the boat as "bringing to" some distance ahead. "Will you take us on?""We'll pay for the ride!" shouted Carl.

The man on board scarcely noticed him except to mutter something about its not being a trekschuit. Still looking toward Peter, he asked, "How many?""Six.""Well, it's Nicholas's Day--up with you! Young gentleman sick?"He nodded toward Jacob.

"Yes--broken down. Skated all the way from Broek," answered Peter. "Do you go to Leyden?""That's as the wind says. It's blowing that way now. Scramble up!"Poor Jacob! If that willing Mrs. Poot had only appeared just then, her services would have been invaluable. It was as much as the boys could do to hoist him into the boat. All were in at last. The schipper, puffing away at his pipe, let out the sail, lifted the brake, and sat in the stern with folded arms.

"Whew! How fast we go!" cried Ben. "This is something like!

Feel better, Jacob?"

"Much petter, I tanks you."

"Oh, you'll be as good as new in ten minutes. This makes a fellow feel like a bird."Jacob nodded and blinked his eyes.

"Don't go to sleep, Jacob, it's too cold. You might never wake up, you know. Persons often freeze to death in that way.""I no sleep," said Jacob confidently, and in two minutes he was snoring.

Carl and Ludwig laughed.

"We must wake him!" cried Ben. "It is dangerous, I tell you--Jacob! Ja-a-c--"Captain Peter interfered, for three of the boys were helping Ben for the fun of the thing.

"Nonsense! Don't shake him! Let him alone, boys. One never snores like that when one's freezing. Cover him up with something. Here, this cloak will do. Hey, schipper?" and he looked toward the stern for permission to use it.

The man nodded.

"There," said Peter, tenderly adjusting the garment, "let him sleep. He will be as frisky as a lamb when he wakes. How far are we from Leyden, schipper?""Not more'n a couple of pipes," replied a voice, rising from smoke like the genii in fairy tales (puff! puff!). "Likely not more'n one an' a half"--puff! puff!--"if this wind holds." Puff!

puff! puff!

"What is the man saying, Lambert?" asked Ben, who was holding his mittened hands against his cheeks to ward off the cutting air.

  • 河南志


  • Joy


  • 天凑巧


  • 提婆菩萨传


  • 妙法莲华经马明菩萨品


  • 20几岁耐住寂寞,30几岁打破沉默


  • 校草直播间:大佬别霸屏


  • 佛说八部佛名经


  • 宿世情缘:呆萌七小姐


  • 燕云居诗钞


  • 凯特·肖邦短篇小说集


    凯特·肖邦于1870年嫁给了奥斯卡·肖邦,一个棉花商。两人先是住在路易斯安那的新奥尔良,后又搬到一个大农场和讲法语的阿卡迪亚人住在一起。在1882 她丈夫去世之后,肖邦与她的六个孩子返回圣路易斯。朋友们鼓励她写作。她在快四十岁的时候出版了第一本小说,《咎》。代表作《觉醒》写于1899年,但是 由于小说以对通奸同情的笔调刻画女主人公“性意识”的觉醒,大胆表露她追求婚外情的爱情观,小说一出版便在美国文坛上引起了轩然大波,震惊了全美的书评人 和读者。
  • 修正系统


  • 隋唐三部曲(隋乱、开国功贼、盛唐烟云)


  • 末世无限重生


  • 哈代爱情小说

