

JANE HARDIE had found Albion Villa in the miserable state that precedes an auction: the house raw, its contents higgledy-piggledy. The stair carpets, and drawing-room carpets, were up, and in rolls in the dining-room; the bulk of the furniture was there too; the auction was to be in that room. The hall was clogged with great packages, and littered with small, all awaiting the railway carts; and Edward, dusty and deliquescent, was cording, strapping, and nailing them at the gallop, in his shirt sleeves.

Jane's heart sank at the visible signs of his departure. She sighed; and then, partly to divert his attention, told him hastily there was a letter from Alfred. On this he ran upstairs and told Mrs. Dodd; and she came downstairs, and after a conversation took Jane up softly to her friend's room.

They opened the door gently, and Jane saw the grief she was come to console--or to embitter.

Such a change! instead of the bright, elastic, impetuous young beauty, there sat a pale, languid girl, with "weary of the world" written on every part of her eloquent body; her right hand dangled by her side, and on the ground beneath it lay a piece of work she had been attempting; but it had escaped from those listless fingers: her left arm was stretched at full length on the table with an unspeakable abandon, and her brow laid wearily on it above the elbow. So lies the wounded bird, so droops the broken lily.

She did not move for Jane's light foot. She often sat thus, a drooping statue, and let the people come and go unheeded.

Jane's heart yearned for her. She came softly and laid a little hand lightly on her shoulder, and true to her creed that we must look upward for consolation, said in her ear, and in solemn silvery tones, "Our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory."Julia turned at this and flung her arms round Jane's neck, and panted heavily.

Jane kissed her, and with tears in her eyes, proceeded to pour out, from a memory richly stored with Scripture, those blessed words it is full of, words that in our hours of ease or biblical criticism pass over the mind like some drowsy chime but in the bitter day of anguish and bereavement, when the body is racked, the soul darkened, shine out like stars to the mariner; seem then first to swell to their real size and meaning, and come to writhing mortals like pitying seraphim, divinity on their faces and healing on their wings.

Julia sighed heavily: "Ah," she said, "these are sweet words. But I am not ripe for them. You show me the true path of happiness: but I don't _want_ to be happy; it's 燺him_ I want to be happy. If the angels came for me and took me to heaven this moment, I should be miserable there, if I thought _he_ was in eternal torment. Ay, I should be as miserable there as I am here. Oh, Jane, when God means to comfort me, He will show me _he_ is alive; till then words are wasted on me, even Bible words.""Tell her your news, my dear," said Mrs. Dodd quietly. She was one of those who take human nature as it is, and make the best of it.

"Julia dear," said Jane, "your fears are extravagant; indeed: Alfred is alive, we know."Julia trembled, but said nothing.

"He has written to-day."

"Ah! To you?"

"No, to papa."

"I don't believe it. Why to him?"

"But I saw the letter, dear; I had it my hand.""Did you read it?" asked Julia, trembling now like an aspen, and fluttering like a bird.

"No, but I read the address, and the date inside, and I saw the handwriting; and I was offered the letter, but papa told me it was full of abuse of him, so I declined* to read it; however, I will get it for _you._"* This was one of those involuntary inaccuracies which creep into mortal statements.

Mrs. Dodd thanked her warmly; but asked her if she could not in the meantime give some idea of the contents.

"Oh yes, Mrs. Dodd: papa read me out a great deal of it. He was in Paris, but just starting for London: and he demanded his money and his accounts.

You know papa is one of his trustees."

"Well, but," said Mrs. Dodd, "there was nothing--nothing about----?""Oh yes, there was," said Jane, "only I--well then, for dear Julia's sake--the letter said, 'What wonder the son of a sharper should prove a traitor? _You_ have stolen her money and _I_ her affections, and'--oh, Ican't, I can't." And Jane Hardie began to cry.

Mrs. Dodd embraced her like a mother, and entered into her filial feelings: Mrs. Dodd had never seen her so weak, and, therefore, never thought her so amiable. Thus occupied they did not at first observe how these tidings were changing Julia.

But presently looking up, they saw her standing at her full height on fire with wrath and insulted pride.

"Ah, you have brought me comfort," she cried. " Mamma, I shall hate and scorn this man some day, as much as I hate and scorn myself now for every tear I have shed for him."They tried to calm her, but in vain; a new gust of passion possessed the ardent young creature and would have vent. She reddened from bosom to brow, and the scalding tears ran down her flaming cheeks, and she repeated between her clenched teeth, "My veins are not filled with skim-milk, I can tell you: you have seen how I can love, you shall see how I can hate." And with this she went haughtily out of the room, not to expose the passion which overpowered her.

Mrs. Dodd took advantage of her absence to thank Jane for her kindness, and told her she had also received some letters by this morning's post, and thought it would be neither kind on her part nor just to conceal their purport from her. She then read her a letter from Mrs. Beresford, and another from Mr. Grey, in answer to queries about the L. 14,000.

Sharpe, I may as well observe, was at sea; Bayliss drowned.

Mrs. Beresford knew nothing about the matter.

  • 佛说顶生王因缘经


  • 六字咒王经


  • The Research Magnificent

    The Research Magnificent

  • 餐樱庑随笔


  • 道法心传


  • 快穿,男神,离远点


  • 三洞珠囊


  • 三国之星空神话


  • 读历史就是读故事(世界卷)


  • 万劫雷帝


  • 大日经略摄念诵随行法


  • 穿越之富婆皇后


  • 梦回云岗


  • 并蒂双凰之君上有点分裂


    上一世,她是末世纪的王,看透人情冷暖,一朝轮回,生于忆山,名:夏侯清。什么?夏侯清厉害?那她凤妍算什么,她堂堂天华王朝三公主,地位崇高,受万人敬仰,还怕那个女扮男装的死对头不成?夏侯清有目的救回了一个乞丐,本以为是个安分守己的货,可谁能告诉她,晚上偷偷溜进她房间调戏她的这个人是谁?一本正经是他,言语风流是他,夏侯清两世的高冷险些毁在这个小护卫手上。 凤妍意外发现,死对头身边的小护卫十分俊俏,时不时调戏一下,偏偏小护卫随了他主子,太过高冷,于是,将小护卫融化成了凤妍人生的乐趣。凤妍红衣似火,肆意潇洒,“小辰辰,我心悦你。”夏侯清白衣胜雪,清贵出尘,“今日,是我的生辰,你一定要和我拔剑相向吗?”红尘万丈,世事浮沉,从始至终我想要的,都只是活着,强大到可以保护我在乎的人——易北城我不信天,不信命,甚至连自己都不信,可唯独相信你,情不知所起,一念之间,原来曾经离我那么近——夏侯清我并非善类,什么骄阳似火,一身傲骨才是我的万丈光芒,可在你面前,我愿放下傲骨,湮灭光芒万丈,若还能回到最初,该有多好——凤妍 (女强男强,原创作品,1v1,身心干净,不喜勿喷)
  • 朝之歌

