

"Then don't you bother," Laverick continued. "You see, you've been wise. You haven't given yourself away altogether. You've simply said that you don't recollect any one coming in. Why should you recollect? At the end of a day's work you are not likely to notice every stray customer. Stick to it, and, if you take my advice, don't go throwing any money about, and don't give your notice in for another week or so. Pave the way for it a bit. Ask the governor for a rise - say you're not making a living out of it.""I'm on," Jim Shepherd remarked, nodding his head. "I'm on to it, sir. I don't want to get into no trouble, I'm sure.""You can't," Laverick answered dryly, "unless you chuck yourself in.

You're not obliged to remember anything. No one can ever prove that you remembered anything. Keep your eyes open, and let me hear if these fellows turn up again.""I'm pretty certain they will, sir," the man declared. "They sat about waiting for me to be disengaged, but when my time off came, Ihopped out the back way. They'll be there again to-night, sure enough."Laverick nodded.

"Well, you must let me know," he said, "what happens."Jim Shepherd leaned across the corner of the table and dropped his voice.

"It's an awful thing to think of, sir," he whispered, blinking rapidly. "I wouldn't be that young Mr. Morrison for all that great pocketful of notes. But my! there was a sight of money there, sir! He'll be a rich man for all his days if nothing comes out.""We won't talk any more about it," Laverick insisted. "It isn't a pleasant thing to think about or talk about. We won't know anything, Shepherd. We shall be better off."The man took his departure and the whirl of business recommenced.

Laverick turned his back upon the city only a few minutes before eight and, tired out, he dined at a restaurant on his homeward way.

When at last he reached his sitting-room he threw himself on the sofa and lit a cigar. Once more the evening papers had no particular news. This time, however, one of them had a leading article upon the English police system. The fact that an undetected murder should take place in a wealthy neighborhood, away from the slums, a murder which must have been premeditated, was in itself alarming. Until the inquest had been held, it was better to make little comment upon the facts of the case so far as they were known.

At the same time, the circumstance could not fail to incite a considerable amount of alarm among those who had offices in the vicinity of the tragedy. It was rumored that some mysterious inquiries were being circulated around London banks. It was possible that robbery, after all, had been the real motive of the crime, but robbery on a scale as yet unimagined. The whole interest of the case now was centred upon the discovery of the man's identity.

As soon as this was solved, some very startling developments might be expected.

Laverick threw the paper away. He tried to rest upon the sofa, but tried in vain. He found himself continually glancing at the clock.

"To-night," he muttered to himself, - "no, I will not go to-night!

It is not fair to the child. It is absurd. Why, she would think that I was - "He stopped short.

"I'll change and go to the club," he decided.

He rose to his feet. Just then there was a ring at his bell. He opened the door and found a messenger boy standing in the vestibule.

"Note, sir, for Mr. Stephen Laverick," the boy announced, opening his wallet.

Laverick held out his hand. The boy gave him a large square envelope, and upon the back of it was "Universal Theatre."Laverick tried to assure himself that he was not so ridiculously pleased. He stepped back into the room, tore open the envelope, and read the few lines traced in rather faint but delicate handwriting.

Are you coming to fetch me to-night? Don't let me be a nuisance, but do come if you have nothing to do. I have something to tell you.


Laverick gave the boy a shilling for himself and suddenly forgot that he was tired. He changed his clothes, whistling softly to himself all the time. At eleven o'clock, he was at the stage-door of the Universal Theatre, waiting in a taxicab.

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  • 大侦探的失误


    《大侦探的失误》这本故事集由著名悬念故事家於全军先生亲自挑选, 从 近作中挑出悬疑、精彩的故事以飨读者。篇幅以中篇为 主,情节曲折离奇,悬念紧张刺激,时代跨度大,地域涵盖 广,能让读者享用到一顿丰盛的精神大餐。 《大侦探的失误》分三个部分,古代部分侧重推理断案,不但以严谨 的推理见长,更能结合当时的人文历史,风俗习惯下笔。现 代部分侧重设置悬念,机关重重,环环相扣,强调猜谜解迷 的快感。海外部分强调情感,在推理悬疑的基础上,大力弘 扬正气长存,悲天悯人的情怀。
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