

"There is only one thing to be done," Bellamy declared. "I shall say that we have already handed over the document to the English Government. It will be a bluff, pure and simple. He may believe it or he may not.""You will break your compact then," she reminded him.

"I shall call myself justified," he continued. "He has attempted to rob us of the document. You are sure of what you say - that your rooms and dressing-room have been searched?""Absolutely certain," she declared.

"That will be sufficient," Bellamy decided. "If Streuss comes to me, I shall meet him frankly. I shall tell him that he has tried to play the burglar and that it must be war. I shall tell him that the compact is in the hands of the Prime Minister, and that he and his spies had better clear out."She looked at him questioningly.

"Of course, you understand," he added, "there is one thing we can do, and one thing only. We must send a mission to Russia and another to France, and before the German fleet can pass down the North Sea we must declare war. It is the only thing left to us - a bold front.

Without that packet we have no casus belli. With it, we can strike, and strike hard. I still believe that if we declare war within seven days, we shall save ourselves."Streuss and Kahn looked, too, across the panorama of London, across the dingy Adelphi Gardens, the turbid Thames, the smoke-hung world beyond. They were together in Streuss's sitting-room on the seventh floor of one of the great Strand hotels.

"Our enterprise is a failure!" Kahn exclaimed gloomily. "We cannot doubt it any longer. I think, Streuss, that the best course you and I could adopt would be to realize it and to get back. We do no good here. We only run needless risks."The face of the other man was dark with anger. His tone, when he spoke, shook with passion.

"You don't know what you say, Kahn!" he cried hoarsely. "I tell you that we must succeed. If that document reaches the hands of any one in authority here, it would be the worst disaster which has fallen upon our country since you or I were born. You don't understand, Kahn! You keep your eyes closed!""What men can do we have done," the other answered. "Von Behrling played us false. He has died a traitor's death, but it is very certain that he parted with his document before he received that twenty thousand pounds.""Once and for all, I do not believe it!" Streuss declared. "At mid-day, I can swear to it that the contents of that envelope were unknown to the Ministers of the King here. Now if Von Behrling had parted with that document last Monday night, don't you suppose that everything would be known by now? He did not part with it.

Bellamy and Mademoiselle lie when they say that they possess it.

That document remains in the possession of Von Behrling's murderer, and it is for us to find him."Kahn sighed.

"It is outside our sphere - that. What can we do against the police of this country working in their own land?"Streuss struck the table before which they were standing. The veins in his temples were like whipcord.

"Adolf," he muttered, "you talk like a fool! Can't you see what it means? If that document reaches its destination, what do you suppose will happen?""They will know our plans, of course," Kahn answered. "They will have time to make preparation."Streuss laughed bitterly.

  • Tanglewood Tales

    Tanglewood Tales

  • 达摩多罗禅经


  • 咏史


  • 廉吏传


  • A Philosophical Enquiry htm1

    A Philosophical Enquiry htm1

  • 跟丢月亮


  • Then We Take Berlin
  • 弃妃问情


  • 洪杨轶闻


  • 黄金戏


  • 大唐文青


    本书用诙谐的文笔,以诗人们的作品为切入点,叙述了初唐、盛唐时期一些诗人的风骨与事迹。每一首诗歌背后,都有一段故事,一段人生,首次将这些一千多年前的“文青们”有血有肉的展现在我们面前。 这些诗人们有的狂妄,比如说陈子昂;有的是杀人犯,比如说王勃;有的情感关系复杂复杂,比如王维;有的命途多舛,比如杜甫;有的是假土豪,比如李白……他们形形色色的人生,构成了中国文艺史上的一段又一段的绚丽,为我们留下了无数脍炙人口的篇章。
  • 神语狸猫


  • 冷眼窥天


  • 道教史


  • 逃婚笔记

