

Can't you read what is written over the bell, 'For those who wish to go up the tower'?"The boy said nothing but pointed his finger at Heidi. The latter answered, "But I do want to go up the tower.""What do you want up there?" said the old man. Has somebody sent you?""No," replied Heidi, "I only wanted to go up that I might look down.""Get along home with you and don't try this trick on me again, or you may not come off so easily a second time," and with that he turned and was about to shut the door. But Heidi took hold of his coat and said beseechingly, "Let me go up, just once."He looked around, and his mood changed as he saw her pleading eyes; he took hold of her hand and said kindly, "Well, if you really wish it so much, I will take you."The boy sat down on the church steps to show that he was content to wait where he was.

Hand in hand with the old man Heidi went up the many steps of the tower; they became smaller and smaller as they neared the top, and at last came one very narrow one, and there they were at the end of their climb. The old man lifted Heidi up that she might look out of the open window.

"There, now you can look down," he said.

Heidi saw beneath her a sea of roofs, towers, and chimney-pots;she quickly drew back her head and said in a sad, disappointed voice, "It is not at all what I thought.""You see now, a child like you does not understand anything about a view! Come along down and don't go ringing at my bell again!"He lifted her down and went on before her down the narrow stairway. To the left of the turn where it grew wider stood the door of the tower-keeper's room, and the landing ran out beside it to the edge of the steep slanting roof. At the far end of this was a large basket, in front of which sat a big grey cat, that snarled as it saw them, for she wished to warn the passers-by that they were not to meddle with her family. Heidi stood still and looked at her in astonishment, for she had never seen such a monster cat before; there were whole armies of mice, however, in the old tower, so the cat had no difficulty in catching half a dozen for her dinner every day. The old man seeing Heidi so struck with admiration said, "She will not hurt you while I am near; come, you can have a peep at the kittens."Heidi went up to the basket and broke out into expressions of delight.

"Oh, the sweet little things! the darling kittens," she kept on saying, as she jumped from side to side of the basket so as, not to lose any of the droll gambols of the seven or eight little kittens that were scrambling and rolling and falling over one another.

"Would you like to have one?" said the old man, who enjoyed watching the child's pleasure.

"For myself to keep?" said Heidi excitedly, who could hardly believe such happiness was to be hers.

"Yes, of course, more than one if you like--in short, you can take away the whole lot if you have room for them," for the old man was only too glad to think he could get rid of his kittens without more trouble.

Heidi could hardly contain herself for joy. There would be plenty of room for them in the large house, and then how astonished and delighted Clara would be when she saw the sweet little kittens.

"But how can I take them with me?" asked Heidi, and was going quickly to see how many she could carry away in her hands, when the old cat sprang at her so fiercely that she shrank back in fear.

"I will take them for you if you will tell me where," said the old man, stroking the cat to quiet her, for she was an old friend of his that had lived with him in the tower for many years.

"To Herr Sesemann's, the big house where there is a gold dog's head on the door, with a ring in its mouth," explained Heidi.

Such full directions as these were not really needed by the old man, who had had charge of the tower for many a long year and knew every house far and near, and moreover Sebastian was an acquaintance of his.

"I know the house," he said, "but when shall I bring them, and who shall I ask for?--you are not one of the family, I am sure.""No, but Clara will be so delighted when I take her the kittens."The old man wished now to go downstairs, but Heidi did not know how to tear herself away from the amusing spectacle.

"If I could just take one or two away with me! one for myself and one for Clara, may I?""Well, wait a moment," said the man, and he drew the cat cautiously away into his room, and leaving her by a bowl of food came out again and shut the door. "Now take two of them."Heidi's eyes shone with delight. She picked up a white kitten and another striped white and yellow, and put one in the right, the other in the left pocket. Then she went downstairs. The boy was still sitting outside on the steps, and as the old man shut the door of the church behind them, she said, "Which is our way to Herr Sesemann's house?""I don't know," was the answer.

  • 祭神州乐章·雍和


  • The White People

    The White People

  • 俱舍论记


  • BLIX


  • 正体类要


  • 妻奴难寻


  • 大婚晚成:律师大人惹不得


  • 仙缘


  • 血与月的传说


  • 复活


  • 清穿之悍妻来袭


  • 绝世杀神


  • 张恨水经典作品系列:水浒新传(下)


  • 死亡游戏


  • 鲁迅


    “青年又何须找那挂着金字招牌的导师呢?不如寻朋友,联合起来,同向着似乎可以生存的方向走。你们所多的是生力,遇见深林,可以开成平地的,遇见旷野,可以栽种树木的,遇见沙漠,可以开掘井泉的。向什么荆棘塞途的老路——寻什么乌烟瘴气的鸟导师。 ”他希望自己的作品速朽,希望人们忘记他。然而就其思想的影响力和艺术的穿透力而言,在20世纪的中国作家群中,是无人可与鲁迅比肩的。在现实社会条件下,在促使我们民族自省、自勉,昭示人们追求光明与进步方面,鲁迅的著作和思想依然是无可替代的,难以超越的。名人是世界的轴心,名传是人生的标尺,名人名传是我们不倦的家园。中国现代文学的伟大奠基者,现代中国最苦痛的灵魂,一个伟大的启蒙者,永生的民族魂。他的小说是号角,能唤醒国民麻木的神经,促进民族自我意识的觉醒;他的杂文是匕首,是投枪,能和读者杀出一条生存的血路,也能给人们愉快和休息。