French Language...........Bolmar's Levizac's Grammar and Verb Book. Agnel's Tabular System. Berard's Lecons Francaises. *Spier's and Surenne's Dictionary.
Tactics of Artillery......Practical Instruction in the and Infantry Schools of the Soldier, Company, and Battalion.
Practical Instruction in Artillery.
Use of Small Arms.........Instruction in Fencing and Bayonet Exercise.
Second Year--Third Class.
Mathematics...............Church's Descriptive Geometry, with its applications to Spherical Projections. Church's Shades, Shadows and Perspective.
Davies' Surveying. Church's Analytical Geometry.
Church's Calculus.
French Language...........Bolmar's Levizac's Grammar and Verb Book. Berard's Lecons Francaises. Chapsal's Lecons Et Modeles de Litterature Francaise. Agnel's Tabular System. Rowan's Morceaux Choisis des Auteurs Modernes.
*Spier's and Surenne's Dictionary.
Spanish...................Josse's Grammar. Morales'
Progressive Reader. Ollen-
Dorff's Oral Method applied to the Spanish, by Velasquez and Simonne. Seoane's Neuman and Baretti's Dictionary.
Drawing...................Topography, etc. Art of Penmanship.
Tactics of Infantry,......Practical Instruction in the Artillery, and Cavalry Schools of the Soldier, Company, and Battalion. Practical Instruction in Artillery and Cavalry.
Third Year--Second Class.
Natural and Experimental..Bartlett's Mechanics. Bartlett's Philosophy Acoustics and Optics. Bartlett's Astronomy.
Chemistry.................Fowne's Chemistry. Chemical Physics, from Miller.
Drawing...................Landscape. Pencil and Colors.
Tactics of Infantry,......Practical Instruction in the Artillery, and Cavalry Schools of the Soldier, Company, and Battalion. Practical Instruction in Artillery and Cavalry.
Practical Military........Myers' Manual of Signals.
Engineering Practical and Theoretical Instruction in Military Signaling and Telegraphy.
Fourth Year--First Class.
Military and Civil........Mahan's Field Fortification.
Engineering, and Mahan's Outlines of Sciences of War. Permanent Fortification.
Mahan's Fortification and Stereotomy. Mahan's Advanced Guard and Outpost, etc. *Moseley's Mechanics of Engineering.
Mineralogy and Geology....Dana's Mineralogy.
Hitchcock's Geology.
Ethics and Law............French's Practical Ethics.
Halleck's International Law. Kent's Commentaries (portion on Constitutional Law). Law and Military Law, by Prof. French.
Benet's Military Law and the Practice of Courts-Martial.
Tactics of Artillery,.....United States Tactics for Cavalry, and Infantry Calvary. Practical Instruction in the Schools of the Soldier, Company, and Battalion.
Practical Instruction in Artillery and Cavalry.
Ordnance and Gunnery......Benton's Ordnance and Gunnery. Practical Pyrotechny.
Practical Military........Practical Instruction in Engineering fabricating Fascines, Sap Faggots, Gabions, Hurdles, Sap-rollers, etc.; manner of laying out and constructing Gun and Mortar Batteries, Field Fortific-ations and Works of Siege;formation of Stockades, Abatis, and other military obstacles; and throwing and dismantling Pontoon Bridges.
Myer's Manual of Signals.
Practical Instruction in Military Signaling and Telegraphy.
The second paper was a printed blank, a letter of acceptance or non-acceptance, to be filled up, as the case may be, signed by myself, countersigned by my father, and returned to Washington, D. C.
The third, which follows, is simply a memorandum for use of the candidate.