

What It Meant to Keith.

"Dick, I wish you'd tell me about this leasing business. There are points which I don't understand." Beatrice leaned over and smoothed Rex's sleek shoulder with her hand.

"What do you want to understand it for? The thing is done now. We've got the fence-posts strung, and a crew hired to set them.""You needn't snap your words like that, Dick. It doesn't matter--only Iwas wondering why Mr. Cameron acted so queer yesterday when I told him about it.""You told Keith? What did he say?""He didn't say anything. He just looked things.""Where did you see him?" Dick wanted to know.

"Well, dear me! I don't see that it matters where I saw him. You're getting as inquisitive as mama. If you think it concerns you, why, I met him accidentally when I was fishing with Dorman. He was coming to see you, but you were gone, so he stopped and talked for a few minutes. Was there anything so strange about that? And I told him you were leasing the Pine Ridge country, and he looked--well, peculiar. But he wouldn't say anything.""Well, he had good reason for looking peculiar. But you needn't have told him I did it, Trix. Lay that at milord's door, where it belongs. Idon't want Keith to blame me.""But why should he blame anybody? It isn't his land, is it?""No, it isn't. But--you see, Trix, it's this way: A man goes somewhere and buys a ranch--or locates on a claim--and starts into the cattle business. He may not own more than a few hundred acres of land, but if he has much stock he needs miles of prairie country, with water, for them to range on. It's an absolute necessity, you see. He takes care to locate where there is plenty of public land that is free to anybody's cattle.

"Take the Pool outfit, for instance. We don't own land enough to feed one-third of our cattle. We depend on government land for range for them. The Cross outfit is the same, only Keith's is on a smaller scale.

He's got to have range outside his own land, which is mostly hay land.

This part of the State is getting pretty well settled up with small ranchers, and then the sheep men keep crowding in wherever they can get a show--and sheep will starve cattle to death; they leave a range as bare as a prairie-dog town. So there's only one good bit of range left around here, and that's the Pine Ridge country, as it's called. That's our main dependence for winter range; and now when this drought has struck us, and everything is drying up, we've had to turn all our cattle down there on account of water.

"Ever since I took charge of the Pool, Keith and I threw in together and used the same range, worked our crews together, and fought the sheepmen together. There was a time when they tried to gobble the Pine Ridge range, but it didn't go. Keith and I made up our minds that we needed it worse than they did--and we got it. Our punchers had every sheep herder bluffed out till there wasn't a mutton-chewer could keep a bunch of sheep on that range over-night.

  • 小丑游戏


  • 轮回之梦觉


  • 脚

  • 生命的奥秘


  • 中国式医患关系


    作者以客观公正的第三方视角,揭示了转型期中国医患关系的特点,剖析了医患关系紧张的根源,并提出了用新思维解决医患矛盾的对策。本书记录了近年来医疗卫生领域发生的诸多热点事件,包括“缝肛门”、“八毛门”、“录音门”、张悟本现象、教授之死、医生被害等,观点鲜明,文笔犀利。 本书分为“医者的尊严”、“患者的权利”、“医改的博弈”、“医学的温度”、“中医的忧思”5章,共20万字。
  • 独立(青少年成长智慧丛书)


  • 皇族刺客


  • 火影之蓝染忽右介


  • 最终之自我救赎


  • 伯乐相马经

