

A few shingles had been blown off the roofs; here and there a board was loose. With a hammer and a few nails, and in a few hours, many of these small repairs could be accomplished. And a coat or two of properly mixed and applied whitewash would freshen up the whole place and--like charity--cover a multitude of sins.

Henry bade him good-bye now, they shook hands, and Hiram agreed to let his new friend know at once if he decided to come with Mrs. Atterson to the farm.

"We can have heaps of fun--you and me," declared Henry.

"It isn't so bad," soliloquized the young farmer when he was alone. "There'd be time to put the buildings and fences in good shape before the spring work came on with a rush. There's fertilizer enough in the barnyard and the pig pen and the hen run--with the help of a few pounds of salts and some bone meal, perhaps--to enrich a right smart kitchen garden and spread for corn on that four acre lot yonder.

"Of course, this land up here on the hill needs humus. If it has been cropped on shares, as Henry says, all the enrichment it has received has been from commercial fertilizers. And necessarily they have made the land sour. It probably needs lime badly.

"Yes, I can't encourage Mrs. Atterson to look for a profit in anything this year. It will take a year to get that rich bottom into shape for--for what, I wonder? Onions? Celery? It would raise 'em both. I'll think about that and look over the market prospects more fully before I decide."For already, you see, Hiram had come to the decision that this old farm could be made to pay. Why not? The true farmer has to have imagination as well as the knowledge and the perseverance to grow crops. He must be able in his mind's eye to see a field ready for the reaping before he puts in a seed.

He did not go to the house on this occasion, but after casually examining the tools and harness, and the like, left by the old man, he cut off across the upper end of the farm and gave the neglected open fields of this upper forty a casual examination.

"If she had the money to invest, I'd say buy sheep and fence these fields and so get rid of the weeds. They've grown very foul through neglect, and cultivating them for years would not destroy the weeds as sheep would in two seasons.

"But wire fencing is expensive--and so are good sheep to begin with. No. Slow but sure must be our motto. I mustn't advise any great outlay of money--that would scare her to death.

"It will be hard enough for her to put out money all season long before there are any returns. We'll go, slow," repeated Hiram.

But when he left the farm that afternoon he went swiftly enough to Scoville and took the train for the not far distant city of Crawberry. This was Tuesday evening and he arrived just about supper time at Mrs. Atterson's.

The reason for Hiram's absence, and the matter of Mrs. Atterson's legacy altogether, had been kept from the boarders. And there was no time until after the principal meal of the day was off the lady's mind for Hiram to say anything to her.

  • 膳夫录


  • 柳永全集(上)


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  • 古今风谣


  • 明伦汇编人事典形声部


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  • 医妃当家,王爷请听话


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  • 飞羽踏星尘


  • 初情为了


  • 落墨成殇:盲眼绘佳人


  • 中国历代通俗演义:元史演义


    本书讲述从“第一回 感白光孀姝成孕 劫红颜异儿得妻”到“第六十回 群寇荡平明祖即位 顺帝出走元史告终”的历史。蒙古源流原本为唐朝时候的室韦分部,向居中国北方,打猎为生,自成部落。初服金邦统领,至铁木真出世遂统蒙古各部,养成势力。蒙古铁骑遂西征欧罗巴未几南下灭金侵宋。南宋覆灭,荡荡中原竞被那蒙古大汗囊括以去,一朝天子一朝臣,居然作了八十九年的中国皇帝这真是有史以来的创局!却不知,蒙人性情暴虐,待民苛刻,天下疲惫;竟激起无数民变,就中出了一位朱元璋硬是把元朝天下生生夺去……
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    Hollow Mountain (Part One) 空山(第一部)

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