每个人都在生活的道路上奔跑,而习惯就是背囊,如果没有好的习惯,你在人生的道路上将负重难行,更不会领略到沿途的美好风景。在本书当中,我们以瑞士钟表匠的精神精密地解构了战胜拖延症、提高执行力、修炼气场等培养习惯方面的“小零件”,给你提供了一份完整的“习惯说明书”,愿你在人生的道路上一路高歌猛进。虽然前进方向不同,但是从我们在这本书当中相遇的这一刻开始,愿我们都能由此开始发现人生的美好。More Pricks Than Kicks
His first published work of fiction (1934), More Pricks Than Kicks is a set of ten interlocked stories, set in Dublin and involving their adrift hero Belacqua in a series of encounters, as woman after woman comes crashing through his solipsism. More Pricks contains in embryo the centrifugal world of Beckett's men and women. She lifted the lobster clear of the table. It had about thirty seconds to live. Well, thought Belacqua, it's a quick death, God help us all. It is not.