

Prince Hugo had made no secret of his intentions with regard to Miss Dunbar, so that when it was known that his sisters and the rich American Mees would at last meet at the Countess von Amte's there was a flutter of curiosity in the exclusive circle of Munich. The countess herself called twice on Clara that day, so great was her triumph that this social event would occur at her house.

She asked boldly "Which of Miss Dunbar's marvellous Parisian confections will she wear? It is so important for her future happiness that the princesses should be favorably impressed! Aber, lieber Gott!" she shrieked, "don't let her speak French! Not a word! That would be ruin! They are all patriotism!" She hurried away, and ran back to say that the sun was shining as it had not done for days.

"She thinks nature itself is agog to see how the princesses receive Lucy," said Miss Vance indignantly. "One would suppose that the child was on trial.""So she is. Me, too," said Jean, wistfully regarding the bebe waist of the gown which Doucet had just sent her.

"I must go as an ingenue. I don't play the part well!""No, you do not," said Clara.

Miss Vance tapped at Lucy's door as she went down, and found her working at her embroidery. "You must lie down for an hour, my dear," she said, "and be fresh and rosy for this evening.""I am not going. I must finish these pinks. I have just sent a note of apology to the countess.""Not going!" Clara gasped, dismayed. Then she laughed with triumph. "The princesses and all the Herrschaft of Munich will be there to pass judgment on the bride, and the bride will be sitting at home finishing her pinks!


"I am no bride!" Lucy rose, stuck her needle carefully in its place, and came closer to Miss Vance. "I have made up my mind," she said earnestly. "I shall never marry.

My life now is quiet and clean. I'm not at all sure that it would be either if I were the Princess Wolfburgh."Clara stroked her hair fondly. "Your decision is sudden, my dear," she faltered, at last.

"Yes. There was something last night. It showed me what I was doing. To marry a man just because he is good and kind, that is--vile!" The tears rushed to her eyes.

There was a short silence.

"Don't look so aghast, dear Miss Vance," said Lucy cheerfully. "Go now and dress to meet the Herrschaft.""And what will you do, child?"

"I really must finish these pinks to-night." She took up her work. Her chin trembled a little. "We won't speak of this again, please," she said. "I never shall be a bride or a wife or mother. I will have a quiet, independent life--like yours."The sunshine fell on the girl's grave, uplifted face, on the white walls, the blue stove, and the calm, watching Madonnas. Clara, as Mrs. Waldeaux had done, thought of a nun in her cell to whom love could only be a sacred dream.

She smiled back at Lucy, bade her goodnight, and closed the door.

"Like mine?" she said, as she went down the corridor.

"Well, it is a comfortable, quiet life. But empty----"And she laid her hand suddenly across her thin breast.

Jean listened in silence when Clara told her briefly that Lucy was not going.

"She is very shrewd," she said presently. "She means to treat them de haut en bas from the outset. It is capital policy."Jean, when she entered the countess's salon, with downcast eyes, draped in filmy lace without a jewel or flower, was shy innocence in person. Furst Hugo stood near the hostess, with two stout women in shabby gowns and magnificent jewels.

"The frocks they made themselves, and the emeralds are heirlooms," Jean muttered to Clara, without lifting her timid eyes.

"Miss Dunbar is not coming?" exclaimed the prince.

"No," said Miss Vance.

"The Fraulein is ill?" demanded one of his sisters.

"No," Clara said, again smiling.

"WE expected to meet her," the younger princess said.

"It is most singular----"

"She has sent her apology to the countess," said Clara gently, and passed on.

But her little triumph was short lived.

  • 十六汤品


  • 皇朝经世文三编


  • 古文约选序例


  • 说唐


  • 大学章句集注


  • 一首情诗一场爱


  • 保卫国师大人


    【2019年2月份已完结】 如果他们也有朋友圈——大魔王:樯橹灰飞烟灭,这天下终究如我所愿。[千里江山图.jpg]冯妙君:日常任务“阻挠冤家称霸天下“完成(1/1),今天又愉快地活下来了呢^0^明天也要继续加油保住冤家的小命,维他命就是保我命。[封面图为本书原创,版权所有,盗用必究]
  • 爱情不是你想要就美好


  • 街口的我


  • 我是崇祯帝


  • 我爱你,直到时光尽头


  • 步步生莲之妖妃来袭


  • 暗黑大领主


    天堂的渗透,地狱的入侵,夹在两大势力间的凡人界该何去何从? 与天斗其乐无穷,与地斗其乐亦无穷,马龙向所有人宣告,我的地盘我做主。
  • 元史纪事本末


  • 徐志摩文集2

