

What Master Horace answered he didn't hear; he says he never saw anything like her face, so sad and wild, and working for all the world as if something were fighting her within. Then all in a minute she ran out and slipped down in her beautiful dress close by the old Maori in his dirty rags, and was rubbing her face against his, as them folks do when they meet. She had just taken a mouthful of the raw fish when Master Horace missed her. He hadn't noticed her slip away. But in a moment he seemed to understand what it meant. He saw the Maori come out strong in her face, and he knew the Maori had got the better of everything, husband and friends and all. He gave a little cry, and in a minute he had her on her feet and was bringing her back to the carriage. Some folks thought Dick Burdas a rough hard man, and I know he was a shocker of a lad (he was fra Whitby), but that night he cried like a baby when he tell 't me," and Mrs. Bentley fell for a moment into the dialect of her youth.

"He said," she continued, "that she looked like a poor stricken thing condemned, and let herself be led back as submissive as a child, and Master Horace's face was like the dead. He didn't think any one but the major and Dr. Danby saw her go, all was done in a minute. But it was done, and some few had seen, and it got out, and things were said that wasn't true. Not the doctor! No, miss, you needn't tell me that; he's told none, that I'll warrant. He's faithful and he's close."

"O Mrs. Bentley, how dreadful for her, how dreadful!" and the girl went down on her knees by the old woman, her tears flowing fast.

"That's it, miss, you understand. I feel like that. It was bad enough for Master Horace with the future before him, and his children to think of, but for her it was desperate cruel. Eh, ma'am, what she went through! She loved more than you'd have thought us poor human beings could. And, after all, the nature was in her; she didn't put it there.

I've had a deal to do to keep down sinful thoughts since then; there's a lot of things that's wrong in this world, ma'am."

"What did she do?" Alice whispered.

"She! She was for going away and leaving everything; she felt herself the worst woman in the world. It was only by begging and praying of her on my knees that I got her to stay in the house that night, for she was so far English, and had such a fancy, that she saw everything blacker than any Englishwoman would, even the partick'lerest.

Afterward Master Horace was that good and gentle, and she loved him so much, that he persuaded her to say nothing more about it, and to try to live as if it hadn't been. And so she seemed to do, outward like, to other people. But it wasn't ever the same again. Something had broken in them both; with him it was his trust and his pride, but in her it was her heart."

"But the children--surely they comforted her."

"Eh, miss, that was the worst. Poor lamb, poor lamb! Never after that day, though they were more to her nor children ever were to a mother before, would she have them with her. Just a morning and a good-night kiss, and a quarter of an hour at most, and I must take them away. She watched them play in the garden from her window or the little hill there, and when they were asleep she would sit by them for hours, saying how bonny they were and how good they were growing. And she looked after their clothes and their food and every little toy and pleasure, but never came in for a romp and a chat any more."

"Dear, brave heart!" murmured the girl.

"Yes, ma'am, you feel for her, I know. She was fair terrified of them turning Maori and shaming their father. That was it. You didn't notice? No; after you came she was too ill to bear them about, and it seemed natural, I dare say. The Maoris are a fearful delicate set of folks. A bad cold takes them off into consumption directly. And with her there was the sorrow as well as the cold. It was wonderful that she lived so long."

Alice threw her arms round Mrs. Bentley's neck.

"O nurse, it is all so dreadful and sad. Couldn't we have somehow kept her with us and made her happy?"

The old woman held her close. "Nay, my dear bairn, never after that happened. It, or worse, might have come again. It's something stronger in them than we know; it's the very blood, I'm thinking. But she's gone to be the angel that Dick always said she was."

Alice looked away over the starlit garden to where the plumy trees stirred in the night wind. "No," she said, fervently, "not 'gone to be,' nurse dear; she was an angel always. Dick was right."

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    穿越成阿尔托莉雅.潘德拉贡(女)带着系统的综漫旅行事先声明,本书不嫁人(八成没有不会写感情戏九成单身文。)1斗罗3(一小段)2FGO特异点f3我的世界4Fatezero5卡美洛6斗罗3天海联盟大比7卡美洛VS卡美洛 8斗气大陆 9精灵宝可梦 10第七特异点最终魔兽战线魔改 11游戏人生5000年前(一小段) 12FGO冠位神殿 13约会大作战里的圣杯战争 14崩坏3(卡莲奥托时期) 15从零开始的异世界生活书友群,群聊号码:965053610,顺带一提,我不是群主,是个书友创的,所以他经常会改问题,要是进群的问题和本书没关系的话,等第二天,我每天都会修改一次的。 这些剧情下面剧情世界与剧情世界的中间在后面一般都有其他的一些小剧情。 建议在41章或者61章又或者是105章的时候开始看,从头开始看的话会出现,因为作者是萌新写手的原因,写文的时候自嗨过头,前面世界各种乱穿很乱,劝退极高,41章后就没有太多这种结果(作者自以为) 精灵宝可梦章可以选择不看,劝退极高。 简介修改时间:2020:2:16
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    “降龙十八掌?听起来好威风啊,但是好像不适合我。” 书友群:515331397,欢迎各位加入。“井中八法?杀气太重了吧,再说了动不动就抽刀砍人可能不太符合我的气质。”“折花百式倒是挺潇洒,不过成天拿个扇子会不会有点装13的嫌疑?”“七伤拳,算了吧,别玩着玩着别人还没打到我我先吐血了。”“你问我想练什么?我也不知道诶,对了,你听说过一招从天而降的掌法吗?”
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