

"JUNE 15th, From the King's Camp a few bombs [King himself now gone] kindled the City in three places:"--but there is, by this time, new game afield; Prag Siege awaiting its decision not at Prag, but some way off.

Friedrich has been doing his utmost; diligent, by all methods, to learn where the Austrian Magazines were, that is, on what special edifices and localities shot might be expended with advantage;and has fired into these "about 12,000 bombs." Here is a small thing still remembered:--"Spies being, above all, essential in this business, Friedrich had bethought him of one Kasebier, a supreme of House-breakers, whom he has, safe with a ball at his ankle, doing forced labor at Spandau [in Stettin, if it mattered]. Kasebier was actually sent for, pardon promised him if he could do the State a service.

Kasebier smuggled himself twice, perhaps three times, into Prag;but the fourth time he did not come back." [Retzow, i. 108. n.]

Another Note says: "Kasebier was a Tailor, and Son of a Tailor, in Halle; and the expertest of Thieves. Had been doing forced labor, in Stettin, since 1748; twice did get into Prag; third time, vanished. A highly celebrated Prussian thief; still a myth among the People, like Dick Turpin or Cartouche, except that his was always theft without violence." [Preuss, ii. 57 n.]

We learn vaguely that the price of horse-flesh in Prag has risen to double; famine very sore: but still one hears nothing of surrender.

And again there is vague rumor that the City may be as it will;but that the Garrison has meal, after all we have ruined, which will last till October. Such a Problem has this King:

soluble within the time; or not soluble? Such a question for the whole world, and for himself more than any.



On and after June 9th, the bombardment at Prag abated, and never rose to briskness again; the place of trial for decision of that Siege having flitted else-whither, as we said. About that time, rumors came in, not so favorable, from the Duke of Bevern;which Friedrich, strong in hope, strove visibly to disbelieve, but at last could not. Bevern reports that Daun is actually coming on, far too strong for his resisting;--in other terms, that the Siege of Prag will not decide itself by bombardment, but otherwise and elsewhere. Of which we must now give some account; brief as may be, especially in regard to the preliminary or marching part.

Daun, whose light troops plundered Brandeis (almost within wind of the Prussian Rear) on the day while Prag Battle was fighting, had, on that fatal event, gradually drawn back to Czaslau, a place we used to know fifteen years ago; and there, or in those neighborhoods, defensively manoeuvring, and hanging upon Kuttenberg, Kolin, especially upon his Magazine of Suchdol, Daun, always rather drawing back, with Brunswick-Bevern vigilantly waiting on him, has continued ever since; diligently recruiting himself; ranking the remains of the right wing defeated at Prag;drawing regiments out of Mahren, or whencesoever to be had.

Till, by these methods, he is grown 60,000 strong; nearly thrice superior to Bevern; though being a "Fabius Cunctator" (so called by and by), he as yet attempts nothing. Forty thousand in Prag, with Sixty here in the Czaslau Quarter, [Tempelhof, i. 196; Retzow (i.

107, 109) counts 46,000+66,000.] that makes 100,000; say his Prussian Majesty has two-thirds of the number: can the Fabius Cunctator attempt nothing, before Prag utterly famish?

Order comes to him from Vienna: "Rescue Prag; straightway go upon it, cost what it like!" Daun does go upon it; advances visibly towards Prag, Bevern obliged to fall back in front of him.

Sunday, 12th June, Daun despatches several Officers to Prince Karl at Prag, with notice that, "On the 20th, Monday come a week, he will be in the neighborhood of Prag with this view:--they, of course, to sally out, and help from rearward." "Several Officers, under various disguises," go with that message, June 12th; but none of them could get into the City; and some of them, I judge, must have fallen into the Prussian Hussar Parties:--at any rate, the news they carried did get into the Prussian circuit, and produced an instant resolution there. Early next morning, Monday 13th, King Friedrich, with what disposable force is on the spot,--10,000capable of being spared from siege-work, and 4,000 more that will be capable of following, under Prince Moritz, in two days,--sets forth in all speed. Joins Bevern that same night; at Kaurzim, thirty-five miles off, which is about midway from Prag to Czaslau, and only three miles or so from Daun's quarters that night,--had the King known it, which he did not.

Daun must be instantly gone into; and shall,--if he is there at all, and not fallen back at the first rumor of us, as Friedrich rather supposes. In any case, there are preliminaries indispensable: the 4,000 of Prince Moritz still to come up;secondly, bread to be had for us, which is baking at Nimburg, across the Elbe, twenty miles off; lastly (or rather firstly, and most indispensable of all), Daun to be reconnoitred.

Friedrich reconnoitres Daun with all diligence; pushes on everything according to his wont; much obstructed in the reconnoitring by Pandour clouds, under which Daun has veiled himself, which far outnumber our small Hussar force. Daun, as usual,--showing always great skill in regard to camps and positions,--has planted himself in difficult country: a little river with its boggy pools in front; behind and around, an intricate broken country of knolls and swamps, one ridge in it which they even call a BERG or Hill, Kamhayek Berg; not much of a Hill after all, but forming a long backbone to the locality, west end of it straight behind Daun's centre, at present.

  • The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

    The Rime of the Ancient Mariner

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  • 染云缘


    她是50世纪的天娇,一朝穿越,魂附名满京城的痴傻公主身上。 当清冷的眸子绽放出耀人的光芒,天下棋局,风云已动。 他是权势滔天的王,冷酷无情。可当她的匕首抵住了他的颈脉,薄唇轻勾。引发了怎样的惊世情缘? 血月当空,他一袭白衣,风华绝代,映入她异色双眸,成为不死不灭的印,刻在她心中涟漪之上,挥之不去。 他勾唇缓缓一笑,没有那些海枯石烂的誓言保证,暗紫色的眸子倒映出眼前的人,再,容不下其他。 片段: 山洞之内,男子抱着一个血人,眼角微红: “怎么救她?” “需要一个人和她签订生死契约,承担伤势,若稍有不慎……筋脉尽毁,灵力全废。” 此话一出,他身旁那两个下属几乎下意识的上前一步,想要挺身而出。 “退下。” 男子的目光半刻不离怀中的人,声音带着几分嘶哑: “我来。” 无论如何,我只要你安好,不管付出什么代价,你也绝不能有半点意外。 有我在,就算你死,也要看我同不同意,如若不能同生,那我便陪你一起,共赴九幽黄泉。简介无能,请看正文。 本文不虐无误会,男女主双强双洁双宠,身心干净1v1,小可爱们点个收藏吖~~
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