

In 1742 another bill was introduced and passed by both Houses in Dublin by which all unregistered priests who did not depart out of Ireland before March 1724 were to be punished as guilty of high treason unless they consented to take the Oath of Abjuration; a similar punishment was decreed against bishops, vicars, deans, and monks without allowing them any alternative; all persons adjudged guilty of receiving or affording assistance to priests were to be put to death as felons "without benefit of clergy;" Popish schoolmasters and tutors were to undergo a like punishment, and to ensure that the law would be enforced ample rewards were given to all informers. But when the bill was sent to England it failed to receive the sanction of the king and privy council, and was therefore allowed to lapse.[21]

The results of these laws made to secure the extirpation of the Catholic religion were to be seen in 1731 when a systematic inquiry was conducted by the Protestant ministers and bishops into the condition of the Catholics in every single parish in Ireland. In Armagh there were only twenty-five "Mass-houses," some of them being mere cabins; in Meath there were one hundred and eight; in Clogher only nine although in addition it was reported that there were forty-six altars where the people heard Mass in the open air; in Raphoe one "old Mass-house," one recently erected, "one cabin, and two sheds;" in Derry there were nine Mass-houses, all "mean, inconsiderable buildings," but Mass was said in most parts of the diocese in open fields, or under some shed set up occasionally for shelter; in Dromore there were two Mass-houses, and "two old forts were Masses are constantly said;" and in Down there were five Mass-houses, but in addition the priests celebrated "in private houses or on the mountains." In the diocese of Dublin it was reported that the number of Mass-houses amounted to fifty-eight, sixteen of which were situated within the city; in Ferns there were thirty-one together with eleven "moveable altars in the fields;" in Leighlin, twenty-eight, besides three altars in the fields and three private chapels, and in Ossory their were thirty-two "old Mass-houses" and eighteen built since the reign of George I. In Cashel there were forty "Mass-houses," and it was noted particularly that one was being built at Tipperary, "in the form of a cross, ninety-two feet by seventy-two;" in Cloyne there were seventy Mass-houses. In Tuam the Protestant archbishop reported that there were Mass-houses in most parishes; in Elphin it was reckoned that there were forty-seven "Mass-houses," a few of them being huts;in Killala there were four, in Achonry thirteen, in Clonfert forty, and in Kilmacduagh there were thirteen. But in a remarkable fact that in spite of all the legal penalties directed against the priests, and of all the work that was being done by the government officials, the "priest-catchers," whose profession according to the Irish House of Commons was an honourable one, and by the magistrates, and ministers, there was a very large number of secular priests still ministering to the people and also of friars, who were reported as being active in preaching to the people sometimes in private houses and sometimes in the open fields. And it is even still more remarkable that despite the vigilance of the Protestant bishops there were even then over five hundred "popish schools" in some of which the classics were taught, and there were besides several schoolmasters who moved from place to place. The Protestant Bishop of Derry announced with a considerable amount of pride that there were not any popish schools in his diocese.

  • Eugene Pickering

    Eugene Pickering

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  • New Arabian Nights

    New Arabian Nights

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    人格严重性分裂的凤九倾被人杀了!!然后穿越了!!嗯…这是个很严肃的问题。凤九倾对此表示无所谓,但是…那个跟自己身后那个总想撩自己的某男是怎么办,当然是撩回去啊,要知道,我才是攻。邪魅:“若你不离不弃,我便生死相依,但若你舍我而去,那你便是逃到天涯海角,我也会抓住你,然后…让你只能拥有属于我一个人…” 温润:“你爱我会为我而死吗?让我看看你的诚意……好吧,我已经知道了。那么我的答案是……我愿意。” 无情:“无情?什么是无情?无情就是没有感情。但若是这无情变成有情,会如同身处黑暗的人找到一丝光明,她会固执地抓住不放手,就算这份固执会使她粉身碎骨。如同蓝色水菊一样,善变固执又无情。所以这样一个无情的我,你……接受吗?” 单纯:“我知道我一无是处,但我愿意把我的一切都给你,所以……你可不可以别抛下我,我会很听话的。” 某男很郁闷,媳妇太精分,太撩了怎么办,自己不仅要防男人,还要防女人。哎~萌新一枚,不喜勿喷。
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