

"/Die, Antony!--the curse of Menkau-ra hath fallen!/"

He raised himself, and stared upon my face. He could not speak, but, gibbering, he pointed at me. Then with a groan his spirit fled.

Thus did I accomplish my revenge upon Roman Antony, the World-loser.

Thereafter, we recovered Cleopatra from her swoon, for not yet was I minded that she should die. And taking the body of Antony, C?sar permitting, I and Atoua caused it to be most skilfully embalmed after our Egyptian fashion, covering the face with a mask of gold fashioned like to the features of Antony. Also I wrote upon his breast his name and titles, and painted his name and the name of his father within his inner coffin, and drew the form of the Holy Nout folding her wings about him.

Then with great pomp Cleopatra laid him in that sepulchre which had been made ready, and in a sarcophagus of alabaster. Now, this sarcophagus was fashioned so large that place was left in it for a second coffin, for Cleopatra would lie by Antony at the last.

These things then happened. And but a little while after I learned tidings from one Cornelius Dolabella, a noble Roman who waited upon C?sar, and, moved by the beauty that swayed the souls of all who looked upon her, had pity for the woes of Cleopatra. He bade me warn her--for, as her physician, it was allowed me to pass in and out of the tomb where she dwelt--that in three days she would be sent away to Rome, together with her children, save C?sarion, whom Octavian had already slain, that she might walk in the triumph of C?sar.

Accordingly I went in, and found her sitting, as now she always sat, plunged in a half stupor, and before her that blood-stained robe with which she had staunched the wounds of Antony. For on this she would continually feast her eyes.

"See how faint they grow, Olympus," she said, lifting her sad face and pointing to the rusty stains, "and he so lately dead! Why, Gratitude could not fade more fast. What is now thy news? Evil tidings is writ large in those dark eyes of thine, which ever bring back to me something that still slips my mind."

"The news is ill, O Queen," I answered. "I have this from the lips of Dolabella, who has it straight from C?sar's secretary. On the third day from now C?sar will send thee and the Princes Ptolemy and Alexander and the Princess Cleopatra to Rome, there to feast the eyes of the Roman mob, and be led in triumph to that Capitol where thou didst swear to set thy throne!"

"Never, never!" she cried, springing to her feet. "Never will I walk in chains in C?sar's triumph! What must I do? Charmion, tell me what I can do!"

And Charmion, rising, stood before her, looking at her through the long lashes of her downcast eyes.

"Lady, thou canst die," she said quietly.

"Ay, of a truth I had forgotten; I can die. Olympus, hast thou the drug?"

"Nay; but if the Queen wills it, by to-morrow morn it shall be brewed --a drug so swift and strong that not the Gods themselves can hold him who drinks it back from sleep."

"Let it be made ready, thou Master of Death!"

I bowed, and withdrew myself; and all that night I and old Atoua laboured at the distilling of the deadly draught. At length it was done, and Atoua poured it into a crystal phial, and held it to the light of the fire; for it was white as the purest water.

"/La! la!/" she sang, in her shrill voice; "a drink for a Queen! When fifty drops of that water of my brewing have passed those red lips of hers, thou wilt indeed be avenged of Cleopatra, O Harmachis! Ah, that I could be there to see thy Ruin ruined! /La! la!/ it would be sweet to see!"

"Vengeance is an arrow that oft-times falls upon the archer's head," I answered, bethinking me of Charmion's saying.

  • 大乘方广总持经


  • Characteristics


  • 摩诃摩耶经


  • At the Sign of the Cat and Racket

    At the Sign of the Cat and Racket

  • 雅量


  • 永痕游记


  • 美味佳妻


  • 冷情霸少杀手妻


  • 告状


  • 凌龙谛


  • 逆天驭兽狂妃


  • 诊宗三昧


  • 星域称霸系统


    “犯我文明者,虽远必诛!” ……… 宇宙进入星际联盟时代后,地球文明逐渐发展起来,接触到了更加先进的科技,得知星际联盟的地球文明并不信任联盟,虽然获得了部分联盟的共享科技但是一直没有主动向星际联盟接触。 直到与另一个文明相遇,星际战争爆发,地球的一次失利致使节节败退,战火蔓延到了太阳系,在战火中地球遭到不可挽回重创,地球文明不得不向星际联盟寻求帮助,在联盟的干预下,战争结束了。 但是地球已经没有了往日的生机,继续留在太阳系已经不安全了,文明高层决定放弃地球,去冰冷的宇宙中寻找新的家园,只有一小部分人不愿离开,选择了留下。周骁无意间穿越到这个世界,获得了系统,借助于系统的存在,建立舰队为地球人创造了生存的空间,以实力争得地球军方的认可,不断的征战,称霸整个星域…………
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  • 十三绣衣使(全集)

