

ON once gaining the wharf, Devenant and Clotelle found no difficulty in securing an immediate passage to France. The fine packet-ship Utica lay down the bay, and only awaited the return of the lighter that night to complete her cargo and list of passengers, ere she departed. The young Frenchman therefore took his prize on board, and started for the ship.

Daylight was just making its appearance the next morning when the Utica weighed anchor and turned her prow toward the sea. In the course of three hours, the vessel, with outspread sails, was rapidly flying from land. Everything appeared to be auspicious.

The skies were beautifully clear, and the sea calm, with a sun that dazzled the whole scene. But clouds soon began to chase each other through the heavens and the sea became rough. It was then that Clotelle felt that there was hope of escaping. She had hitherto kept in the cabin, but now she expressed a wish to come on deck. The hanging clouds were narrowing the horizon to a span, and gloomily mingling with the rising surges. The old and grave-looking seamen shook their weather-wise heads as if foretelling a storm.

As Clotelle came on deck, she strained her eyes in vain to catch a farewell view of her native land. With a smile on her countenance, but with her eyes filled with tears, she said,--"Farewell, farewell to the land of my birth, and welcome, welcome, ye dark blue waves. I care not where I go, so it is 'Where a tyrant never trod, Where a slave was never known, But where nature worships God, If in the wilderness alone.'"

Devenant stood by her side, seeming proud of his future wife, with his face in a glow at his success, while over his noble brow clustering locks of glossy black hair were hanging in careless ringlets. His finely-cut, classic features wore the aspect of one possessed with a large and noble heart.

Once more the beautiful Clotelle whispered in the ear of her lover,--"Away, away, o'er land and sea, America is now no home for me."

The winds increased with nightfall, and impenetrable gloom surrounded the ship. The prospect was too uncheering, even to persons in love. The attention which Devenant paid to Clotelle, although she had been registered on the ship's passenger list as his sister, caused more than one to look upon his as an agreeable travelling companion. His tall, slender figure and fine countenance bespoke for him at first sight one's confidence. That he was sincerely and deeply enamored of Clotelle all could see.

The weather became still more squally. The wind rushed through the white, foaming waves, and the ship groaned with its own wild and ungovernable labors, while nothing could be seen but the wild waste of waters. The scene was indeed one of fearful sublimity.

Day came and went without any abatement of the storm. Despair was now on every countenance. Occasionally a vivid flash of lightning would break forth and illuminate the black and boiling surges that surrounded the vessel, which was now scudding before the blast under bare poles.

  • 红楼之女儿当自强


  • 演绎综合法训练(青少年提高逻辑思维能力训练集)


  • 纤手谋天下


  • 一顿自己的晚餐


  • 六十种曲双珠记


  • 狼女毒妃:嫡女本妖娆


  • 不好,有外挂!


  • 故乡的候鸟


  • 旧年的血迹


    本书是第五届茅盾文学奖获得者阿来的作品集。收录老房子、奔马似的白色群山、环山的雪光、寐、旧年的血迹、生命、远方的地平线等小说。 当十年前的文学新星丛书收录阿来的这部小说集时,人们还不能真正体会这些描写阿坝藏族历史和现实生活小说的真谛,可随着他长篇小说《尘埃落定》的获奖,他早期的这些小说便透露出真正的艺术价值:那摇摇欲坠的"老房子"不正是土司制度衰微的缩影吗?那一步一趋的朝拜队伍不正是藏族寻求精神家园的写照吗?阿来正是从这本书开始起走向中国文学圣殿的。
  • 佛说父母恩难报经

