

At this point Dunn stepped swiftly to Cameron's side. "Brace up, old chap," he said in a low tone. Then turning towards the Captain he said, "I beg your pardon, Sir, but I do think it's only fair to give a man a chance to explain."

"Allow me, gentlemen," said Mr. Rae in a firm, quiet voice, as the Captain was about to break forth. "Allow me to conduct this examination."

Cameron turned his face toward Dunn. "Thank you, old man," he said, his white lips quivering. "I will do my best, but before God, I don't understand this."

"Now, Mr. Allan," continued the lawyer, tapping the desk sharply, "here are two cheques for fifty pounds, both drawn by your father, both endorsed by you, one apparently cashed by Mr. Potts, one by yourself. What do you know about this?"

"Mr. Rae," replied the young man, his voice trembling and husky, "I tell you I can't understand this. I ought to say that for the last two weeks I haven't been quite myself, and whiskey always makes me forget. I can walk around steadily enough, but I don't always know what I am doing--"

"That's so, Sir," said Dunn quickly, "I've seen him."

"--And just what happened with these cheques I do not know. This cheque," picking up the one endorsed to Potts, "I remember giving to Potts. The only other cheque I remember is a five-pound one."

"Do you remember cashing that five-pound cheque?" inquired Mr. Rae.

"I carried it about for some days. I remember that, because I once offered it to Potts in part payment, and he said--" the white face suddenly flushed a deep red.

"Well, Mr. Allan, what did he say?"

"It doesn't matter," said Cameron.

"It may and it may not," said Mr. Rae sharply. "It is your duty to tell us."

"Out with it," said his father angrily. "You surely owe it to me, to us all, to let us have every assistance."

Cameron paid no attention to his father's words. "It has really no bearing, Sir, but I remember saying as I offered a five-pound cheque, 'I wish it was fifty.'"

"And what reply did Mr. Potts make?" said Mr. Rae, with quiet indifference, as if he had lost interest in this particular feature of the case.

Again Cameron hesitated.

"Come, out with it!" said his father impatiently.

His son closed his lips as if in a firm resolve. "It really has nothing whatever to do with the case."

"Play the game, old man," said Dunn quietly.

"Oh, all right!" said Cameron. "It makes no difference anyway. He said in a joke, 'You could easily make this fifty; it is such mighty poor writing.'"

Still Mr. Rae showed no sign of interest. "He suggested in a joke, I understand, that the five-pound cheque could easily be changed into fifty pounds. That was a mere pleasantry of Mr. Potts', doubtless. How did the suggestion strike you, Mr. Allan?"

Allan looked at him in silence.

"I mean, did the suggestion strike you unpleasantly, or how?"

"I don't think it made any impression, Sir. I knew it was a joke."

"A joke!" groaned his father. "Good Heavens! What do you think--?"

"Once more permit me," said Mr. Rae quietly, with a wave of his hand toward the Captain. "This cheque of five pounds has evidently been altered to fifty pounds. The question is, by whom, Mr. Allan?

Can you answer that?" Again Mr. Rae's eyes were searching the young man's face.

"I have told you I remember nothing about this cheque."

"Is it possible, Mr. Allan, that you could have raised this cheque yourself without your knowing--?"

"Oh, nonsense!" said his father hotly, "why make the boy lie?"

His son started as if his father had struck him. "I tell you once more, Mr. Rae, and I tell you all, I know nothing about this cheque, and that is my last word." And from that position nothing could move him.

"Well," said Mr. Rae, closing the interview, "we have done our best. The law must take its course."

"Great Heavens!" cried the Captain, springing to his feet. "Do you mean to tell me, Allan, that you persist in this cursed folly and will give us no further light? Have you no regard for my name, if not for your own?" He grasped his son fiercely by the arm.

But his son angrily shook off his grasp. "You," he said, looking his father full in the face, "you condemned me before you heard a word from me, and now for my name or for yours I care not a tinker's curse." And with this he flung himself from the room.

"Follow him," said Mr. Rae to Dunn, quietly; "he will need you.

And keep him in sight; it is important."

"All right, Sir!" said Dunn. "I'll stay with him." And he did.

  • 建文皇帝遗迹


  • 类经图翼


  • 杂病心法要诀


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  • 非诗辨妄


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  • 地震问答


  • 倾非魔


    本文一对一,男强女强她,洛倾云,洛家直系九小姐,一身灵力气息全无,千百年难遇的废材体质,当灵魂再造,21世纪女特种兵队长,洛倾云,当她变成她,世界也为之疯狂。新生的她,从此一鸣惊人,大放异彩。宅门深深,锁不住一身傲骨。上一秒还在于你欢声笑语,下一秒却可以面无表情的砍下你的头颅。为了亲人,千古世家,她灭;为了朋友,绝世高手,她杀;为了爱人,即使是世界,她毁。无情却又重情,绝情却又痴情。世人皆道她狂妄,她却说“欺她在意者,必千百倍还之。辱她朋友者,必血溅当场。”他,血魔天,乃那浩瀚血池之中一抹孤魂,飘荡无望,千百年的孤寂,让他忘了情为何物。冷酷绝情的他完全不把人命放在眼里,挥手间就毁了世人所奢望的一切,但独独对她,他狠不下心,下不了手,爱恨交缠,痴心相付。宁负天下人,不负洛倾云,为了她,即使毁了这天下那又如何,世人皆道他无情,他却一笑置之,只道“无情才是他的本性”当绝情情遇上无情,痴情对上痴心,又将碰撞出怎样的火花? 短简介本文一对一,男强女强她,洛倾云,洛家直系九小姐,千百年难遇的废材体质,当灵魂再造,世界也为之疯狂。宅门深深,锁不住一身傲骨。为了亲人,千古世家,她灭;为了朋友,绝世高手,她杀;为了爱人,即使是世界,她毁。他,血魔天,乃血池之中一抹孤魂,千百年的孤寂,让他忘了情为何物。冷酷绝情的他完全不把人命放在眼里,挥手间就毁了世人所奢望的一切。当绝情情遇上无情,痴情对上痴心,又将碰撞出怎样的火花?
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