

"I am convinced," he added, "that there is a profundity of meaning in those words, 'Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein,' that we have not yet fathomed. I suspect Wordsworth is not far astray when he suggests that with the passing years we grow away from the simplicity of our faith and the clearness of our vision. There is no doubt that to Rob, Jesus is as real as I am."

"There is no doubt of that," said his wife quickly.

"Not only as real, but quite as dear; indeed, dearer. I shall never forget the shock I received when I heard him one day, as a wee, wee boy, classifying the objects of his affection. I remember the ascending scale was: 'I love Jack and Daddy just the same, then mother, then Jesus.' It was always in the highest place, Jesus; and I believe that the scale is the same to-day, unless Jack," she added, with a smile at her son, "has moved to his mother's place."

"Not much fear of that, mother," said Jack, "but I should not be surprised if you are quite right about the little chap. He is a queer little beggar!"

"There you are again, Jack," said his father, "and it is upon that point I was inclined to take issue with you when your mother entered."

"I think I shall leave you," said the mother. "I am rather tired, and so I shall bid you good-night."

"Yes," said the father, when they had seated themselves again, "the very fact that to you, and to me for that matter, Rob's attitude of mind should seem peculiar raises the issue. What is the normal type of Christian faith? Is it not marked by the simplicity and completeness of the child's?"

"And yet, Sir," replied Jack, "that simplicity and completeness is the result of inexperience. Surely the ideal faith is not that which ignores the facts and experiences of life?"

"Not exactly," replied his father, "yet I am not sure but after all, 'the perfect love which casteth out fear' is one which ignores the experiences of life, or, rather, classifies them in a larger category. That is, it refuses to be disturbed by life's experiences, because among those experiences there is a place for the enlarged horizon, the clearer vision. But I am not arguing about this matter; I rather wish to make a confession and enlist your aid.

Frankly, the boy's words gave me an uneasy sense of failure in my duty to this young man; or, perhaps I should say, my privilege. And really, it is no wonder! Here is this little chap actually carrying every day a load of intense concern for our friend, as to whether, as he puts it himself, 'he has come back.' And, after all, Jack, I wonder if this should not have been more upon our minds? The young man, I take it, since his mother's death has little in his home life to inspire him with religious faith and feeling. If she had been alive, one would not feel the same responsibility; she was a singularly saintly woman."

"You are quite right, Sir," said Jack quickly, "and I suspect you rather mean that I am the one that should feel condemned."

"Not at all! Not at all, Jack! I am thinking, as every man must, of my own responsibility, though, doubtless, you have yours as well. Of course I know quite well you have stuck by him splendidly in his fight for a clean and self-controlled life, but one wonders whether there is not something more."

"There is, Sir!" replied his son quickly. "There undoubtedly is!

But though I have no hesitation in speaking to men down in the Settlement about these things, you know, still, somehow, to a man of your own class, and to a personal friend, one hesitates. One shrinks from what seems like assuming an attitude of superiority."

"I appreciate that," said his father, "but yet one wonders to what extent this shrinking is due to a real sense of one's own imperfections, and to what extent it is due to an unwillingness to risk criticism, even from ourselves, in a loyal attempt to serve the Master and His cause. And, besides that, one wonders whether from any cause one should hesitate to do the truly kind and Christian thing to one's friend. I mean, you value your religion; or, to put it personally, as Rob would, you would esteem as your chief possession your knowledge of the Christ, as Friend and Saviour. Do not loyalty to Him and friendship require that you share that possession with your dearest friend?"

"I know what you mean, Sir," said Jack earnestly. "I shall think it over. But don't you think a word from you, Sir--"

His father looked at his son with a curious smile.

"Oh, I know what you are thinking," said his son, "but I assure you it is not quite a case of funk."

"Do you know, Jack," said his father earnestly, "we make our religion far too unreal; a thing either of forms remote from life, or a thing of individualistic emotion divorced from responsibility.

One thing history reveals, that the early propagandum for the faith was entirely unprofessional. It was from friend to friend, from man to man. It was horizontal rather than perpendicular."

"Well, I shall think it over," said Jack.

"Do you know," said his father, "that I have the feeling of having accepted from Rob responsibility for our utmost endeavour to bring it about that, as Rob puts it, 'somehow he shall get back'?"

It was full twenty minutes before train time when Rob, torn with anxiety lest they should be late, marched his brother on to the railway platform to wait for the Camerons, who were to arrive from the North. Up and down they paraded, Dunn turning over in his mind the conversation of the night before, Rob breaking away every three minutes to consult the clock and the booking clerk at the wicket.

"Will he come to us this afternoon, Jack, do you think?" enquired the boy.

"Don't know! He turned down a football lunch! He has his sister and his father with him."

"His sister could come with him!" argued the boy.

"What about his father?"

Rob had been close enough to events to know that the Captain constituted something of a difficulty in the situation.

"Well, won't he have business to attend to?"

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