

I was glad that Miss Matty seemed still a little incredulous; but I could not tell how much of this was real or assumed, with that self-control which seemed habitual to ladies of Miss Matty's standing in Cranford, who would have thought their dignity compromised by the slightest expression of surprise, dismay, or any similar feeling to an inferior in station, or in a public shop.

However, we walked home very silently. I am ashamed to say, I believe I was rather vexed and annoyed at Miss Matty's conduct in taking the note to herself so decidedly. I had so set my heart upon her having a new silk gown, which she wanted sadly; in general she was so undecided anybody might turn her round; in this case I had felt that it was no use attempting it, but I was not the less put out at the result.

Somehow, after twelve o'clock, we both acknowledged to a sated curiosity about the fashions, and to a certain fatigue of body (which was, in fact, depression of mind) that indisposed us to go out again. But still we never spoke of the note; till, all at once, something possessed me to ask Miss Matty if she would think it her duty to offer sovereigns for all the notes of the Town and County Bank she met with? I could have bitten my tongue out the minute I had said it. She looked up rather sadly, and as if I had thrown a new perplexity into her already distressed mind; and for a minute or two she did not speak. Then she said - my own dear Miss Matty - without a shade of reproach in her voice - "My dear, I never feel as if my mind was what people call very strong; and it's often hard enough work for me to settle what I ought to do with the case right before me. I was very thankful to - I was very thankful, that I saw my duty this morning, with the poor man standing by me; but its rather a strain upon me to keep thinking and thinking what I should do if such and such a thing happened; and, I believe, I had rather wait and see what really does come; and I don't doubt I shall be helped then if I don't fidget myself, and get too anxious beforehand. You know, love, I'm not like Deborah. If Deborah had lived, I've no doubt she would have seen after them, before they had got themselves into this state."

We had neither of us much appetite for dinner, though we tried to talk cheerfully about indifferent things. When we returned into the drawing-room, Miss Matty unlocked her desk and began to look over her account-books. I was so penitent for what I had said in the morning, that I did not choose to take upon myself the presumption to suppose that I could assist her; I rather left her alone, as, with puzzled brow, her eye followed her pen up and down the ruled page. By-and-by she shut the book, locked the desk, and came and drew a chair to mine, where I sat in moody sorrow over the fire. I stole my hand into hers; she clasped it, but did not speak a word. At last she said, with forced composure in her voice, "If that bank goes wrong, I shall lose one hundred and forty-nine pounds thirteen shillings and fourpence a year; I shall only have thirteen pounds a year left." I squeezed her hand hard and tight.

I did not know what to say. Presently (it was too dark to see her face) I felt her fingers work convulsively in my grasp; and I knew she was going to speak again. I heard the sobs in her voice as she said, "I hope it's not wrong - not wicked - but, oh! I am so glad poor Deborah is spared this. She could not have borne to come down in the world - she had such a noble, lofty spirit."

This was all she said about the sister who had insisted upon investing their little property in that unlucky bank. We were later in lighting the candle than usual that night, and until that light shamed us into speaking, we sat together very silently and sadly.

However, we took to our work after tea with a kind of forced cheerfulness (which soon became real as far as it went), talking of that never-ending wonder, Lady Glenmire's engagement. Miss Matty was almost coming round to think it a good thing.

"I don't mean to deny that men are troublesome in a house. I don't judge from my own experience, for my father was neatness itself, and wiped his shoes on coming in as carefully as any woman; but still a man has a sort of knowledge of what should be done in difficulties, that it is very pleasant to have one at hand ready to lean upon. Now, Lady Glenmire, instead of being tossed about, and wondering where she is to settle, will be certain of a home among pleasant and kind people, such as our good Miss Pole and Mrs Forrester. And Mr Hoggins is really a very personable man; and as for his manners, why, if they are not very polished, I have known people with very good hearts and very clever minds too, who were not what some people reckoned refined, but who were both true and tender."

She fell off into a soft reverie about Mr Holbrook, and I did not interrupt her, I was so busy maturing a plan I had had in my mind for some days, but which this threatened failure of the bank had brought to a crisis. That night, after Miss Matty went to bed, I treacherously lighted the candle again, and sat down in the drawing-room to compose a letter to the Aga Jenkyns, a letter which should affect him if he were Peter, and yet seem a mere statement of dry facts if he were a stranger. The church clock pealed out two before I had done.

The next morning news came, both official and otherwise, that the Town and County Bank had stopped payment. Miss Matty was ruined.

She tried to speak quietly to me; but when she came to the actual fact that she would have but about five shillings a week to live upon, she could not restrain a few tears.

"I am not crying for myself, dear," said she, wiping them away; "I believe I am crying for the very silly thought of how my mother would grieve if she could know; she always cared for us so much more than for herself. But many a poor person has less, and I am not very extravagant, and, thank God, when the neck of mutton, and Martha's wages, and the rent are paid, I have not a farthing owing.

Poor Martha! I think she'll be sorry to leave me."

Miss Matty smiled at me through her tears, and she would fain have had me see only the smile, not the tears.

  • Voyages of Dr.Doolittle

    Voyages of Dr.Doolittle

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  • Two Men of Sandy Bar

    Two Men of Sandy Bar

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  • 心的二分之一


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  • 胜者、败者与儿子 (皇冠和荣耀—第八部)

    胜者、败者与儿子 (皇冠和荣耀—第八部)

    《胜者,败者与儿子》是本系列丛书的第8本书,也是最后一本书——摩根·莱斯的畅销史诗幻想系列“皇冠和荣耀”,以《奴隶、战士和王后(第一部)》开头。西瑞斯在神秘的土地上奋勇搏斗,试图夺回她失去的力量,并挽救自己的生命。萨诺斯、阿奇拉、韦斯特爵士的部下和其他人在海隆城岛上背水一战,对抗飞灰城舰队的威力。荷娃试图将她的食骨族人组织起来去援助萨诺斯,并参加海隆城的战斗。一场史诗般的战争,一波未平一波又起。如果西瑞斯回不来,他们还能坚持的时间不长了。斯蒂芬尼娅扬帆启航去飞灰城追求第二石,并带领他重回提洛斯城,重新夺回曾经属于她的王国。但是,在这个残酷的新世界中,所有事情都不可能按照她的计划发展。伊连刚刚获得了北方战场的胜利,他集结了飞灰城舰队的所有力量,对海隆城发动了最后的毁灭性的打击。他还带来了一件意外的武器——一个拥有不可思议的力量的怪物—— 以确保歼灭西瑞斯的力量。与此同时,巫师达斯卡洛斯派出他的终极武器——萨诺斯和斯蒂芬尼娅的儿子——去杀死他父亲。在本系列的终章,所有随之而来的史诗般的战斗场景,世界的命运悬而未决。西瑞斯会活下去吗?萨诺斯呢?他的儿子会怎样?自由会再度降临吗?西瑞斯和萨诺斯会不会找到真爱?《胜者,败者与儿子》讲述了一个悲剧性的爱情、复仇、背叛、野心和命运的史诗故事。充满了令人难忘的人物和令人心悸的动作情节,它将我们带入一个永远难忘的世界,让我们再次爱上幻想。
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  • 相约星期二

