

"Certainly not. The fact is, Mrs. Hilary--and really, you must excuse me for having kept you in the dark a little--it amused me so much to hear your suspicions."Mrs. Hilary rose to her feet.

"Well, what are you going to say?" she asked.

I laughed, as I answered: "Why, I was the man with Lady Mickleham when your friend and Berry inter--when they arrived, you know."Well, I should have thought--I should still think--that she would have been pleased--relieved, you know, to find her uncharitable opinion erroneous, and pleased to have it altered on the best authority. I'm sure that is how I should have felt. It was not, however, how Mrs. Hilary felt.

"I am deeply pained," she observed after a long pause; and then she held out her hand.

"I was sure you'd forgive my little deception," said I, grasping it. I thought still that she meant to bury all unkindness.

"I should never have thought it of you," she went on.

"I didn't know your friend was there at all," I pleaded; for by now I was alarmed.

"Oh, please don't shuffle like that," said Mrs. Hilary.

She continued to stand, and I rose to my feet. Mrs. Hilary held out her hand again.

"Do you mean that I'm to go?" said I.

"I hope we shall see you again some day," said Mrs. Hilary; the tone suggested that she was looking forward to some future existence, when my earthly sins should have been sufficiently purged. It reminded me for the moment of King Arthur and Queen Guinevere.

"But I protest," I began, "that my only object in telling you was to show you how absurd--""Is it any good talking about it now?" asked Mrs. Hilary. Adiscussion might possibly be fruitful in the dim futurity before mentioned--but not now--that was what she seemed to say.

"Lady Mickleham and I, on the occasion in question--" I began with dignity.

"Pray, spare me," quote Mrs. Hilary, with much greater dignity.

I took my hat.

"Shall you be at home as usual on Thursday?" I asked.

"I have a great many people coming already," she remarked.

"I can take a hint," said I.

"I wish you'd take warning," said Mrs. Hilary.

"I will take my leave," said I--and I did, leaving Mrs. Hilary in a tragic attitude in the middle of the room. Never again shall I go out of my way to lull Mrs. Hilary's suspicions.

A day or two after this very trying interview, Lady Mickleham's victoria happened to stop opposite where I was seated in the park. I went to pay my respects.

"Do you mean to leave me nothing in the world," I asked, just by way of introducing the subject of Mrs. Hilary. "One of my best friends has turned me out of her house on your account.""Oh, do tell me," said Dolly, dimpling all over her face.

So I told her; I made the story as long as I could for reasons connected with the dimples.

"What fun!" exclaimed Dolly. "I told you at the time that a young unmarried person like you ought to be more careful.""I am just debating," I observed, "whether to sacrifice you.""To sacrifice me, Mr. Carter?"

"Of course," I explained; "if I dropped you, Mrs. Hilary would let me come again.""How charming that would be!" cried Dolly. "You would enjoy her nice serious conversation--all about Hilary!""She is apt, I conceded, "to touch on Hilary. But she is very picturesque.""Oh, yes, she's handsome," said Dolly.

There was a pause. Then Dolly said, "Well?"

"Well?" said I in return.

"It is goodbye?" asked Dolly, drawing down the corners of her mouth.

"It comes to this," I remarked. "Supposing I forgive you--""As if it was my fault?"

"And risk Mrs. Hilary's wrath--did you speak?""No; I laughed, Mr. Carter."

"What shall I get out of it?"

The sun was shining brightly; it shone on Dolly; she had raised her parasol, but she blinked a little beneath it. She was smiling slightly still, and the dimple stuck to its post--like a sentinel, ready to rouse the rest from their brief repose. Dolly lay back in the victoria, nestling luxuriously against the soft cushions. She turned her eyes for a moment on me.

"Why are you looking at me?" she asked.

"Because," said I, "there is nothing better to look at.""Do you like doing it?" asked Dolly.

"It is a privilege," said I politely.

"Well, then!" said Dolly.

"But," I ventured to observe, "it's rather an expensive one.""Then you mustn't have it very often."

"And it is shared by so many people."

"Then," said Dolly, smiling indulgently, "you must have it--a little oftener. Home, Roberts, please."I am not yet allowed at Mrs. Hilary Musgrave's.

  • 绛云楼俊遇


  • 法华论疏


  • 评金刚錍


  • 朱元璋御制文集


  • 卧游录


  • 万道神武


  • 如果时光忘记了


  • 爱似覆水,情难收


  • 情感寄语


  • 辣手小萌妃


  • 精灵之伊布传说


  • 我的故事:增订版


  • 魔妃问世:让开,别挡道


  • 薪满意足:优裕生活的33个薪资攻略


    薪资是一个敏感的区域,要想处理好这个问题最好找到一个最佳的时机,自然地切入进去,从而推动薪资谈判。与老板谈工资,不要吝啬提出你的要求,一定要敢于要求高工资,既让他了解你的想法,又有协商的空间。 我们应该知道老板喜欢什么样的人,然后尽力提升自己,成为老板高薪聘用的人。 我们工作的目的不是为了薪水,而是为了更好的生活,更多的快乐和更高的成就感,条件成熟时你可以考虑开创完全属于你自己的事业。 既要会工作,又要会享受生活,前提条件当然是要安排好你自己的薪水。如果你能领会和运用本书中的优裕生活的33个薪资攻略,你将拥有一个快乐充实幸福美满的人生!
  • 文明的故事(中小学生必读丛书)

