Never any more, While I live, Need I hope to see his face As before.
Once his love grown chill, Mine may strive:
Bitterly we re-embrace, Single still.
Was it something said, Something done, Vexed him? was it touch of hand, Turn of head?
Strange! that very way Love begun:
I as little understand Love's decay.
When I sewed or drew, I recall How he looked as if I sung, ---Sweetly too.
If I spoke a word, First of all Up his cheek the colour sprang, Then he heard.
Sitting by my side, At my feet, So he breathed but air I breathed, Satisfied!
I, too, at love's brim Touched the sweet:
I would die if death bequeathed Sweet to him.
``Speak, I love thee best!''
He exclaimed:
``Let thy love my own foretell!''
I confessed:
``Clasp my heart on thine ``Now unblamed, ``Since upon thy soul as well ``Hangeth mine!''
Was it wrong to own, Being truth?
Why should all the giving prove His alone?
I had wealth and ease, Beauty, youth:
Since my lover gave me love, I gave these.
That was all I meant, ---To be just, And the passion I had raised, To content.
Since he chose to change Gold for dust, If I gave him what he praised Was it strange?
Would he loved me yet, On and on, While I found some way undreamed ---Paid my debt!
Gave more life and more, Till, all gone, He should smile ``She never seemed ``Mine before.
``What, she felt the while, ``Must I think?
``Love's so different with us men!''
He should smile:
``Dying for my sake---``White and pink!
``Can't we touch these bubbles then ``But they break?''
Dear, the pang is brief, Do thy part, Have thy pleasure! How perplexed Grows belief!
Well, this cold clay clod Was man's heart:
Crumble it, and what comes next?
Is it God?