

"I learnt something about it in my childhood," he replied; "and believe that even my very shadow, standing over there by the door, could answer it."

"Your shadow," said the princess; "indeed that would be very remarkable."

"I do not say so positively," observed the shadow; "but I am inclined to believe that he can do so. He has followed me for so many years, and has heard so much from me, that I think it is very likely. But your royal highness must allow me to observe, that he is very proud of being considered a man, and to put him in a good humor, so that he may answer correctly, he must be treated as a man."

"I shall be very pleased to do so," said the princess. So she walked up to the learned man, who stood in the doorway, and spoke to him of the sun, and the moon, of the green forests, and of people near home and far off; and the learned man conversed with her pleasantly and sensibly.

"What a wonderful man he must be, to have such a clever shadow!" thought she. "If I were to choose him it would be a real blessing to my country and my subjects, and I will do it." So the princess and the shadow were soon engaged to each other, but no one was to be told a word about it, till she returned to her kingdom.

"No one shall know," said the shadow; "not even my own shadow;" and he had very particular reasons for saying so.

After a time, the princess returned to the land over which she reigned, and the shadow accompanied her.

"Listen my friend," said the shadow to the learned man; "now that I am as fortunate and as powerful as any man can be, I will do something unusually good for you. You shall live in my palace, drive with me in the royal carriage, and have a hundred thousand dollars a year; but you must allow every one to call you a shadow, and never venture to say that you have been a man. And once a year, when I sit in my balcony in the sunshine, you must lie at my feet as becomes a shadow to do; for I must tell you I am going to marry the princess, and our wedding will take place this evening."

"Now, really, this is too ridiculous," said the learned man. "I cannot, and will not, submit to such folly. It would be cheating the whole country, and the princess also. I will disclose everything, and say that I am the man, and that you are only a shadow dressed up in men's clothes."

"No one would believe you," said the shadow; "be reasonable, now, or I will call the guards."

"I will go straight to the princess," said the learned man.

"But I shall be there first," replied the shadow, "and you will be sent to prison." And so it turned out, for the guards readily obeyed him, as they knew he was going to marry the king's daughter.

"You tremble," said the princess, when the shadow appeared before her. "Has anything happened? You must not be ill to-day, for this evening our wedding will take place."

"I have gone through the most terrible affair that could possibly happen," said the shadow; "only imagine, my shadow has gone mad; I suppose such a poor, shallow brain, could not bear much; he fancies that he has become a real man, and that I am his shadow."

"How very terrible," cried the princess; "is he locked up?"

"Oh yes, certainly; for I fear he will never recover."

"Poor shadow!" said the princess; "it is very unfortunate for him; it would really be a good deed to free him from his frail existence; and, indeed, when I think how often people take the part of the lower class against the higher, in these days, it would be policy to put him out of the way quietly."

"It is certainly rather hard upon him, for he was a faithful servant," said the shadow; and he pretended to sigh.

"Yours is a noble character," said the princess, and bowed herself before him.

In the evening the whole town was illuminated, and cannons fired

"boom," and the soldiers presented arms. It was indeed a grand wedding. The princess and the shadow stepped out on the balcony to show themselves, and to receive one cheer more. But the learned man heard nothing of all these festivities, for he had already been executed.

  • 警世通言


  • 重订广温热论


  • 大悲妙云禅师语录


  • 童蒙养正诗选


  • 吴乘窃笔


  • 佛说观佛三昧海经


  • 千亿豪宠,总裁的强势影后


  • 消渴醉妃


  • 重生之紫玉庄园


  • 炙毂子诗格


  • 高三考生


    施芸、朱刚、裴小军、宋海涛是高三文科班学生,四个人由于来往密切,在课堂上经常窃窃私语,被数学教师称为“四人帮”,但他们都是心地善良纯朴的孩子。施芸美丽而活泼,裴小军单纯而偏执,来自煤矿的朱刚很有才华宋海涛由于家庭不幸而沉默寡言。四个人在高考的压力之下,变的焦躁不安。颜明的“出走”,马莉娅的精神失常,即使他们震惊,又使他们恐慌,他们不得不借助“恋爱”排遣心中的寂寞和忧伤,但是美丽而短暂的早恋并没能使他们跳过高考这跟魔棒的“追杀”,他们像被恋人追赶的兔子左冲 右突。庆幸的是他们有一个善解人意的班主任“曹老”,在曹老的呵护和帮助下,他们度过了这段人生最重要最苦闷的时光,并留下最美好的记忆。
  • 一念一诺,一世情深


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  • 现代领导必备的条件与品质


  • 理直话自爽(最受学生喜爱的散文精粹)

