

I suppose that my interest in these discussions--and Heaven knows I was animated enough--amused and distracted my Father, whose idea of a suitable theme for childhood's ear now seems to me surprising. I soon found that these subjects were not welcome to everybody, for, starting the Carpet-bag Mystery one morning with Miss Marks, in the hope of delaying my arithmetic lesson, she fairly threw her apron over her ears, and told me, from that vantage, that if I did not desist at once, she should scream.

Occasionally we took winter walks together, my Father and I, down some lane that led to a sight of the sea, or over the rolling downs. We tried to recapture the charm of those delightful strolls in London, when we used to lean over the bridges and watch the ducks. But we could not recover this pleasure. My Father was deeply enwoven in the chain of his own thoughts, and would stalk on, without a word, buried in angry reverie. If he spoke to me, on these excursions, it was a pain to me to answer him. I could talk on easy terms with him indoors, seated in my high chair, with our heads on a level, but it was intolerably laborious to look up into the firmament and converse with a dark face against the sky. The actual exercise of walking, too, was very exhausting to me; the bright red mud, to the strange colour of which I could not for a long while get accustomed, becoming caked about my little shoes, and wearying me extremely. I would grow petulant and cross, contradict my Father, and oppose his whims. These walks were distressing to us both, yet he did not like to walk alone, and he had no other friend. However, as the winter advanced, they had to be abandoned, and the habit of our taking a 'constitutional' together was never resumed.

I look back upon myself at this time as upon a cantankerous, ill-tempered and unobliging child. The only excuse I can offer is that I really was not well. The change to Devonshire had not suited me; my health gave the excellent Miss Marks some anxiety, but she was not ready in resource. The dampness of the house was terrible; indoors and out, the atmosphere seemed soaked in chilly vapours. Under my bed-clothes at night I shook like a jelly, unable to sleep for cold, though I was heaped with coverings, while my skin was all puckered with gooseflesh. I could eat nothing solid, without suffering immediately from violent hiccough, so that much of my time was spent lying prone on my back upon the hearthrug, awakening the echoes like a cuckoo. Miss Marks, therefore, cut off all food but milk-sop, a loathly bowl of which appeared at every meal. In consequence the hiccough lessened, but my strength declined with it. I languished in a perpetual catarrh. I was roused to a conscious-ness that I was not considered well by the fact that my Father prayed publicly at morning and evening 'worship' that if it was the Lord's will to take me to himself there might be no doubt whatever about my being a sealed child of God and an inheritor of glory. I was partly disconcerted by, partly vain of, this open advertisement of my ailments.

Of our dealings with the 'Saints', a fresh assortment of whom met us on our arrival in Devonshire, I shall speak presently. My Father's austerity of behaviour was, I think, perpetually accentuated by his fear of doing anything to offend the consciences of these persons, whom he supposed, no doubt, to be more sensitive than they really were. He was fond of saying that 'a very little stain upon the conscience makes a wide breach in our communion with God', and he counted possible errors of conduct by hundreds and by thousands. It was in this winter that his attention was particularly drawn to the festival of Christmas, which, apparently, he had scarcely noticed in London.

On the subject of all feasts of the Church he held views of an almost grotesque peculiarity. He looked upon each of them as nugatory and worthless, but the keeping of Christmas appeared to him by far the most hateful, and nothing less than an act of idolatry. 'The very word is Popish', he used to exclaim, 'Christ's Mass!' pursing up his lips with the gesture of one who tastes assafoetida by accident. Then he would adduce the antiquity of the so-called feast, adapted from horrible heathen rites, and itself a soiled relic of the abominable Yule-Tide. He would denounce the horrors of Christmas until it almost made me blush to look at a holly-berry.

  • 指要钞


  • 南岳总胜集


  • 隋唐野史


  • 陶真人内丹赋


  • 从政遗规


  • 萌妻至上


  • 你好青春,再见回忆


    ——星愿卷 你知道么,并不是所有的星星都会有特定的轨迹,日复一日,年复一年重复着早已编织好的遇见。 六年未见的时光,她是这样的——李子星:这么多年没见,不怕我是坏人卖了你呀! 而他则是——沈深:我不用了解不用知道,你就是你从未改变…… 当隐藏内心,拒绝一切小女主再次邂逅,只要你说,只要我有小男主。未来尚不清晰,但一切自有分晓。 ——许你一世平安卷 相识,大概是一场好奇游戏; 赵烟:许安安,这件事是你做的吧! 相知,如一场烟花绚烂于天际; 赵烟:许安安你是我最好的朋友! 而喜欢,却不尽如人意。 许安安:赵烟,我喜欢你呀很喜欢很喜欢你。 ……她和她就像水与鱼,火与冰,截然不同却相补相生,不可分离。然而,实在可惜—— 她说:是不是不是所有喜欢都会开花结果的,就像我对你的。
  • 佐伊拉克


  • 毛泽东这样学习历史这样评点历史


  • 乱世人屠


  • 雨夜杀人游戏


  • 甜蜜暴击:竹马是老师


  • 三国之化龙


  • 如果生命只剩一百天


  • 博弈与合作:冷战后墨美双边与媒体关系

