Are all voters true to their high responsibilities? Are all voters faithful servants of their country? Is it entirely true that the vote has necessarily and really these inherent magical powers of rapid education for individuals and for classes of men, fitting them, in default of other qualifications, for the high responsibilities of suffrage? Alas! we know only too well that when a man is not already honest and just and wise and enlightened, the vote he holds can not make him so. We know that if he is dishonest, he will sell his vote; if he is dull and ignorant, he is misled, for selfish purposes of their own, by designing men. As regards man, at least, the vote can be too easily proved to be no talisman. It is very clear that for man the ballot-box needs to be closely guarded on one side by common-sense, on the other by honesty. A man must be endowed with a certain amount of education and of principle, before he receives the vote, to fit him for a worthy use of it. And if the vote be really no infallible talisman for man, why should we expect it to work magical wonders in the hands of woman?
The Life of General Francis Marion
(耐心往下看哦^-^) “本殿渴了。”安珂死死盯住对方带着戏谑的深邃妖瞳。“让你倒杯茶,你瞪着本殿干嘛?”安珂气鼓鼓地,就像一只护食的小猫。明明茶壶跟水杯就在他的手边:“你,自己不会倒吗?”...别人家五岁小孩不应该是很听话的年纪吗,怎么他家的小丫头就像个浑身长满刺球的刺猬?!高考零分作文精选大全