

It fell to Verrian, in the assortment of couples in which Mrs.

Westangle's guests sallied out to view the proposed scene of action, to find himself, not too willingly, at Miss Macroyd's side. In his heart and in his mind he was defending the amusement which he instantly divined as no invention of Mrs. Westangle's, and both his heart and his mind misgave him about this first essay of Miss Shirley in her new enterprise.

It was, as Miss Macroyd had suggested, academic, and at the same time it had a danger in it of being tomboyish. Golf, tennis, riding, boating, swimming--all the vigorous sports in which women now excel--were boldly athletic, and yet you could not feel quite that they were tomboyish. Was it because the bent of Miss Shirley was so academic that she was periling upon tomboyishness without knowing it in this primal inspiration of hers?

Inwardly he resented the word academic, although outwardly he had assented to it when Miss Macroyd proposed it. To be academic would be even more fatal to Miss Shirley's ambition than to be tomboyish, and he thought with pathos of that touch about the Italian nobility in the Middle Ages, and how little it could have moved the tough fancies of that crowd of well-groomed young people at the breakfast-table when Mrs.

Westangle brought it out with her ignorant acceptance of it as a social force. After all, Miss Macroyd was about the only one who could have felt it in the way it was meant, and she had chosen to smile at it. He wondered if possibly she could feel the secondary pathos of it as he did.

But to make talk with her he merely asked:

"Do you intend to take part in the fray?"

"Not unless I can be one of the reserve corps that won't need to be brought up till it's all over. I've no idea of getting my hair down."

"Ah," he sighed, "you think it's going to be rude:"

"That is one of the chances. But you seem to be suffering about it, Mr. Verrian!" she said, and, of course, she laughed.

"Who? I?" he returned, in the temptation to deny it. But he resisted.

"I always suffer when there's anything silly happening, as if I were doing it myself. Don't you?"

"No, thank you, I believe not. But perhaps you are doing this? One can't suppose Mrs. Westangle imagined it."

"No, I can't plead guilty. But why isn't it predicable of Mrs.


"You mustn't ask too much of me, Mr. Verrian. Somehow, I won't say how, it's been imagined for her. She's heard of its being done somewhere. It can't be supposed she's read of it, anywhere."

"No, I dare say not."

Miss Macroyd came out with her laugh. "I should like to know what she makes of you, Mr. Verrian, when she is alone with herself. She must have looked you up and authenticated you in her own way, but it would be as far from your way as--well, say--the Milky Way."

"You don't think she asked me because she met me at your house?"

"No, that wouldn't be enough, from her point of view. She means to go much further than we've ever got."

"Then a year from now she wouldn't ask me?"

"It depends upon who asks you in the mean time.

You might get to be a fad, and then she would feel that she would have to have you."

"You're not flattering me?"

"Do you find it flattering?"

"It isn't exactly my idea of the reward I've been working for. What shall I do to be a fad?"

"Well, rather degrading stunts, if you mean in the smart set. Jump about on all fours and pick up a woman's umbrella with your teeth, and bark.

Anything else would be easier for you among chic people, where your brilliancy would count."

"Brilliancy? Oh, thank you! Go on."

"Now, a girl--if you were a girl--"

"Oh yes, if I were a girl! That will be so much more interesting."

"A girl," Miss Macroyd continued, "might do it by posing effectively for amateur photography. Or doing something original in dramatics or pantomimics or recitation--but very original, because chic people are critical. Or if she had a gift for getting up things that would show other girls off; or suggesting amusements; but that would be rather in the line of swell people, who are not good at getting up things and are glad of help."

"I see, I see!" Verrian said, eagerly. But he walked along looking down at the snow, and not meeting the laughing glance that Miss Macroyd cast at his face. "Well?"

"I believe that's all," she said, sharply. She added, less sharply:

"She couldn't afford to fail, though, at any point. The fad that fails is extinguished forever. Will these simple facts do for fiction? Or is it for somebody in real life you're asking, Mr. Verrian?"

"Oh, for fiction. And thank you very much. Oh, that's rather pretty!"

  • 困知记


  • 蕉窗雨话


  • 佛说阿閦佛国经


  • 土司灯仪


  • 竹谱详录


  • 重生盛世田园


  • 靠山河


  • 王火文集·第一卷:战争和人③


  • 帝后


  • 开挂后我成了大师兄


  • 大诅咒师


  • 达尔文(中外名人传记青少版)


  • 感谢瞧不起你的人


  • 流血的仕途:李斯与秦帝国(下)


  • 伞游诸天

