

Man likes the society of girls and women--there he never has it. He likes to have his children about him, and pet them and play with them--there he has none. He likes billiards--there is no table there. He likes outdoor sports and indoor dramatic and musical and social entertainments--there are none there. He likes to bet on things--I was told that betting is forbidden there. When a man's temper is up he likes to pour it out upon somebody there this is not allowed. A man likes animals--pets; there are none there. He likes to smoke--there he cannot do it. He likes to read the news--no papers or magazines come there. Aman likes to know how his parents and brothers and sisters are getting along when he is away, and if they miss him--there he cannot know. A man likes a pretty house, and pretty furniture, and pretty things, and pretty colors--there he has nothing but naked aridity and sombre colors. A man likes--name it yourself: whatever it is, it is absent from that place.

From what I could learn, all that a man gets for this is merely the saving of his soul.

It all seems strange, incredible, impossible. But La Trappe knew the race. He knew the powerful attraction of unattractiveness; he knew that no life could be imagined, howsoever comfortless and forbidding, but somebody would want to try it.

This parent establishment of Germans began its work fifteen years ago, strangers, poor, and unencouraged; it owns 15,000 acres of land now, and raises grain and fruit, and makes wines, and manufactures all manner of things, and has native apprentices in its shops, and sends them forth able to read and write, and also well equipped to earn their living by their trades. And this young establishment has set up eleven branches in South Africa, and in them they are christianizing and educating and teaching wage-yielding mechanical trades to 1,200 boys and girls.

Protestant Missionary work is coldly regarded by the commercial white colonist all over the heathen world, as a rule, and its product is nicknamed "rice-Christians" (occupationless incapables who join the church for revenue only), but I think it would be difficult to pick a flaw in the work of these Catholic monks, and I believe that the disposition to attempt it has not shown itself.

Tuesday, May 12. Transvaal politics in a confused condition. First the sentencing of the Johannesburg Reformers startled England by its severity; on the top of this came Kruger's exposure of the cipher correspondence, which showed that the invasion of the Transvaal, with the design of seizing that country and adding it to the British Empire, was planned by Cecil Rhodes and Beit--which made a revulsion in English feeling, and brought out a storm against Rhodes and the Chartered Company for degrading British honor. For a good while I couldn't seem to get at a clear comprehension of it, it was so tangled. But at last by patient study I have managed it, I believe. As I understand it, the Uitlanders and other Dutchmen were dissatisfied because the English would not allow them to take any part in the government except to pay taxes. Next, as Iunderstand it, Dr. Kruger and Dr. Jameson, not having been able to make the medical business pay, made a raid into Matabeleland with the intention of capturing the capital, Johannesburg, and holding the women and children to ransom until the Uitlanders and the other Boers should grant to them and the Chartered Company the political rights which had been withheld from them. They would have succeeded in this great scheme, as I understand it, but for the interference of Cecil Rhodes and Mr. Beit, and other Chiefs of the Matabele, who persuaded their countrymen to revolt and throw off their allegiance to Germany. This, in turn, as Iunderstand it, provoked the King of Abyssinia to destroy the Italian army and fall back upon Johannesburg; this at the instigation of Rhodes, to bull the stock market.



  • 松斋偶兴


  • 修炼大丹要旨


  • 重阳教化集


  • 明伦汇编人事典疑惑部


  • 扫除成长心理障碍(学生心理健康悦读)


  • 前方预警,总裁驾到


  • 帝后来自天族


  • Menexenus


  • 四斗二十八宿天帝大箓


  • 家庭革命


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  • 前夫滚


  • 被掩埋的巨人(2017诺奖得主石黑一雄作品)


  • 侠的国度

