

Following out the instinct planted so deeply in human nature for treating with the utmost care and at great expense when dead those, who, when alive, have been served with careless parsimony, there started from the door of No. 1 in Hound Street a funeral procession of three four-wheeled cabs. The first bore the little coffin, on which lay a great white wreath (gift of Cecilia and Thyme). The second bore Mrs. Hughs, her son Stanley, and Joshua Creed. The third bore Martin Stone. In the first cab Silence was presiding with the scent of lilies over him who in his short life had made so little noise, the small grey shadow which had crept so quietly into being, and, taking his chance when he was not noticed, had crept so quietly out again. Never had he felt so restful, so much at home, as in that little common coffin, washed as he was to an unnatural whiteness, and wrapped in his mother's only spare sheet. Away from all the strife of men he was Journeying to a greater peace. His little aloe-plant had flowered; and, between the open windows of the only carriage he had ever been inside, the wind--which, who knows? he had perhaps become--stirred the fronds of fern and the flowers of his funeral wreath. Thus he was going from that world where all men were his brothers.

>From the second cab the same wind was rigidly excluded, and there was silence, broken by the aged butler's breathing. Dressed in his Newmarket coat, he was recalling with a certain sense of luxury past, journeys in four-wheeled cabs--occasions when, seated beside a box corded and secured with sealing-wax, he had taken his master's plate for safety to the bank; occasions when, under a roof piled up with guns and boxes, he had sat holding the "Honorable Bateson's" dog;occasions when, with some young person by his side, he had driven at the tail of a baptismal, nuptial, or funeral cortege. These memories of past grandeur came back to him with curious poignancy, and for some reason the words kept rising in his mind: 'For richer or poorer, for better or worser, in health and in sick places, till death do us part.' But in the midst of the exaltation of these recollections the old heart beneath his old red flannel chest-protector--that companion of his exile--twittering faintly at short intervals, made him look at the woman by his side. He longed to convey to her some little of the satisfaction he felt in the fact that this was by no means the low class of funeral it might have been. He doubted whether, with her woman's mind, she was getting all the comfort she could out of three four-wheeled cabs and a wreath of lilies. The seamstress's thin face, with its pinched, passive look, was indeed thinner, quieter, than ever. What she was thinking of he could not tell. There were so many things she might be thinking of. She, too, no doubt, had seen her grandeur, if but in the solitary drive away from the church where, eight years ago, she and Hughs had listened to the words now haunting Creed. Was she thinking of that; of her lost youth and comeliness, and her man's dead love; of the long descent to shadowland; of the other children she had buried; of Hughs in prison;of the girl that had "put a spell on him"; or only of the last precious tugs the tiny lips at rest in the first four-wheeled cab had given at her breast? Or was she, with a nicer feeling for proportion, reflecting that, had not people been so kind, she might have had to walk behind a funeral provided by the parish?

The old butler could not tell, but he--whose one desire now, coupled with the wish to die outside a workhouse, was to save enough to bury his own body without the interference of other people--was inclined to think she must be dwelling on the brighter side of things; and, designing to encourage her, he said: "Wonderful improvement in these 'ere four-wheel cabs! Oh dear, yes! I remember of them when they were the shadders of what they are at the present time of speakin'."The seamstress answered in her quiet voice: "Very comfortable this is. Sit still, Stanley!" Her little son, whose feet did not reach the floor, was drumming his heels against the seat. He stopped and looked at her, and the old butler addressed him.

"You'll a-remember of this occasion," he said, "when you gets older."The little boy turned his black eyes from his mother to him who had spoken last.

"It's a beautiful wreath," continued Creed. "I could smell of it all the way up the stairs. There's been no expense spared; there's white laylock in it--that's a class of flower that's very extravagant."A train of thought having been roused too strong for his discretion, he added: "I saw that young girl yesterday. She came interrogatin' of me in the street."

On Mrs. Hughs' face, where till now expression had been buried, came such a look as one may see on the face of an owl-hard, watchful, cruel; harder, more cruel, for the softness of the big dark eyes.

"She'd show a better feeling," she said, "to keep a quiet tongue.

Sit still, Stanley!"

Once more the little boy stopped drumming his heels, and shifted his stare from the old butler back to her who spoke. The cab, which had seemed to hesitate and start, as though jibbing at something in the road, resumed its ambling pace. Creed looked through the well-closed window. There before him, so long that it seemed to have no end, like a building in a nightmare, stretched that place where he did not mean to end his days. He faced towards the horse again. The colour had deepened in his nose. He spoke:

"If they'd a-give me my last edition earlier, 'stead of sending of it down after that low-class feller's taken all my customers, that'd make a difference to me o' two shillin's at the utmost in the week, and all clear savin's." To these words, dark with hidden meaning, he received no answer save the drumming of the small boy's heels; and, reverting to the subject he had been distracted from, he murmured:

"She was a-wearin' of new clothes."

  • 忠靖集


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  • 太清金液神气经


  • 心的舞台


  • 又海之恋


  • 英雄无敌之亡灵法神


  • The Guilty River

    The Guilty River

  • 百兵


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  • 思印气文法


  • 我的保定,你的诺丁汉


  • 绝色毒妃之冷面寒王傲娇宠


    她是来自二十二世纪毒药研究院的科学家,一手秘传的针法解世上无解之毒。她身怀高科技的解毒空间,竟然一朝被害,穿越到几千年前的夏州国。她是京城第一丑,母亲早逝,父亲无视,姐妹暗害,胆小低俗的墨府大小姐,死而回生后竟然性情大变。她为自己正名,为母亲报仇,为寻找身世的真相披荆斩棘……他是夏州国最神秘的战神楚王,容颜绝色却性情孤寒清冷。他不良于行,身染剧毒。可谁曾想明里毫无权势的楚王,暗里却挥手拨弄四国风雨。身负血海深仇不得报,身染蚀骨之毒不得解,谁才是他的救赎?第一丑和第一美碰在一起迸发出怎样的火花?爱与恨之间又产生了怎样的纠葛?那些不为人知的势力到底隐藏了什么样的秘密?墨灵犀:“天下与我只则其一!”白九夜:“天下归你,你,归我!”——墨灵犀真是欲哭无泪,这白九夜不是冰山么?不是冷清么?怎么面对她的时候这么厚颜无耻啊!而且还一本正经的厚颜无耻!——“王爷,王妃看中了一个龙玉甘草,五万两银子。”“买。”“王爷,王妃端详了一包不知名的种子,对方开价十万两黄金。”“买。”“王爷,王妃瞟了一眼奇珍楼门口的石狮子。”“买。”“王爷,石狮子是人家不卖啊,镇宅的。”“麻烦!把奇珍阁一起买下来。”啧啧楚王财大气粗啊!——“白九夜,爱与恨之间你总要做个选择。”“墨灵犀,爱而不能,恨而不舍,你告诉本王该如何选择?”“站在这苍穹之上,指点着万里山河,身旁却空无一人,白九夜,这就是你要的人生么?”“如果本王说是呢?”“寒渊一挥深情断,从此天涯各路人!”“如果本王说不是呢?”“比一场,胜者为王!”——本文美男云集但是1V1,男女主身心健康。男强,女也强,女主腹黑又逗逼,欢迎入坑,(づ ̄3 ̄)づ么么~
  • 谜一样的孩子

