

"Ay, and you may depend upon it it is some joke of theirs," his friend answered, his eyes twinkling. "I begin to think that you would have done better if you had waited a little before bringing M. le Comte into the matter.""Ah, but there are these two," M. Grabot cried, as he recovered from the momentary panic into which the other's words had thrown him. "Depend upon it they are the chief movers. What else but treason could they mean by asserting that one of them was Mayor of Bottitort? By denying my title? By setting up other officers than those to whom his Gracious Majesty has delegated his authority?""Umph!" his brother Mayor said, "I don't know these gentlemen.""No!" his companion cried in triumph. "But I intend to know them; and to know a good deal about them. Guard the window there," he continued fussily. "Where is my clerk? Is M. de Laval coming?"Two or three cried obsequiously that he had crossed the hill; and would arrive immediately.

Hearing this, and thinking it more becoming not to enter into an altercation, I kept my seat and the scornful silence I had hitherto maintained. The two Mayors had brought with them a posse of busybodies--huissiers, constables, tip-staves, and the like; and these all gaped upon us as if they saw before them the most notable traitors of the age. The women of the house wept in a corner, and the strollers shrugged their shoulders and strove to appear at their ease. But the only person who felt the indifference which they assumed was La Font; who, obnoxious to none of the annoyances which I foresaw, could hardly restrain his mirth at the DENOUEMENT which he anticipated.

Meanwhile the Mayor, foreseeing a very different issue, stood blowing out his cheeks and fixing us with his little eyes with an expression of dignity that would have pleased me vastly if I had been free to enjoy it. But the reflection that Laval's presence, which would cut the knot of our difficulties, would also place me at the mercy of his wit, did not enable me to contemplate it with entire indifference.

By-and-by we heard him dismount, and a moment later he came in with a gentleman and two or three armed servants. He did not at once see me, but as the crowd made way for him he addressed himself sharply to M. Grabot. "Well, have you got them?" he said.

"Certainly, M. le Comte."

"Oh! very well. Now for the particulars, then. You must state your charge quickly, for I have to be in Vitre to-day.""He alleged that he had been appointed Mayor of Bottitort,"Grabot answered pompously.

"Umph! I don't know?" M. de Laval muttered, looking round with a frown of discontent. "I hope that you have not brought me hither on a fool's errand. Which one?""That one," the Mayor said, pointing to the solemn man, whose gravity and depression were now something preternatural.

"Oh!" M. de Laval grumbled. "But that is not all, I suppose.

What of the others?"

M. Grabot pointed to me. "That one," he said--He got no farther; for M. de Laval, springing forward, seized my hand and saluted me warmly. "Why, your excellency," he cried, in a tone of boundless surprise, "what are you doing in this GALERE!

All last evening I waited for you, at my house, and now--""Here I am," I answered jocularly, "in charge it seems, M. le Comte!""MON DIEU!" he cried. "I don't understand it!"I shrugged my shoulders. "Don't ask me," I said. "Perhaps your friend the Mayor call tell you.""But, Monsieur, I do not understand," the Mayor answered piteously, his mouth agape with horror, his fat cheeks turning in a moment all colours. "This gentleman, whom you seem to know, Monsieur le Comte--""Is the Marquis de Rosny, President of the Council, blockhead!"Laval cried irately. "You madman! you idiot!" he continued, as light broke in upon him, and he saw that it was indeed on a fool's errand that he had been roused so early. "Is this your conspiracy? Have you dared to bring me here--"But I thought that it was time to interfere. "The truth is," Isaid, "that M. Grabot here is not so much to blame. He was the victim of a trick which these rascals played on him; and in an idle moment I let it go on. That is the whole secret. However, I forgive him for his officiousness since it brings us together, and I shall now have the pleasure of your company to Vitre."Laval assented heartily to this, and I did not think fit to tell him more, nor did he inquire; the Mayor's stupidity passing current for all. For M. Grabot himself, I think that I never saw a man more completely confounded. He stood staring with his mouth open; and, as much deserted as the statesman who has fallen from office, had not the least credit even with his own sycophants, who to a man deserted him and flocked about the Mayor of Gol. Though I had no reason to pity him, and, indeed, thought him well punished, I took the opportunity of saying a word to him before I mounted; which, though it was only a hint that he should deal gently with the woman of the house, was received with servility equal to the arrogance he had before displayed; and Idoubt not it had all the effect I desired. For the strollers, Idid not forget them, but bade them hasten to Vitre, where I would see a performance. They did so, and hitting the fancy of Zamet, who chanced to be still there, and who thought that he saw profit in them, they came on his invitation to Paris, where they took the Court by storm. So that an episode trifling in itself, and such as on my part requires some apology, had for them consequences of no little importance.

  • 近思录


  • The Path of the King

    The Path of the King

  • 佛说大净法门经


  • 佛说太子沐魄经


  • 内绍种禅师语录


  • 相逢是首歌


    本书收录了阎耀明的作品,包括《相逢是首歌》、《女孩的金秋》、《不买车票的小女孩》、《重逢的意义》等,主要以情感类、校园类小说为主。阎耀明的小小说大都把笔触延伸到社会的最底层,在关注那些小人物的际遇和命运的同时,营造着一个具有他自己特色的文学空间。 作品立意深刻,构思巧妙,情节曲折,于质朴中见幽默,于调侃中见温情,于娓娓叙述中蕴含人生哲理,展现了作者对生活的深厚体验和独特思考,对广大读者和写作者有着极其特殊的启悟意义。
  • 农家欢喜世子妃


  • 赵太祖三下南唐


  • 春秋公羊传


  • 再战江湖


  • 无限宠妻万万岁


  • 地球神秘记载


  • 杠上暴妻:天价小萝莉


  • 八识规矩直解


  • 男神请别太妖孽


    [坑,慎进]【爽文类型,女扮男装男强女强双洁,女主林漠,男主】前世,她成了各个势力疯狂抢夺的对象,只因脑中的那个被莫名其妙植入芯片 被逼跳入悬崖却不曾想,这一跳,从十四岁就被冠上“嗜血修罗”的她竟得天厚爱成为了另一个人。 世家三少—林漠 ,别人口中废物花瓶一般的存在!林漠秉承着能够用武力解决的问题,绝不动口的原则,把那些诋毁原主的人通通“打脸”!不过,打着打着,这个老是粘着她,求抚摸求抱抱,对她死皮赖脸的男人…… 是谁?!! MMP的,好歹人前你也是个少将啊喂! 读者群【177720824】