

"We have to consider that. His affairs, you know, may fall some day into the hands of--someone else, you know.""That, if you will believe me, Mr. Isbister, is one of the problems most constantly before my mind. We happen to be--as a matter of fact, there are no very trustworthy connections of ours. It is a grotesque and unprecedented position.""It is," said Isbister. "As a matter of fact, it's a case for a public trustee, if only we had such a functionary.""It seems to me it's a case for some public body, some practically undying guardian. If he really is going on living--as the doctors, some of them, think.

As a matter of fact, I have gone to one or two public men about it. But, so far, nothing has been done.""It wouldn't be a bad idea to hand him over to some public body--the British Museum Trustees, or the Royal College of Physicians. Sounds a bit odd, of course, but the whole situation is odd.""The difficulty is to induce them to take him.""Red tape, I suppose? "


Pause. " It's a curious business, certainly," said Isbister. "And compound interest has a way of mounting up.""It has," said Warming. "And now the gold supplies are running short there is a tendency towards . . . appreciation.""I've felt that," said Isbister with a grimace. "But it makes it better for him.""If he wakes."

"If he wakes," echoed Isbister. "Do you notice the pinched-ill look of his nose, and the way in which his eyelids sink?"Warming looked and thought for a space. "I doubt if he will wake," he said at last.

"I never properly understood," said Isbister, "what it was brought this on. He told me something about overstudy. I've often been curious.""He was a man of considerable gifts, but spasmodic, emotional. He had grave domestic troubles, divorced his wife, in fact, and it was as a relief from that, I think, that he took up politics of the rabid sort.

He was a fanatical Radical--a Socialist--or typical Liberal, as they used to call themselves,-of the advanced school. Energetic--flighty--undisciplined. Overwork upon a controversy did this for him. I remember the pamphlet he wrote--a curious production. Wild, whirling stuff. There were one or two prophecies.

Some of them are already exploded, some of them are established facts. But for the most part to read such a thesis is to realise how full the world is of unanticipated things. He will have much to learn, much to unlearn, when he wakes. If ever a waking comes.""I'd give anything to be there," said Isbister, "just to hear what he would say to it all.""So would I," said Warming. "Aye! so would I," with an old man's sudden turn to self pity. "But I shall never see him wake."He stood looking thoughtfully at the waxen figure.

"He will never wake," he said at last. He sighed "He will never wake again."


But Warming was wrong in that. An awakening came.

What a wonderfully complex thing! this simple seeming unity--the self! Who can trace its reintegration as morning after morning we awaken, the flux and confluence of its countless factors intenveaving, rebuilding, the dim first stirrings of the soul, the growth and synthesis of the unconscious to the subconscious, the sub-conscious to dawning consciousness, until at last we recognise ourselves again. And as it happens to most of us after the night's sleep, so it was with Graham at the end of his vast slumber.

A dim cloud of sensation taking shape, a cloudy dreariness, and he found himself vaguely somewhere, recumbent, faint, but alive.

The pilgrimage towards a personal being seemed to traverse vast gulfs, to occupy epochs. Gigantic dreams that were terrible realities at the time, left vague perplexing memories, strange creatures, strange scenery, as if from another planet. There was a distinct impression, too, of a momentous conversation, of a name--he could not tell what name--that was subsequently to recur, of some queer long-forgotten sensation of vein and muscle, of a feeling of vast hopeless effort, the effort of a man near drowning in darkness. Then came a panorama of dazzling unstable confluent scenes.

Graham became aware his eyes were open and regarding some unfamiliar thing.

It was something white, the edge of something, a frame of wood. He moved his head slightly, following the contour of this shape. It went up beyond the top of his eyes. He tried to think where he might be.

Did it matter, seeing he was so wretched? The colour of his thoughts was a dark depression. He felt the featureless misery of one who wakes towards the hour of dawn. He had an uncertain sense of whispers and footsteps hastily receding.

The movement of his head involved a perception of extreme physical weakness. He supposed he was in bed in the hotel at the place in the valley--but he could not recall that white edge. He must have slept.

He remembered now that he had wanted to sleep. He recalled the cliff and waterfall again, and then recollected something about talking to a passer-by.

How long had he slept? What was that sound of pattering feet? And that rise and fall, like the murmur of breakers on pebbles? He put out a languid hand to reach his watch from the chair whereon it was his habit to place it, and touched some smooth hard surface like glass. This was so unexpected that it startled him extremely. Quite suddenly he rolled over, stared for a moment, and struggled into a sitting position. The effort was unexpectedly difficult, and it left him giddy and weak--and amazed.

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    那里有我无悔的青春,激情的岁月,铁血的锻炼……我在那里掉过眼泪,流过汗,受过伤……还有太多,太多,我无法遗忘的东西,心爱的狙击枪,缴获的望远镜,偷偷留下的手雷拉环,还有一封改变我一生的书信 ……这,我都能忘记吗?不,这一切,我无法忘怀,或许有一天,我还会回到那里,不为别的,只是因为我曾经在那里生活过,战斗过。
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