

It is written, however, that love, alas! breeds not love; and so it happened to the Regent. The warmth of his affection, instead of animating his wife, annoyed her; his protestations wearied her; his vows gave her the headache; and his caresses were a colic that made her blood run cold. Of course, the prince perceived nothing, being lost in wonder and admiration of the beauty's coyness and coquetry. And as women must give away their hearts, whether asked or not, so the lovely Dangalah Rani lost no time in lavishing all the passion of her idle soul upon Mahi-pala, the handsome ambassador of peace and war. By this means the three were happy and were contented; their felicity, however, being built on a rotten foundation, could not long endure. It soon ended in the following extraordinary way.

In the city of Ujjayani, within sight of the palace, dwelt a Brahman and his wife, who, being old and poor, and having nothing else to do, had applied themselves to the practice of austere devotion. They fasted and refrained from drink, they stood on their heads and held their arms for weeks in the air;they prayed till their knees were like pads; they disciplined themselves with scourges of wire; and they walked about unclad in the cold season, and in summer they sat within a circle of flaming wood, till they became the envy and admiration of all the plebeian gods that inhabit the lower heavens. In fine, as a reward for their exceeding piety, the venerable pair received at the hands of a celestial messenger an apple of the tree Kalpavriksha-- a fruit which has the virtue of conferring eternal life upon him that tastes it.

Scarcely had the god disappeared, when the Brahman, opening his toothless mouth, prepared to eat the fruit of immortality. Then his wife addressed him in these words, shedding copious tears the while:

"To die, O man, is a passing pain; to be poor is an interminable anguish. Surely our present lot is the penalty of some great crime committed by us in a past state of being. Callest thou this state life? Better we die at once, and so escape the woes of the world!"Hearing these words, the Brahman sat undecided, with open jaws and eyes fixed upon the apple. Presently he found tongue: "I have accepted the fruit, and have brought it here; but having heard thy speech, my intellect hath wasted away; now I will do whatever thou pointest out."The wife resumed her discourse, which had been interrupted by a more than usually copious flow of tears. "Moreover, O husband, we are old, and what are the enjoyments of the stricken in years?

Truly quoth the poet--

Die loved in youth, not hated in age.

If that fruit could have restored thy dimmed eyes, and deaf ears, and blunted taste, and warmth of love, I had not spoken to thee thus."After which the Brahman threw away the apple, to the great joy of his wife, who felt a natural indignation at the prospect of seeing her goodman become immortal, whilst she still remained subject to the laws of death; but she concealed this motive in the depths of her thought, enlarging, as women are apt to do, upon everything but the truth. And she spoke with such success, that the priest was about to toss in his rage the heavenly fruit into the fire, reproaching the gods as if by sending it they had done him an injury. Then the wife snatched it out of his hand, and telling him it was too precious to be wasted, bade him arise and gird his loins and wend him to the Regent's palace, and offer him the fruit--as King Vikram was absent--with a right reverend brahmanical benediction. She concluded with impressing upon her unworldly husband the necessity of requiring a large sum of money as a return for his inestimable gift. "By this means, "she said, "thou mayst promote thy present and future welfare."Then the Brahman went forth, and standing in the presence of the Raja, told him all things touching the fruit, concluding with "O, mighty prince! vouchsafe to accept this tribute, and bestow wealth upon me. I shall be happy in your living long!"Bhartari Raja led the supplicant into an inner strongroom, where stood heaps of the finest gold-dust, and bade him carry away all that he could; this the priest did, not forgetting to fill even his eloquent and toothless mouth with the precious metal. Having dismissed the devotee groaning under the burden, the Regent entered the apartments of his wives, and having summoned the beautiful Queen Dangalah Rani, gave her the fruit, and said, "Eat this, light of my eyes! This fruit--joy of my heart!--will make thee everlastingly young and beautiful."The pretty queen, placing both hands upon her husband's bosom, kissed his eyes and lips, and sweetly smiling on his face--for great is the guile of women--whispered, "Eat it thyself, dear one, or at least share it with me; for what is life and what is youth without the presence of those we love?" But the Raja, whose heart was melted by these unusual words, put her away tenderly, and, having explained that the fruit would serve for only one person, departed.

Whereupon the pretty queen, sweetly smiling as before, slipped the precious present into her pocket. When the Regent was transacting business in the hall of audience she sent for the ambassador who regulated war and peace, and presented him with the apple in a manner at least as tender as that with which it had been offered to her.

Then the ambassador, after slipping the fruit into his pocket also, retired from the presence of the pretty queen, and meeting Lakha, one of the maids of honour, explained to her its wonderful power, and gave it to her as a token of his love. But the maid of honour, being an ambitious girl, determined that the fruit was a fit present to set before the Regent in the absence of the King. Bhartari Raja accepted it, bestowed on her great wealth, and dismissed her with many thanks.

He then took up the apple and looked at it with eyes brimful of tears, for he knew the whole extent of his misfortune. His heart ached, he felt a loathing for the world, and he said with sighs and groans:

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    一不小心撩了一个大反派,还一撩一个准!那个谁谁……你干什么……算了,都是命中注定,反派让小爷抱走吧≧▽≦……我家反派貌美如花,我家反派顶呱呱╮(‵▽′)╭! 推荐新书《我和心魔在一起了》首发红袖。 【慢热、黑暗系、修仙、修魔、互宠,坑品保障】 ①“我慕容笑今生只不杀三种人:无辜之人,善良之人,打不过的人。” “因为我答应过乐乐,就算是魔也要做一个堂堂正正的魔!” ②“为了你,我可以放手,放过你。” “不,我可以放弃飞升,只要……你在!” ③“慕容笑!这是什么鬼玩意儿!” “这是在无极之渊时,我给你买的糖葫芦……”男人抿紧嘴唇看着那串不明物体。 ④“慕容笑,我想找个地方把你藏起来。” “你是天下的魔,但你是我的心上人。” ⑤“乐乐,你看,是鲜花,是草地,是山川,是河流!我们回到人界了。” ⑥“慕容笑,我多希望我们从未离开过无极之渊……” ⑦“你是天下的魔,你是我慕容乐的神。”你是地狱爬出来的魔鬼,也是跌落地狱的神明。 ⑧“慕容笑!说了永远在一起,少一分一秒都不行!”
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  • 世界少年文学经典文库:杜利特医生历险记


    休·洛夫廷编著的《杜利特医生历险记》内容介绍:杜利特医生童话系列虽然写在七八十年前,但我们今天读来还是感到那么新鲜,那么别开生面,充满奇异的想 象。我们看杜利特医生和他那些动物的故事,像是读探案记和读探险记,让我们更爱动物,更爱大自然,更长知识。但主要是好看。这些童话为什么写得那么好看 呢?这是和作者的创作思想分不开的。休·洛夫廷自己说过:“首先,作品必须有趣,引人入胜。没有任何理由使之成为说教……给孩子的书和故事应该多种多样,就像给成人的书那样……实在很可惜,有不少儿童读物作者以 为儿童只对猫猫狗狗感兴趣。其实广大世界里的东西,儿童没有不感兴趣的。”跟随《杜利特医生历险记》一起来冒险吧!