17. One might here say- but persons in ardent fevers, pneumonia, and other formidable diseases, do not quickly get rid of the heat, nor experience these rapid alterations of heat and cold. And I reckon this very circumstance the strongest proof that it is not from heat simply that men get into the febrile state, neither is it the sole cause of the mischief, but that this species of heat is bitter, and that acid, and the other saltish, and many other varieties; and again there is cold combined with other qualities. These are what proves injurious; heat, it is true, is present also, possessed of strength as being that which conducts, is exacerbated and increased along with the other, but has no power greater than what is peculiar to itself.
大陆漂移、神奇的极光、木乃伊心脏跳动、古希腊齿轮计算机、火星的未解探秘……这些故事充满着神奇的色彩,对于处在好奇心旺盛时期的青少年来说,一定可以引起他们对科学的无限兴趣,青少年朋友跟随本书来一次科海遨游吧!The Life of Charlotte Bronte