33. It should be known that bones, which it has been found impossible to reduce, as well as those which are wholly denuded of flesh, will become detached. In some cases the upper part of the bone is laid bare, and in others the flesh dies all around; and, from a sore of long standing, certain of the bones become carious, and some not, some more, and some less; and in some the small, and in others the large bones. From what has been said it will be seen, that it is impossible to tell in one word when the bones will separate. Some come away more quickly, owing to their smallness, and some from being merely fixed at the point; and some, from pieces not separating, but merely exfoliating, become dried up and putrid; and besides, different modes of treatment have different effects. For the most part, the bones separate most quickly in those cases in which suppuration takes place most quickly, and when new flesh is most quickly formed, and is particularly sound, for the flesh which grows up below in the wound generally elevates the pieces of bone. It will be well if the whole circle of the bone separate in forty days; for in some cases it is protracted to sixty days, and in some to more; for the more porous pieces of bone separate more quickly, but the more solid come away more slowly; but the other smaller splinters in much less time, and others otherwise. A portion of bone which protrudes should be sawn off for the following reasons: if it cannot be reduced, and if it appears sons: that only a small piece is required in order that it may get back into its place; and if it be such that it can be taken out, and if it occasions inconvenience and irritates any part of the flesh, and prevents the limb from being properly laid, and if, moreover, it be denuded of flesh, such a piece of bone should be taken off. With regard to the others, it is not of much consequence whether they be sawed off or not. For it should be known for certain, that such bones as are completely deprived of flesh, and have become dried, all separate completely. Those which are about to exfollate should not be sawn off. Those that will separate completely must be judged of from the symptoms that have been laid down.
没有婚姻,没有金钱,甚至没有一句承诺,褚夏衣就在这个被誉为“北城女人最想嫁”的矜贵男人身边默默待了三年。只要他要,只要她有!这便是褚夏衣对顾靖庭的态度。有人问顾少:是什么让你将一个女人吃得死死的?他掀起凉薄的唇:养过宠物么?三分饱,七分馋,让她心里对你恨得痒痒的,却又离不开你。对你的所作所为恨之入骨,转身却又能毫无原则的原谅你的一切。只是,真的能原谅一切吗?...她以为,爱情只要等待,便会迎来花开并蒂,于是,大胆询问:你会娶我吗?他勾唇轻笑,拍打着她的脸:梦该醒了!她以为他是不婚族,直到,“不婚”的男神终于为他心爱的女人披上了一袭白纱...直到,她病入膏肓......一场突如其来的车祸,一段离奇的身世,一张飞往异国的机票,将他和她的世界彻底阻隔。“后会无期,我的爱人。”北城飞往西雅图的13小时航程,她的眼泪未曾间断...心脏骤然缺失的那块地方,叫做顾靖庭。...一别经年,她不再是他呼之即来的宠物,而是另一个男人的掌中宝。而她转身带笑的眸子,一如当年,只是那耀眼的白纱,和身边的萌娃,却一瞬间刺痛了他的眼,慌了他的神...直到多年后顾靖庭才明白,两人之间,最先沦陷的原来是自己的心。The Inside Story (Sisters Grimm #8)
After the shocking ending of The Everafter War, this book picks up with Sabrina, Daphne, and Puck stuck in the Book of Everafter, where all the fairy tales are stored and enchanted characters can change their destinies. The girls (and Puck) must chase the Master through a series of stories, where they're willing to change what they need in order to save their baby brother. Soon, however, they are confronted by the Editor—the book's guardian—who, along with an army of tiny monsters known as Revisers, threatens the children with dire consequences if they don't stick to the stories. As they chase their quarry and dodge the Revisers, they meet Alice, Mowgli, Jack the Giant Killer, Hansel and Gretel, the Headless Horseman, and more.