37. Luxations and subluxations at the knee are much milder accidents than subluxations and luxations at the elbow. For the knee-joint, in proportion to its size, is more compact than that of the arm, and has a more even conformation, and is rounded, while the joint of the arm is large, and has many cavities. And in addition, the bones of the leg are nearly of the same length, for the external one overtops the other to so small an extent as hardly to deserve being mentioned, and therefore affords no great resistance, although the external nerve (ligament?) at the ham arises from it; but the bones of the fore-arm are unequal, and the shorter is considerably thicker than the other, and the more slender (ulna?) protrudes, and passes up above the joint, and to it (the olecranon?) are attached the nerves (ligaments?)which go downward to the junction of the bones; and the slender bone (ulna?) has more to do with the insertion of the ligaments in the arm than the thick bone (radius?). The configuration then of the articulations, and of the bones of the elbow, is such as I have described. Owing to their configuration, the bones at the knee are indeed frequently dislocated, but they are easily reduced, for no great inflammation follows, nor any constriction of the joint. They are displaced for the most part to the inside, sometimes to the outside, and occasionally into the ham. The reduction in all these cases is not difficult, but in the dislocations inward and outward, the patient should be placed on a low seat, and the thigh should be elevated, but not much. Moderate extension for the most part sufficeth, extension being made at the leg, and counter-extension at the thigh.
Uncles Josh's Punkin Centre Stories
设计他一夜之后,她扔下两百块逃之夭夭。再见时她以肚子要挟他结婚。闪婚成为裴太太,她笑得像只得逞的狐狸,殊不知一切都在他的算计里。这是一场老狐狸与小狐狸的角逐,霸道总裁与灵魂设计师的拳拳较量。替她收拾各种烂摊子,他乐此不疲。大家都说裴家四少脑子有坑,青梅不要,千金不要,要一个来路不明的女人。仇恨、算计、阴谋、真相过后,她疲惫转身。他站在那里,向她伸手:“老婆,回家!”弘扬爱国奋斗精神 建功立业新时代