39. For the most part the displacements of these bones are small, sometimes toward the ribs, and sometimes to the outside; and the whole articulation is not displaced, but that part of the humerus remains in place which is articulated with the cavity of the bone of the forearm that has a protuberance (ulna?). Such dislocations, to whatever side, are easily reduced, and the extension is to be made in the line of the arm, one person making extension at the wrist, and another grasping the armpit, while a third, applying the palm of his hand to the part of the joint which is displaced, pushes it inward ward, and at the same time makes counterpressure on the opposite side near the joint with the other hand.
新婚之夜,君思恬得到老公送的一份特别的新婚礼物。半个月后,她将新婚丈夫送上法庭。一夕之间她成了江城人人唾弃的白眼狼。当她将离婚协议书放到他面前时,他红着眼掐着她的脖子,“君思恬,离婚你想都不要想,我的婚姻里,只有丧偶!”American Hand Book of the Daguerreotype