

William Etty was another notable instance of unflagging industry and indomitable perseverance in art. His father was a ginger-bread and spicemaker at York, and his mother - a woman of considerable force and originality of character - was the daughter of a ropemaker. The boy early displayed a love of drawing, covering walls, floors, and tables with specimens of his skill; his first crayon being a farthing's worth of chalk, and this giving place to a piece of coal or a bit of charred stick. His mother, knowing nothing of art, put the boy apprentice to a trade - that of a printer. But in his leisure hours he went on with the practice of drawing; and when his time was out he determined to follow his bent - he would be a painter and nothing else. Fortunately his uncle and elder brother were able and willing to help him on in his new career, and they provided him with the means of entering as pupil at the Royal Academy. We observe, from Leslie's Autobiography, that Etty was looked upon by his fellow students as a worthy but dull, plodding person, who would never distinguish himself. But he had in him the divine faculty of work, and diligently plodded his way upward to eminence in the highest walks of art.

Many artists have had to encounter privations which have tried their courage and endurance to the utmost before they succeeded.

What number may have sunk under them we can never know. Martin encountered difficulties in the course of his career such as perhaps fall to the lot of few. More than once he found himself on the verge of starvation while engaged on his first great picture.

It is related of him that on one occasion he found himself reduced to his last shilling - a BRIGHT shilling - which he had kept because of its very brightness, but at length he found it necessary to exchange it for bread. He went to a baker's shop, bought a loaf, and was taking it away, when the baker snatched it from him, and tossed back the shilling to the starving painter. The bright shilling had failed him in his hour of need - it was a bad one!

Returning to his lodgings, he rummaged his trunk for some remaining crust to satisfy his hunger. Upheld throughout by the victorious power of enthusiasm, he pursued his design with unsubdued energy.

He had the courage to work on and to wait; and when, a few days after, he found an opportunity to exhibit his picture, he was from that time famous. Like many other great artists, his life proves that, in despite of outward circumstances, genius, aided by industry, will be its own protector, and that fame, though she comes late, will never ultimately refuse her favours to real meritThe most careful discipline and training after academic methods will fail in making an artist, unless he himself take an active part in the work. Like every highly cultivated man, he must be mainly self-educated. When Pugin, who was brought up in his father's office, had learnt all that he could learn of architecture according to the usual formulas, he still found that he had learned but little; and that he must begin at the beginning, and pass through the discipline of labour. Young Pugin accordingly hired himself out as a common carpenter at Covent Garden Theatre - first working under the stage, then behind the flys, then upon the stage itself. He thus acquired a familiarity with work, and cultivated an architectural taste, to which the diversity of the mechanical employment about a large operatic establishment is peculiarly favourable. When the theatre closed for the season, he worked a sailing-ship between London and some of the French ports, carrying on at the same time a profitable trade. At every opportunity he would land and make drawings of any old building, and especially of any ecclesiastical structure which fell in his way. Afterwards he would make special journeys to the Continent for the same purpose, and returned home laden with drawings. Thus he plodded and laboured on, making sure of the excellence and distinction which he eventually achieved.

  • 太上老君年谱要略


  • 大方广菩萨藏文殊师利根本仪轨经卷第一


  • 道林寺


  • 海幢阿字无禅师语录


  • 永字八法


  • 圣欢喜天式法


  • 快穿契约


  • 股东


  • 驭夫魔后很猖狂


  • 这个奸商我罩的


  • 绝代风华之无情宠妃


  • 共渡


  • 快穿之捡个男神做老公


    【宠宠宠!!!重要的事情说三遍あ】夙千雪是世上第一个有意识的‘小豆芽’,有漂亮的妈妈,有帅气的爸爸,有调皮的姐姐,本以为自己是世界上最幸福的小公主,事实却给了她狠狠一击……当夙千雪绑定了号称全宇宙最先进的系统,只想说句:卧槽,垃圾……某系统不服:人家哪里垃圾了,带你完成任务不说,还送给你一个可暖床可卖萌可挣钱……的老公。夙千雪嫌弃的看着腿部的大型挂件:你说这东西?某东西:我才不是东西呢( ̄ε(# ̄)☆╰╮o( ̄▽ ̄///)夙千雪:呵呵,确实不是东西。某系统默默遁走,都是惹不起的存在呀。(ps男主是一个人,一个人,一个人!!!)
  • 望清


  • 吃货皇后

