

MANY HISTORIANS assert that the French failed at Borodino because Napoleon had a cold in his head; that if he had not had a cold the orders given by him before and during the battle would have been even more remarkable for their genius, and Russia would have been lost and the face of the world would have been changed. To historians, who can maintain that Russia was transformed at the will of one man—Peter the Great—and that France, from a republic, became an empire, and that the French army marched into Russia at the will of one man—Napoleon—the conclusion that Russia has remained a power because Napoleon had a bad cold on the 26th of August may seem indisputable and convincing. Had it depended on Napoleon’s will to fight, or not to fight, at Borodino, or had it depended on his will whether he gave this order or that, it is evident that a cold, affecting the manifestation of his will, might be the saving of Russia, and consequently the valet, who forgot to put on Napoleon’s waterproof boots on the 24th, would be the saviour of Russia. On that method of reasoning such a deduction is inevitable; as inevitable as the contention which Voltaire maintains in jest (unconscious what he was ridiculing) that the Massacre of St. Bartholomew was due to an attack of dyspepsia from which Charles IX was suffering. But for minds that cannot admit that Russia was transformed at the will of one man—Peter the Great—and the French empire was created, and the war with Russia begun, at the will of one man—Napoleon—such a contention will seem not merely unsound and irrational, but contrary to the whole nature of humanity. The question, What constitutes the cause of historical events? will suggest to them another answer, resting on the idea that the course of earthly events is predestined from on high, depends on the combination of all the wills of the men taking part in those events, and that the predominant influence of Napoleon in those events is purely external and fictitious.

Strange at first sight as appears the proposition that the Massacre of St. Bartholomew, the order for which was given by Charles IX., was not the result of his will, and that it was only in his fancy that the command he had given was the cause of it, and that the Borodino slaughter of eighty thousand men was not due to Napoleon’s will (though he gave the order for the commencement of the battle), and that it was only his fancy that it was his doing, strange as this proposition appears, yet human dignity, that tells us that every one of us is neither more nor less a man than Napoleon, bids us admit that solution of the question, and historical researches abundantly confirm the proposition.

  • 燎沉香


    嫣然高中毕业跟着朋友开心来乌有镇打工,租了范家的房子。阿兰是范家的媳妇,但是她在保守的范家却被当做丫鬟使,他男人范之统一直瞧不起她。随着房客的加入,大家的生活慢慢发生了变化。 范之统爱慕新来的房客嫣然,而嫣然在“零点”工作时偶遇自己的初恋刘唯,两人再次相恋。房客老韩同情阿兰的遭遇,准备带她走。房客老六迷上了嫣然的朋友开心。但是,开心在“零点”渐渐沉沦,而嫣然的生活越来越好,这让她心生嫉妒。她开始带着嫣然跑场子。 在这个过程中,嫣然遇到旧时暗恋她的同学林庚,此时的林庚事业有成,对嫣然一往情深。在“零点”驻唱的刘唯被唱片公司相中,和嫣然的矛盾日益加剧,而林庚不失时机地关心、帮助嫣然。 此时,范之统对嫣然的爱慕逐渐扭曲,他囚禁了嫣然。在阿兰的帮助下,嫣然逃了出去,身心俱疲。 梦想,物质,爱情,友情,究竟要如何选择,如何排序?
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